
China Jiangxi Profiles

"Things China Daily, size," said the reputation of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in Jiangxi Province in the south, the largest province, longest river -- ganjiang, from the south to the north coast province, and had to Ganzhou in Jiangxi listed. "Yugong" put Jiangxi classified as "the domain of Yangzhou" Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, Jiangxi belong Wu and Chu. Qin unified China, most of Jiangxi Jiujiang County. Han located Days County, the three countries, subordinates Yangzhou, Jiangxi Province, Southern Dynasties Qi is Jiangzhou, the Tang dynasty is Jiang Nan West Road, "Jiangxi," as he has come from this source. 1097-1138 period, Jiangxi subordinates the Jiangnan West, located in Jiangxi yuan executive secretariat, including this jurisdiction, Jiangxi, Guangdong Provinces of most areas. Ming located in Jiangxi Chief Secretary, the very area in Jiangxi Province today, money home, Jiangxi followed so far. The province is an area of 16.69 square kilometers. Jiangxi both brilliant ancient civilization and is also a glorious revolutionary tradition of the area is the cradle of the Chinese revolution. Mao Zedong and Liu Shaoqi in Pingxiang Anyuan organizations launched the country's first labor movement, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De and other proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation in Nanchang shocked the national leadership of the "August 1" Uprising. Jinggangshan Comrade Mao Zedong created a nationwide rural revolutionary base, Ruijin is the second period of the revolutionary war domestic central location democratic government of workers and peasants, who is known as "Red" because of the reputation The Long March shocked the world and thus take the first step. Jiangxi East Huai Yushan, Wuyishan, Fujian and Zhejiang and adjoins a large South G Ling, Caroline and nine adjacent Guangdong, Nine West Ridge Mountains, once Hill, 10000 Yangshan Hunan, and other firms, formed an east, south and west of three hills surrounding the mountain face, opening of the north basin closure, for rain, Jiangxi, caring, trustworthiness, repair, Cheong five river in China's largest freshwater lake -- Poyang Lake, after Hukou inflow of the Yangtze River, in the northern sector of the Yangtze River and Hunan and Anhui provinces adjacent. Jiangxi is a humid subtropical monsoon climate, the average temperature of 16 -20 ℃, generally to the north-south high low, January 3 -9 ℃, July 27 -31 ℃. Jiangxi is rich in resources and rich in rice, as the main grain production bases in China, Poyang Lake, Ganjiang and other fish-rich waters of the ring, Jiangnan known as the "breadbasket" said. Jiangxi numerous scenic spots, rich cultural resources, Lushan, Jinggangshan, Sanqingshan Mountain, the designation, Xiannvhu. 300 Hill six state-level scenic spots Mingyangtianxia. Have Nanchang, Jingdezhen City, Jiangxi City three national historical and cultural relics, national cultural protection units 26, National Nature Reserve, 15, the provincial tourism scenic spots 2406. The People's Republic of China is located in south-eastern Jiangxi Province, at latitude 24 ° 29 '~ 30 ° 05', east longitude 113 ° 34 '~ 118 ° 29' between North and South, about 620km, east-west width of 490 km. East Jiangxi and Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong and the South, West and Hunan, North and Hubei, Anhui border. Columbia Yangtze River, connecting Yu Han, Nanjing-Shanghai next one, Southern Forest-related overlooking the Lingnan, links Guangzhou and Hong Kong and Macao. Jiangxi Province in east China belong to China, which is situated in the central part of the country, close to the eastern, southern, east to the west is at the forefront of the transition. Jiangxi Province has a total of 11 provinces and municipalities and 76 counties, and nearly 90 counties. Jiangxi old (including the old revolutionary bases and Army) area of 113,211 square kilometers, the total area of 67.8%. Of which : Old area accounts for 100% of the entire 27-county; Accounted for 90 ~ 96% of the six counties; accounted for 50 ~ 89% of the counties 20; accounted for half of the following 25 counties. Distribution of the province are old town, and village in the county, a total of 78 cities, the distribution of the rural village of old were 1,064, of which : Old occupy more than half of the 834 township. Distribution of the province are old town, and village in the county, a total of 78 cities, the distribution of the rural village of old were 1,064, of which : Old occupy more than half of the 834 township. Jiangxi belonging to the East China region, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River at the south, the province reaches 166,900 km2. accounting for a total area of 1.74%, ranking East China's six provinces and one municipality area in the first place. Of which : mountains and hills make up 78%, 22.5% to 12% in the plains, water accounted for 10%. Province Habitat East, West, South is surrounded by mountains, in the middle hilly, North China's largest freshwater lake -- Poyang Lake and Lakes Plain, the province terrain from the east, south and Three West gradually tilted to the Poyang Lake area, north constitute an opening of closed basin. Ganjiang north, south, ask the same letter, Rao, Xiu Zhu water from the east, south and west of the Three Survey Poyang Lake, Poyang Lake is formed for the center to the heart of the stream, which flows into the Yangtze River by the Hukou. Province diverse landscape types, which are limited to the hills and mountains, plains scarce farmland; Significant than the red soil area; serious soil erosion in some areas; arable land per capita has been declining. National Maritime province's total area accounted for 1.70%. Mountain 60101 km2, hilly 701 l7km2, Kong, Plain 20062km2. 16,667 km2 surface. Development of land resources with the use of more appropriate and suitable for a variety of crops and the development of forestry, animal husbandry, sideline and the fishing industry, most of the land to Four Seasons Evergreen. Red soil area of the province 1.58 million mu, the province's total area of soil 70.69%. Soil erosion area of the province reached 5,100 million mu, the province's total land area of 20%. Not Exploitation of barren hills, slopes, wasteland area of more than 5,300 mu, a low hill Hills 3,350 mu, develop forest or grazing; 100 m elevation, slope gentle slope below 15 ° to 1,223 mu, for developing farmland or fruit tea Mulberry; agriculture, forestry, land, isolated 751 million mu of wasteland. Jiangxi low-lying week high school, East, South, West is surrounded by the mountain ranges heavy cockroach peaked again and again, the mountain Jun-wei; Central Hills, the basin phase; the northern plains forthright, rivers and lakes are intertwined. Province major rivers were originated marginal mountain, the Department of convergence in Shenyang then injected into muscle Yangtze River. Mountainous area of the province's total area of 36%, accounting for 42% hills, plains Kong to account for 12%, 10% water. Apart from the provincial northern habitats around Ruichang to Pengze plains to the south of Yangtze River, the rest are mountain, Jiangxi Province and neighboring provinces constitute the watershed and the natural boundary. 1. Huaiyu main mountain range : Habitat meandering in the northeast province, the Beijing-peak peak elevation 1,817 m high. Yushan is the Huai River system Jiangxi, Zhejiang and Raohe stream Qiantang River watershed. Wuyishan vein : along Jiangxi, Fujian Provincial Boundaries extension of the majestic mountains, the peak elevation in 1000-more than 1,500 m, up to the peak of Mount 2157.7 m, is the province's highest peak. Wuyishan vein is Yangcheng Lake in Jiangxi Province Department and the Department of Minjiang River in Fujian, Guangdong Hanjiang River watershed. Ambassador Ling and nine Caroline : an eastern section of the Nanling Mountains, interactive site in southern Jiangxi and the northern part of Guangdong between 9 Caroline Stone cattle peak elevation 1,430 m high. Tai Yu Mei Ling of the Guan Road, is the ancient Central Plains to the official Lingnan Name; Daqing and nine Ridge Mountains is not even here in Jiangxi and Guangdong Department of Beijiang River, the quality of the watershed system. SECTION : 10000 Yangshan, Zhu Guang-Hill, once known as the Mountains, in the crypt of Jiangxi, Hunan border, 1.9.1994 top surface elevation 2,120 m high. SECTION of the river between Jiangxi and Hunan Xiangjiang River watershed. Jinggangshan is located in the middle of MOUNTAINS, Second Revolutionary Civil War period of Mao Zedong and Zhu De and other proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation here in the creation of China's first farmers Village revolutionary base. 9 Ridge Mountains and Mufu Mountains : distribution in the northwestern Jiangxi, 9 Ridge Mountains of the province and repair the Jinjiang River Basin watershed, Jiuling sharp peak, elevation 1,794 meters; Mufu Mountain in Jiangxi and Hubei is the boundaries mountains, Laoyaxia sharp peak of 1,656 meters above sea level. Lushan Mountain : Located in the northern province Habitat is a Mufu Mountains eastward extension of the branch, the peak of Hanyang peak elevation 1,474 meters. Lushan Jin Jiang Wu Chung-kai, mountain independence show, is famous scenic tourist destination. 2. Hilly Basin distribution of the province's territory with a large number of hills and mountain basin. Hilly elevation of the 200-5O0 meters. Because of the hilly area into more of the rock-Cenozoic red rock series, the Red Mountain home, it is "Red Hills" is. 3. Plain Poyang Lake Plain in the northern province habitat, the Yangtze River Basin is a part. Plain to the Ganjiang, FUHE letter Jiang, Raohe, maintenance River alluvial river, from sediment. It ranges north from the south of Yangtze River, arrived in Southern Province, Linchuan, east Gill, Wannian, west Anyi, high security, and inter-25 counties and cities, an area of about 20,000 square kilometers. Jiangnan-called "breadbasket", is the country's grain production and an important commercial fishery production bases. 4. Jiangxi waters are over 2,400 big and small rivers, the total length of rivers 18,400 km. Territory is the main Ganjiang river, FUHE, Jiang's letter, and revised Raohe River, the province first Ganjiang river from the south and the north province consistent, Jiangxi thus referred to as "Gan." Habitat northern province north lake, which is greater than one square kilometer of surface lakes are over 80. Poyang Lake of China's largest freshwater lake. Jiangxi Province has been completed on the reservoir 9413, a capacity over 100 million cubic meters of large reservoirs is 18. Lin Tuo total water storage capacity 7.92 billion m3 of Jiangxi Provincial largest reservoir. 5. Other special features of the mountain, hilly landscape types, there are karst landforms Jiangxi Province, Danxia landform, Glacial geomorphology and waterfalls, and other special landscape. Karst topography is Rock Hill, Hubei, flying stone and other cave. Variety province underground caverns, and fascinating. A famous cave Pengze the underwater holes, the Lions Jiujiang hole, the deity of Pingxiang hole, Yichun discretion Jiang hole, the Yuan Hong Gill hole Ling cited sources cavern, Ning has the precision of such holes. Jiangxi, the "Danxia landform" multi-layer distribution in the Red Hill area, such as the Shenyang cites seven, the designation of Yingtan, Ganzhou the Airbus rock, Ning is the Cuiwei peak, Nan Fung Gore clean stone. Quaternary glacial landscape is a product of glacial activity. Lushan preserve a large number of Quaternary glacial traces, such as the Royal Singapore U Valley, Au Cirques glacier boulder, stone sheep back. Lushan add to the many tourist amenities. 6. Falls waterfall is a special landscape, Jiangxi famous Lushan Waterfall is the Sandiequan Falls, Xiufeng Huangyan Falls, Sanqingshan Mountain, the ice-hole Falls, a waterfall - screens, the Longtan Waterfall Jinggangshan, waterfalls, and other points. These waterfalls are viewing high value of tourism resources. 7. Climate Jiangxi Province, located in warm subtropical monsoon climate zones. Summer Monsoon turn significantly, compared distinct seasons, spring and fall short, long summer and winter, characterized as : wet spring and summer hot, dry autumn, Winter cold. Overall, Jiangxi moderate temperatures, abundant sunshine, plentiful rainfall, a long frost-free period, frozen short. The annual average temperature of 16 ° C to 20 ° C. 8. A total of hydrological Jiangxi more than 2,400 big and small rivers, the total length of 18,400 km, which have perennial water more than 160. The province is a relatively complete Yangcheng Lake over. Only Xunwu, Dingnan county is part of the Pearl River basin, accounting for the rest of the province's land area of more than 98 belong to the Yangtze River Basin. In the Yangtze River Basin, in addition to the city of Pingxiang Boshui into the Xiangjiang River, Ruichang, Pengze County and other parts of the river to flow directly into the Yangtze River, There are 94% of the Poyang Lake area belong. 9. Jiangxi biological resources, biological diversity and widely distributed, and the more rare species. Plant seeds of the province have 4,253 species of woody plants to more than two O00, crop varieties rich in resources. Main food crops include rice, wheat, barley, maize, sorghum, raising wheat, sweet potato, beans, broad beans, peas, mung beans; Rice, and other products continent, the average annual transfer 750,000 tons (trade grain), one of the advantages of Jiangxi. Major economic crops as cotton, canola, peanut, sesame oil, jute, sugarcane, tobacco. Forest Volume 253 million cubic meters in eastern China ranked second; Bamboo Volume 900 million, the nation's second largest. Wood plant mainly Chinese fir, bamboo and the Pine other. Jiangxi Province is the product of more sporadic distribution. There are more than 770 medicinal plant species. Economic mainly fruit trees, tea, mulberry, etc.; Camellia Oil and other 23 species of plants, of which : Camellia area of 1,350 mu. in the country the second place. There are also many wild edible plants, woody grain and oil plants, fiber plants, fragrant plants and ornamental plants, In all parts distribution, a higher economic value. In addition, it retained ginkgo, sightseeing wood, metasequoia, hemlock and many other experts Liriodendron precious and rare trees is a valuable germplasm natural resources. Existing 611 vertebrate species, of which 171 species of fish, 40 species of amphibians, 74 species of reptiles. About 271 species of birds, 55 species of mammals. Animal species abundant resources, mainly pigs, cows, sheep, chickens, ducks, geese, rabbits; Freshwater fish and more types of birds. Fish with silver carp, bighead carp and grass carp, crucian carp up, which was about half of the amount of fishing, icefish, and must fish, sablefish, the Chinese sturgeon, White sturgeon is famed throughout the land. Poyang Lake is a world-renowned migratory birds overwintering in the world, all kinds of wintering waterfowl% in the last 10,000, a habitat for the world's largest crane group, A list of the world-class nature reserve. There are many rare animals, belong to a category of countries to protect the animal crane, HOODED CRANES, Tragopan caboti, white stork, black stork, watercraft, Alligator, such as the South China tiger and deer. Jiangxi Province in the National vegetation districts belong subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest, complicated natural conditions, vegetation types varied, Southeast Asia is tropical and subtropical flora of one of the centers of origin.