
China's Shaanxi History

【-- Shaanxi Historical summary of history, culture famous. Here is the ancient Chinese people and culture of the Chinese nation one of the important birthplaces of Chinese history dynasties political, economic, cultural center of civilization is the earliest history of the Chinese nation to advance toward the world, as well as modern sites of the Chinese revolution, Chinese people for the survival, reproduction and human history of civilization has made a unique contribution. [Fat Tseung civilization of the Chinese nation -- Shaanxi splendid ancient cradle of civilization. About 80 years ago, Lam Tin ape man living in the territory, began to manufacture and use primitive tools, Acquisition fruits and hunting of animals and birds. 1963 found "Lam Tin ape man" of the country found the earliest, most complete skull fossil ape man. About Sansimonian ago, the Guanzhong area of the original human gradually entered the clan period. 1953 found the Banpo Village site is Liuqiqiannian former matriarchal clan commune of a settlement villages. [Fat Tseung agriculture -- Shaanxi is China's agricultural production and development of the earliest in the world. About 60 years ago, on the Banpo people here engaged in agricultural production, livestock breeding, hunting fishing, gathering fruit. Planting time is the main cereal grain. Legend of the earliest farming in the wheat and millet, Shaanxi Guanzhong vandalized ancestors. To the Western Zhou dynasty, the Guanzhong area of agricultural production with new development, spread to other areas. [Fat Tseung -- opening up China's Shaanxi Province is opening up one of the earliest. About 3,000 years ago, the Shaanxi Chang'an with many countries on the political, economic and other exchanges between activities. The famous "Silk Road" is a starting point for the ancient Chang'an's. From the Han Dynasty, on a Chang'an as the center, with South Asia, West Asia, and European countries for political, economic and cultural exchanges. [Fat Tseung culture -- Shaanxi is the cradle of ancient cultural one. Shaanxi from the Western Zhou Dynasty, we entered a new period of historical development. Week in Central Shaanxi Province an ancient tribes. Yuan Zhou Zhou Dynasty as the center of their activities, they will have a written notebook, divination and fortune telling the Chronicle words carved in bone chip, then cast in bronze, carved inscriptions. Calendar of ancient Zhou Dynasty, China is the earliest calendar. Qin Afang Palace, the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, the Emperor, and so on stone-record confirms the profound ancient culture of Shaanxi, which developed the Terracotta Army grows, it demonstrated a tremendous underground sculpture art treasures, reflect the high level of arts, cultural history is a glorious chapter. [Ancient emperors are -- Shaanxi is China's history center in the era of dynasties and the longest most of the provinces. About 2000 years ago, the 28 century BC about legends summer tribal ancestor Huangdi, 炎帝都曾在陕西活动过,为中华民族的创立和发展作出了丰功伟绩。221 doses before the Xia dynasty in the 16th century period, Shaanxi alone Hu, LUO Guo there. 12 century BC, entered the stability of the farming period, Shaanxi Wei River valley in ancient history as the center stage 13 successive dynasties Changan or near the center in Chang'an. Western Zhou Dynasty are picks 268; Qindu Xianyang 145; Western Han Chang'an has 208; Wang Mang's Xin Dynasty are Chang'an 15; East Chang'an Xiandi Emperor in Han dynasty has six years; West King Hui, sympathize empire Changan seven years; Zhao before Changan 10; Qindu before Changan 35; Qindu after Chang'an 32; Western Wei Dynasty are Chang'an 23; Northern Wei Chang has 25; SUI are Chang'an 26; Tang Chang'an 266 years. Have two books farmers regime of homogeneous regime are Chang'an four years, the Dashun min regime are Chang'an two years. Total 1072. There are Xixia Jingbian in northern Shaanxi. Zhou's rise, the powerful Qin, Han and the flourishing Tang to the prosperity of Shaanxi as a starting point. Zhou and Qin dynasty glorious history of the Chinese nation Jiaozuo, is the proud history of Shaanxi. Shaanxi to the Chinese nation created a glorious history and civilization, leaving a wealth of valuable heritage. [Sacred place of the revolution -- Modern Shaanxi is the cradle of the Chinese revolution. October 19, 1935, the Red Army reached northern Shaanxi Qi Wu town. Since then, the CPC Central Committee in fighting in northern Shaanxi, living 13 years. Yan'an become sacred place for the Chinese revolution, the Chinese Communist Party leadership here in the country's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation. After the founding of new China, especially the party since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Shaanxi undergone earth-shaking changes. economic prosperity and social development and made remarkable achievements. 36 million hard-working, brave, probably the wisdom of the people to inherit and carry forward the spirit of Yan'an, is the reform and opening up by the wind. with Jiang Zemin at the core, under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee, with high morale, to join the development of the western region, carry forward the glorious tradition restore ancient glory recast the history of the new century glory. [Shan Qin probably -- or Shaanxi listed Shaanxi Qin. "Shaan" means unfamiliar Shaanxi, Henan Province in this profile in the southwest. The early Western Zhou Dynasty, Zhou, held two centimeters Shaanxi rule and the east of Shaanxi, the Duke of governance, Shaanxi west, the response of public governance. Since then, the people will bring in the west of Shaanxi unfamiliar as Shaanxi, "Shaan." "Qin" from the Spring and Autumn Period, the Qin mainly in the area of the zone. Shaanxi people known as "probably", generally from the Shaanxi is divided into geographical features relevant, in northern Shaanxi, Shaannan three natural areas to understand. In fact, "probably" so named because enfeoff mighty Xiang Yu, Qin down to the three separate rule Qin come back : to Zhang Han Yong Wang, Xianyang without west; Sima Yan Wang of the Cypriot licensed Xianyang east; Dong shoppers to Zhai Wang, the number of street west of Shaanxi. "Probably" that is, hence its name. [Tang previous administrative divisions -- Shaanxi evolution of local administrative divisions, started in the Spring and Autumn Period. Warring States, Wei located in the Mano River downstream Shangjun, Chu located in the middle reaches of Hanjiang Hanzhong County, Qin also located in northern Shaanxi Shangjun. Qin Shi Huang unified the 6 countries, generally adopted the system of prefectures and counties, the world 36 hours county. In addition to retaining the territory of Shaanxi and Hanzhong County Shangjun, the Weihe River in a separate inside history, and county level. Western followed Qin system, and retain Shangjun Hanzhong County, the other Qin inside history is divided into three districts of the county : Former (east of Xi'an in charge of this, the Weihe River south region), Zuofengyi (in charge of the north of the Weihe River, the middle and lower reaches of the river), Fufeng right (west of the region in charge of Xianyang), known as "San Fu" Zhisuo at Chang'an. Han Dynasty, in order to strengthen the centralization of power in 13 州刺史 Department to monitor each county. Later, the provincial governor changed the Department of State, or 州刺史 Zhoumu Chief Executive, formed state, county, three county system. Shaanxi now in the Western Han Dynasty involving three states. Three Kingdoms period, Shaanxi today by the majority of Yongzhou, Jingzhou, Yi state jurisdiction. Western Jin Dynasty and the three countries was more or less similar. Eastern reunification of the Sui Dynasty 200 years, the North-South divide, the war frequent administrative divisions very confusing. [Administrative divisions after Tang evolution of the early Tang dynasty -- state, county, county reform, the country has set up 10. Road jurisdiction State, County. Imaseki, is held by northern Shaanxi, southern Shaanxi is Shannan Road. Song of the Road diversions, this is the bulk of Shaanxi Yongxing military roads, where this Xi'an; This county, west of weeks. south Fengxian, Liuba, and the other is QIN Feng roads, where this Tianshui City, Gansu. Two by way of Shaanxi Song carved out of the way, it still claimed their habit of Shaanxi Road. Foping this, Zhenba west of the benefit is the state roads, where this Hanzhong City. This Ningshan, Shiquan east of the South is in Beijing, where this rule Xiangfan City in Hubei. This tree, Fugu, Guardian Subordinated Road East, where this rule Taiyuan of Shanxi. The system still used the road entirely in the territory of the Shaanxi Ghz Zhou Lu Yanan Road. Yuan Dynasty's political center said the Central Secretariat, in branch offices throughout the executive secretariat said, referred to Provincial. The jurisdiction of the Shaanxi Provincial included throughout this Shaanxi and Gansu Lanzhou east and south of the central Inner Mongolia around. Provincial million for the foundation, in addition to Beijing, Nanjing, the country set up the Officers Division 13, Shaanxi Secretary presides over the Officers including this region throughout Shaanxi, Gansu Jiayuguan east around Ningxia and Inner Mongolia to the most, the east part of Qinghai Lake. Qing repealed the Officers Division title, still claimed Provincial provinces, and Jia years the country had 18 provinces. Shaanxi still under the early Qing this Gansu, Ningxia and Qinghai east. Kangxi, 2002 (1663), the shift in the Officers Shaanxi right Gong Chang, five to the Officers of Gansu, Lanzhou moved. Since then, Shaanxi, Gansu provinces partition. Since the Yuan Dynasty established Provincial, Shaanxi has been based in Xingyi present Xi'an. 【Series, the Xi'an center -- the Northern Wei Dynasty Chang Min Dili first year (3428) Yuwentai son in Changan Cox Yuwen substituting Western Wei Dynasty king said, a change of the national title for the week, to the north Zhou Xiao Min Dili. SUI center in the Northern Wei Chang elephant three years (581) hold the equivalent of the fall of the power of foreign coercion North Qi Yang Jian Zhou Jing Dili Yuwen elaborate throne, a change of the national title SUI to Chang'an for all. Li Yuan's imperial ambitions establish a capital Chang'an 13 years of the Sui Dynasty (617) Taiyuan clock Tangsheling Li Yuan started the war against SUI. The following year in Daxing Town Taijidian imperial ambitions, established the dynasty. Tang Jian Tang Chang'an, the capital of Changan, change SUI Daxing city of Chang'an City, and the amended and expansion. Xiao written "by the men in ancient" Tang Dawod 2008 (625) Xiao written "by the men in ancient" in the form of Chang'an This is the earliest existing solutions cubic equation works. Xuanzang holly pilgrimage "Datang Records of the Western Regions" Moon three years (629) Xuanzang left Changan, at the age of 27. Much the way the dangers in their lives, reached India. Moon 19 (645) with 657 classics return to Changan, Changan dozens of Peoples honor. Japan sent the first batch arrived in the Tang dynasty Chang'an five years (631) SHU Ming emperor of Japan to dispatch on dogs Mita spades as ambassador, Japan Pharmacists benefits for the initial stage of the first group arrived at the mission sent Tang Chang'an City. Li Zicheng dent in Xi'an City Anyone 16 years (1643), Li Zicheng capture Xi'an City, Xi'an was diverted to Chang'an House, said Xijing. Founding Dashun, decorated Yongchang. Xijing withdrawal of the following year. Xi'an People's government in May 1949, the People's Liberation Army stationed in Xi'an. On the 25th, the establishment of the people's government of Xi'an, Beijing Mayor Williams. "Lam Tin ape man" was found on May 23, 1964. CAS Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of the Institute of Archeology, In Lantian gongwangling found a basic integrity of the middle-aged female ape man fossils. Is about 100 years ago about the early Paleolithic period, known as the "man in China Lam Tin." Terracotta Army discovered on March 29, 1974. Lintong County (now Lintong District) Yan Chai Commune West Yang Yang production team, among other farmers in the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor 1.5 kilometers east of wells and found pottery Terracotta Army, the Archaeological sector attracted attention after the discovery and study of the Qin Dynasty terracotta warriors and horses confirmed. Xi'an-Lintong Expressway completed on December 28, 1990. China's western region of the freeway -- the first West (ES) A (Tung) Expressway opened to traffic. Total length of over 30 kilometers. Fifth World Conference of Historical Cities on September 10, 1996, 8-12 Fifth World Conference of Historical Cities in Xi'an ancient capital Hotel. Vice-Premier Qian Qichen on behalf of the Chinese government at the opening ceremony. Conference to "revive the historical cities" as its theme, Paris, Moscow, Baghdad and other cities more than 70 mayors or representatives of the mayor. At the end of the meeting established a "league of historical cities," Xi'an was elected vice president of the Federation of Union City. "China's famous historical and cultural city in a dictionary" of this session of the projects. Xi'an International historic site 2005, the Board from 17 to 21 October the International Council of Monuments sites (ICOMOS) 15 session of the General Assembly Building in Xi'an people held. This was the first meeting held in China, Xi'an is also the history of the largest contractors of an international conference. From 85 countries and regions, more than 650 domestic and overseas representatives of more than 300 people (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan on behalf of) participants. The General Assembly in October 21 through the "Xi'an Declaration" that the Chinese philosophical thinking, The idea of heritage preservation and protection of cultural Xi'an experience into an international heritage conservation rules. "Xi'an Declaration" adopted, include China, Xi'an is the building of the World Cultural another outstanding contribution have very important significance. First Eurasian Economic Forum was held in Xian on November 10, 2005 to 11, by the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, United Nations Economic and Social Council and the State Development Bank of China to host the first Euro-Asia Economic Forum in Xi'an was held. Its success in promoting western development strategy in-depth implementation and the acceleration of the process of Xi'an International, is of great and far-reaching significance. During the forum, the United Nations ESCAP officials, the Department of Tourism (bureaus), domestic and city mayors, Energy officials and the financial sector, high-level seminars on promoting western China city Xi'an especially with Central Asian countries of dialogue and cooperation, increase exchanges between urban construction and management. To accelerate the process of urbanization has produced a positive impact.

China today in Beijing

Modern Beijing Beijing thrives today as the political and cultural capital of China as well as a center of international activity and an important socialist base. Great changes have taken place since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949. The city walls were demolished to facilitate transportation and allow for general expansion. By 2001, the population exceeded 12.5 million, and the total municipal area was increased to over 17,800 square kilometers. The city is presently divided into 16 districts: Dongcheng, Xicheng, Chongwen, Xuanwu, Chaoyang, Haidian, Shijingshan, Fengtai, Shunyi, Changping, Mentougou, Tongzhou, Fangshan, Daxing, Huairou and Pinggu. In addition to these urban districts, the municipality is comprised of two counties: Miyun and Yanqing. Plans for future development retain the symmetrical layout of the old city on its north-south axis, extending out into the suburban districts. From Dingfuzhuang in the east to Shijingshan in the west and from Qinghe in the north to Nanyuan in the south, the overall plan covers an area of 1,000 square kilometers. A traffic network of four concentric beltways, 28 radial roads, and underground and suburban railways are being further developed to link the city center with outlying areas and surrounding towns. With Tian'anmen at the center, offices along 38-kilometer-long Chang'an Boulevard will concentrate on state, political and economic affairs. The areas around the Palace Museum (Imperial Palace or Forbidden City) and city gates as well as the lakes -- Zhongnanhai, Beihai and Housanhai -- have been designated landmark districts. And with a look to the future, an increasing number of historical, cultural and revolutionary sites are being renovated and opened to the public.

Origin of Chinese tea

Chinese history is a long record of tea, has been unable to identify exactly what in the end is the age, But rough times is a statement. And also can find evidence that the world is indeed in many parts of the habit of drinking tea from the Chinese past. Therefore, many people think that tea is created by the Chinese people, elsewhere in the world of tea habit Tea cultivation habits are directly or indirectly from the Chinese past. But some people will be able to find evidence that the habit of tea drinking is not just a Chinese invention. in the world some of the other places where tea in the invention, such as India and Africa. In 1823, a British army of aggression in India Major discovered the wild tea, thus there was the birthplace of tea found in India, at least in India also. China, of course, have wild giant tea records, are concentrated in the southwest region, which also includes records of Gansu, Hunan individual areas. Tea is a very old-fashioned dicotyledonous plants, and people's lives are closely linked. In China, tea is the earliest on the origin of the controversy, several said. Given the number of people found in Yunnan, a scholar seriously study after research concluded that Yunnan's Xishuangbanna is the origin of tea. Artificial cultivation of tea began in the earliest written records of the Western Mengshan tea. This "Sichuan Tongzhi" is set. In fact, right now just what we were drinking tea is not important. Perhaps with cultural significance. We can take a look at some of the academic argument : the birthplace of tea time : 1. Shennong period : Lu Yu Tang "tea" : "to drink tea, made between Westernization. "In the development of Chinese culture history tend to be all agriculture, and related plant origin things eventually attributed to Westernization. In the here and then there can no longer be pushed upward. It is also for this reason, farmers Shennong become God. 2. Western Zhou Dynasty : Jin Chang Qu "Historical Records of Huayang-Pakistan" : "Mrs Eun realized Bashu division, ...... ...... honey tea's are present tribute. "The record shows that in the Beginning of the Eun, Pakistan had to tea and other valuable products tribute with the King Wu of Zhou. "Historical Records of Huayang" also records, and then there will be a artificial cultivation of tea. 3. Qin and Han Dynasties : Western Han Dynasty. Wang Bao "about child" : "Scenic do with cooking," "Wu-Yang bought Scenic," Having even though the application of tea. In recent years, West Changsha Mawangdui Han Tomb, the burial inventory found " a trunk" and " a prominent" bamboo slips and wooden Wen Wen, After an investigation, "" "Jia" in form words to explain Hunan tea quite broad. We now have a drink with very ancient ancestors of the same ilk as Jiangtaigong beverages is indeed very people feel an upsurge of emotion thing. To give us a lot of daydream.


Chinese martial arts and cultural development

Chinese Wushu the origin and development of Chinese people has been a topic of concern, especially the recent appearance of the Chinese martial arts too, make some people think that China is moving toward Wushu decline. I am here to tell you about the origin of Chinese Wushu, prosperity and development process. According to the traditional view, the Chinese martial arts originated in ancient wars Warring States period soldiers in the war to gain some daring athletic skills slowly through the development and evolution of the form of a subsequent China State Wushu. However, there are some points that the Chinese martial arts originated in primitive society. At that time, the people using sticks and tools such as animal fighting, the people feel that the beasts can and a lot of people confrontation, began to imitate animal movements from the beginning of the bear, the wolf, to Ngo, snakes, etc. mantis. Shaolin Wushu is a lot of enthusiasm among boxing, an era called the amphibian times. Hunting and Shang have more martial arts training as an important means. Wushu not determine the origin of the time, the hunting ancestors mastered the skills to fight, All of these soldiers on the battlefield after the application of battle skills paved the way. Apart from these two points outside the "Chinese Wushu -- history and culture," a book made from the Wushu Although some military requirements, But most come from non Sidou. Military uses of the martial arts of Wushu and civil different requirements. For the origin of the Chinese Wushu views broadly on these three versions. No matter what views are his own reasoning, After all, the origin of Chinese Wushu not limited to a certain period of time a certain event. Chinese martial arts since it appeared on the time and struggle, Wushu in Calvary dynasty military reasons varying degrees of development. During the Spring and Autumn period, the mighty state attaches great importance to fighting in the battlefield use. Qi Huan held in spring and autumn, "Kok test" for selecting world hero. In the Shang and Zhou dynasties, wushu as a form of dance. Usually use "dance" to train the soldiers and boost morale. Zhou Dynasty established "order" and "order" has put school-defense, dancing as one of the educational content. Warring States period sword for the manufacture and Kendo has been unprecedented development, generals, drifter, Swordsman, some emperors, Doctor above one must swords and Japan as a formality. Kim originated in the Yellow Emperor period, a short weapons, modeled on spear-shaped thorn soldiers and short dagger. According to the vice premier of the Yellow Emperor : "Dili adopted the first hills Brass sword to astronomical ancient word Martin"; According to the tube to several articles goes : "Tales GE days Lu's hair out of the mountains, Chiyou and rule by that sword Armor." Visibility Huangdi and Chiyou have swords for the troops. Bow sword than the emergence of the Arrow appeared early, arrows appear in at least two years ago, But it was not until about 5600 since the Neolithic Age sword appeared with the murder case. Qin and Han Dynasties, the prevalence of wrestling, fencing, a banquet-dance practices. Dinner at Hongmen China that is based on ulterior motives. Form closer to today's martial arts routines. Han guns to new heights of various particle bombardment began. Rumor has it Hua pioneering "Wuqinxi" China has been widely promoted wushu. Three times in four diffuse war, martial arts is not much development, but the soldiers fighting for a greatly increased, later evolved into the martial arts movements. Shaolin Temple of the Northern Wei Dynasty is the establishment of the Chinese martial arts culture of far-reaching significance, Shaolin monks practicing long, Shaolin Temple, that is, armed to defend the temple monks property. Sui dynasty, into the open, to reveal the confusion, separatism and Luoyang Wang Shichong occupy the Li Shimin Guanzhong area in the Songshan fight. Shaolin Temple insight into the current political situation, the decision on the side of Li Shimin. Monks pioneered the false division to refuse to help a generation of the busy main British. Lee wholly world, Shaolin Temple "repeated gift," also authorized the creation of armed soldiers monks. Since then, the Shaolin Temple formed by the education both pray and practice martial arts tradition. After the Shaolin Temple became slowly witnessing the Taishanbeidou Zhongyuan. And has a "Northern Shaolin, South Chongwu when," saying, we can see the Shaolin Temple of China's enormous impact. Wu Zetian of the Tang Dynasty established a martial system, and by examination of the way we award the title This greatly promoted the development of Wushu. Wushu has now become a cultural form that this period examinations elections greatly stimulated the development of Wushu. and have schools and witnessing the major denominations have been established. Also in this period, the Chinese martial arts started to impact on Southeast Asian countries. Song period, the association Wushu civil groups in rural skills, inability Biaoju, leagues, factions, sees life. Weapons have died practicing - the "strategic" and the arch-practitioner of the "arrows community." There sees mountains and the skills to make a living theater "Road differences were." Shanlian is, in the form of training. Wu also called Song Ji did not emerge until after. Zhongyuan witnessing to the impression that we should be most strongly in Henan Zhongyuan refers to this area; Generalized refers to the Central Plains or the Yellow River, downstream areas, or that the entire Yellow River Basin. Central Plains "and the north state Shangdang West Division-state Hongnong, Yangzhou Huainan east, to the new Cai, Feng. "This is now the main scope of Henan, including southern Shanxi, Jiangsu, Anhui and the western Northwest a few places. "Hakka source in the entire ancient inland regions, specifically south of the Great Wall, north of the Yangtze River in the vast area. "So, mentioned above in the Central Plains, it would be a "small heartland," the Hakka ancestors 900 years in the three major movement, "After the way they inter Heluo areas" other than the vast region. By Folk Culture, Yan culture, Jin Zhao culture, Qilu culture, starter culture, cultural diversity Wuyue impact. Visibility "ancient heartland," how broad areas. Ming is a Chinese martial arts is of epoch-making significance to the history of a period. During this period, the need for military development of Wushu provides the biggest driving force, Wu cited the implementation of the system and the establishment of the Wushu Wushu provide a certain degree of system security, Japanese swordsmanship for the introduction of the Sino-Japanese martial art exchanges between. Along with the socio-economic development of the Ming Dynasty. Wushu is the final period to complete the process of the civilians. Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming in the initial uprising had received the Shaolin Temple help. After the establishment of the Ming Dynasty constantly mobilized soldiers Shaolin monks, thus Shaolin practice martial arts style has suddenly rise, and reached a heyday. Ming-1980s, the southeast region of Japanese wild, coastal populations have suffered greatly suffering. Meanwhile, at the various resistance of Japanese war, emerged in the many civil Warrior, They cavity with a passion and a boy, eager to crisis, and who did not hesitate to serve their country. Some rustic Habitat dust outside the Shaolin monks have come out from the bush, anti-Japanese initiative on the battlefield, will go down in history have had a number of the monks. Ming late Shaolin monks who broadcast the world, to the extent that a "Shaolin Wushu world," saying, Naturally, with the Shaolin monks in anti-Japanese war is still unknown. Ming period in the general public, especially the urban and public sectors accounted for the majority of the rural population, Wushu is spent Act "battlefield", where Law Wushu spend their sports and ornamental value and have a large number of enthusiasts, thereby continually growing proliferation of full development. and began to have some significant changes, not a one of its varied forms and the non-genuine trend. In the early Qing Dynasty when Ching Although there is a strict ban on religious decree, but the civil anti-church, the door is not too obvious, the strength is relatively weak, but these early non-religious organizations and not with the Shaolin martial arts have anything. Therefore, the early Qing Dynasty, Ching did not report the Shaolin monks gathered skills equivalent to the anti-civil organizations and the restrictions and prohibitions. Conversely, when the early Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty of Zen Zen Shaolin Temple is quite supportive of. Kangxi ascended the throne after the abolition of the abbot of the Shaolin Temple, the early Qing after practice martial arts monks from the open into a hidden, Yanwu activities disappeared, not until the Qing. Shaolin Wushu in the Qing Dynasty in such a situation, Ching ban with a secret association and the nature of religious organizations have a very close relationship. For the development of modern martial arts is not much worth mentioning, only that a large number of elite martial arts, like Huo, realist and others, most of them to be patriotic, and they and the rest of morality. After the founding of the PRC, especially in recent decades, due to civil and military uses and not many of the martial arts, Wushu is not much of the development progress, it is now only chance to practice routines, and little opportunity for real, This has led many people think that the Chinese martial arts begin to decline. Wushu is the appearance of the Chinese martial arts in actual lower. However, many people with real Chinese Wushu closely integrated as a set of Qindiquan. Quick uniforms like the effort also is a martial arts development. Chinese Wushu profound, as everyone practicing Taijiquan but nobody proficient. This paper has no mention of Wudang were Wudang is the creation and development not clearly recorded, Zhang Sanfeng even whether the person is when the person has no specific research, Zhang Sanfeng that was simply two people, They only descendants misconception that only one person. Chinese Wushu against the status quo also hope to be able to continuously develop compatriots Wushu, the Chinese martial arts can be continuously passed on to future generations.

China's efforts cultural origin and development

Chinese Wushu the origin and development of Chinese people has been a topic of concern, especially the recent appearance of the Chinese martial arts too, make some people think that China is moving toward Wushu decline. I am here to tell you about the origin of Chinese Wushu, prosperity and development process. According to the traditional view, the Chinese martial arts originated in ancient wars Warring States period soldiers in the war to gain some daring athletic skills slowly through the development and evolution of the form of a subsequent China State Wushu. However, there are some points that the Chinese martial arts originated in primitive society. At that time, the people using sticks and tools such as animal fighting, the people feel that the beasts can and a lot of people confrontation, began to imitate animal movements from the beginning of the bear, the wolf, to Ngo, snakes, etc. mantis. Shaolin Wushu is a lot of enthusiasm among boxing, an era called the amphibian times. Hunting and Shang have more martial arts training as an important means. Wushu not determine the origin of the time, the hunting ancestors mastered the skills to fight, All of these soldiers on the battlefield after the application of battle skills paved the way. Apart from these two points outside the "Chinese Wushu -- history and culture," a book made from the Wushu Although some military requirements, But most come from non Sidou. Military uses of the martial arts of Wushu and civil different requirements. For the origin of the Chinese Wushu views broadly on these three versions. No matter what views are his own reasoning, After all, the origin of Chinese Wushu not limited to a certain period of time a certain event. Chinese martial arts since it appeared on the time and struggle, Wushu in Calvary dynasty military reasons varying degrees of development. During the Spring and Autumn period, the mighty state attaches great importance to fighting in the battlefield use. Qi Huan held in spring and autumn, "Kok test" for selecting world hero. In the Shang and Zhou dynasties, wushu as a form of dance. Usually use "dance" to train the soldiers and boost morale. Zhou Dynasty established "order" and "order" has put school-defense, dancing as one of the educational content. Warring States period sword for the manufacture and Kendo has been unprecedented development, generals, drifter, Swordsman, some emperors, Doctor above one must swords and Japan as a formality. Kim originated in the Yellow Emperor period, a short weapons, modeled on spear-shaped thorn soldiers and short dagger. According to the vice premier of the Yellow Emperor : "Dili adopted the first hills Brass sword to astronomical ancient word Martin"; According to the tube to several articles goes : "Tales GE days Lu's hair out of the mountains, Chiyou and rule by that sword Armor." Visibility Huangdi and Chiyou have swords for the troops. Bow sword than the emergence of the Arrow appeared early, arrows appear in at least two years ago, But it was not until about 5600 since the Neolithic Age sword appeared with the murder case. Qin and Han Dynasties, the prevalence of wrestling, fencing, a banquet-dance practices. Dinner at Hongmen China that is based on ulterior motives. Form closer to today's martial arts routines. Han guns to new heights of various particle bombardment began. Rumor has it Hua pioneering "Wuqinxi" China has been widely promoted wushu. Three times in four diffuse war, martial arts is not much development, but the soldiers fighting for a greatly increased, later evolved into the martial arts movements. Shaolin Temple of the Northern Wei Dynasty is the establishment of the Chinese martial arts culture of far-reaching significance, Shaolin monks practicing long, Shaolin Temple, that is, armed to defend the temple monks property. Sui dynasty, into the open, to reveal the confusion, separatism and Luoyang Wang Shichong occupy the Li Shimin Guanzhong area in the Songshan fight. Shaolin Temple insight into the current political situation, the decision on the side of Li Shimin. Monks pioneered the false division to refuse to help a generation of the busy main British. Lee wholly world, Shaolin Temple "repeated gift," also authorized the creation of armed soldiers monks. Since then, the Shaolin Temple formed by the education both pray and practice martial arts tradition. After the Shaolin Temple became slowly witnessing the Taishanbeidou Zhongyuan. And has a "Northern Shaolin, South Chongwu when," saying, we can see the Shaolin Temple of China's enormous impact. Wu Zetian of the Tang Dynasty established a martial system, and by examination of the way we award the title This greatly promoted the development of Wushu. Wushu has now become a cultural form that this period examinations elections greatly stimulated the development of Wushu. and have schools and witnessing the major denominations have been established. Also in this period, the Chinese martial arts started to impact on Southeast Asian countries. Song period, the association Wushu civil groups in rural skills, inability Biaoju, leagues, factions, sees life. Weapons have died practicing - the "strategic" and the arch-practitioner of the "arrows community." There sees mountains and the skills to make a living theater "Road differences were." Shanlian is, in the form of training. Wu also called Song Ji did not emerge until after. Zhongyuan witnessing to the impression that we should be most strongly in Henan Zhongyuan refers to this area; Generalized refers to the Central Plains or the Yellow River, downstream areas, or that the entire Yellow River Basin. Central Plains "and the north state Shangdang West Division-state Hongnong, Yangzhou Huainan east, to the new Cai, Feng. "This is now the main scope of Henan, including southern Shanxi, Jiangsu, Anhui and the western Northwest a few places. "Hakka source in the entire ancient inland regions, specifically south of the Great Wall, north of the Yangtze River in the vast area. "So, mentioned above in the Central Plains, it would be a "small heartland," the Hakka ancestors 900 years in the three major movement, "After the way they inter Heluo areas" other than the vast region. By Folk Culture, Yan culture, Jin Zhao culture, Qilu culture, starter culture, cultural diversity Wuyue impact. Visibility "ancient heartland," how broad areas. Ming is a Chinese martial arts is of epoch-making significance to the history of a period. During this period, the need for military development of Wushu provides the biggest driving force, Wu cited the implementation of the system and the establishment of the Wushu Wushu provide a certain degree of system security, Japanese swordsmanship for the introduction of the Sino-Japanese martial art exchanges between. Along with the socio-economic development of the Ming Dynasty. Wushu is the final period to complete the process of the civilians. Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming in the initial uprising had received the Shaolin Temple help. After the establishment of the Ming Dynasty constantly mobilized soldiers Shaolin monks, thus Shaolin practice martial arts style has suddenly rise, and reached a heyday. Ming-1980s, the southeast region of Japanese wild, coastal populations have suffered greatly suffering. Meanwhile, at the various resistance of Japanese war, emerged in the many civil Warrior, They cavity with a passion and a boy, eager to crisis, and who did not hesitate to serve their country. Some rustic Habitat dust outside the Shaolin monks have come out from the bush, anti-Japanese initiative on the battlefield, will go down in history have had a number of the monks. Ming late Shaolin monks who broadcast the world, to the extent that a "Shaolin Wushu world," saying, Naturally, with the Shaolin monks in anti-Japanese war is still unknown. Ming period in the general public, especially the urban and public sectors accounted for the majority of the rural population, Wushu is spent Act "battlefield", where Law Wushu spend their sports and ornamental value and have a large number of enthusiasts, thereby continually growing proliferation of full development. and began to have some significant changes, not a one of its varied forms and the non-genuine trend. In the early Qing Dynasty when Ching Although there is a strict ban on religious decree, but the civil anti-church, the door is not too obvious, the strength is relatively weak, but these early non-religious organizations and not with the Shaolin martial arts have anything. Therefore, the early Qing Dynasty, Ching did not report the Shaolin monks gathered skills equivalent to the anti-civil organizations and the restrictions and prohibitions. Conversely, when the early Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty of Zen Zen Shaolin Temple is quite supportive of. Kangxi ascended the throne after the abolition of the abbot of the Shaolin Temple, the early Qing after practice martial arts monks from the open into a hidden, Yanwu activities disappeared, not until the Qing. Shaolin Wushu in the Qing Dynasty in such a situation, Ching ban with a secret association and the nature of religious organizations have a very close relationship. For the development of modern martial arts is not much worth mentioning, only that a large number of elite martial arts, like Huo, realist and others, most of them to be patriotic, and they and the rest of morality. After the founding of the PRC, especially in recent decades, due to civil and military uses and not many of the martial arts, Wushu is not much of the development progress, it is now only chance to practice routines, and little opportunity for real, This has led many people think that the Chinese martial arts begin to decline. Wushu is the appearance of the Chinese martial arts in actual lower. However, many people with real Chinese Wushu closely integrated as a set of Qindiquan. Quick uniforms like the effort also is a martial arts development. Chinese Wushu profound, as everyone practicing Taijiquan but nobody proficient. This paper has no mention of Wudang were Wudang is the creation and development not clearly recorded, Zhang Sanfeng even whether the person is when the person has no specific research, Zhang Sanfeng that was simply two people, They only descendants misconception that only one person. Chinese Wushu against the status quo also hope to be able to continuously develop compatriots Wushu, the Chinese martial arts can be continuously passed on to future generations.

Shanghai, China Tourism

A Brief Introduction to Shanghai
Shanghai, located at the outlet of the Yangtze River into the sea in east China, is a
metropolis, the largest economic center and one of the four cities under the direct
jurisdiction of the central government in China.The area of Shanghai totals 6,340 square
kilometers. Shanghai has a permanent population of more than 13.50 million while it sees a
large moving population of over 2.5 million daily.
Historically speaking, Shanghai is not only a city of a long history and culture but also a
heroic city with a glorious tradition in Chinese revolution.
When the western Great Powers broke through the closed gate of China with their gunboats
during the Opium War Shanghai was forced open by the colonialists as one of the five trading
ports. With concessions carved out in Shanghai the area was reduced to be a “pandemonium of
adventurers.” Shanghai is also a heroic city with a glorious tradition in Chinese
revolution. First of all ,it is the birthplace of the Communist Party of China. To fight
for the national independence and liberation the people of Shanghai waged a series of
such epic struggles as Anti-British struggle at the Wusong Estuary, Uprising of the Small
Sword Society, “May 4 Movement”for new culture, “May 30th Movement,” three times of
armed struggles, “January 28”and “August 13”anti-Japanese battles in Songjiang and
Shanghai. And after the War of Resistance against Japan was over the people in Shanghai
again devoted themselves to the struggles of opposing autocratic rule and civil war while
fighting for democracy and freedom, forming a second battle-line in opposition to the rule
of the Kuomintang reactionaries.
With the dying down of rumbling guns in battles for the liberation of Shanghai the city
returned to the arms of the people on May 27,1949,and the next day saw the People’s
Government of Shanghai proclaimed to be set up ,May 28,1949 being defined as the very “Day
of Liberation for Shanghai.”
Shanghai is an economic city of great importance for China. Especially the development and
opening of Pudong has pushed Shanghai to the strategic forefront of reform andopening up to
the outside world.
Shanghai is not only a metropolis renowned in the world but also a great tourist attraction
in China. On the one hand it is known to the world with its unique urban-attractions, rich
and varied humane and cultural resources ,As from 1982 onwards, the overseas tourist hosted
in Shanghai has witnessed a number of over one million every year while the domestic
tourists have seen a yearly average of more than tens of millions. In future, Shanghai is
going to be a city featureing sightseeing tours as a trend in the development of tourism.
With great efforts made Shanghai is going to place itself as early as possible among the
world famous economic and trade centers, thereby bringing up the new economic boom in the
Yangtze River Delta and even the whole area along the mighty river. At present, the
rudimentary shape of splendid blueprint has come into being, and it is confident that a new
Shanghai enjoying a bluer sky , clearer water, greener land and more sociable people in a
more improved and harmonious society will come to appear on the western shore of the
Pacific Ocean in not too long a future..
Jinmao Tower Building:There is a gigantic majestic high-rise tower like a bamboo shoot in
spring pure pillar, yataghan and magic pen beside Huangpu River and at the seashore of East
sea, it is Jinmao Tower which is 420.5 meters in height and is called “the first building
in China” with a surprisingly beautiful appearance .Jinmao Tower has come into being and
become a monumental work in the architecture industry of china and a symbol of Shanghai.

China introduced Xi'an


Xi'an, also known as Chang'an ancient, Ghz, is the capital of Shaanxi Province, is a famous historical and cultural city in China, Shaanxi Province is located in the Weihe Plain south. According to the Qinling back, face Qinchuan, Jing, Wei and Ba River, Symphony, floods and other water by the Trail, forming flowers. known as "800 Qinchuan Lane." Xi'an in China's western region is an important scientific research, higher education, technology and industry for national defense and high-tech industry base, China's important industrial centers aerospace, machinery manufacturing and textile industrial center. Xi'an has a strong industrial base, China's western region is the most powerful technology, the industry categories of the most complete one of the largest cities. Xi'an is one of China's six ancient capitals of China's Yellow River valley is the ancient birthplace of civilization, and one in Athens, Rome, Cairo, termed the world's four major ancient capitals. Xi'an is China's first center, the longest of the ancient city, which was more than 3,000 years of history, Since the Western Zhou Dynasty (1134 BC), until the Tang Dynasty, the Western Zhou Dynasty successive Qin, Western Han Dynasty, Wang Mang's Xin Dynasty, the Western Jin dynasty, the former Zhao, the Former Qin Dynasty. Period, Western Wei Dynasty, Northern Wei, Sui and Tang dynasties, 12 in center here, after more than 2,000 years. China's six ancient capitals in China, Xi'an has the longest history. In 1982 became the first one of the famous historical and cultural city. 221, 202, Liu achieved regime in Chang'an (now Xi'an Story northern Seoul) Establishment of the Western Han Dynasty. Western Han dynasty of the Year nine years, the official Sima Wang Mang's imperial ambitions, reform of the capital Chang'an, "Chang." Hongwu, 2002 (1369) calls the reform of the Yuan Yuan Lu Feng Xian government, "Xian" Being named. History is the ancient capital of Xi'an, history had 13 dynasties in this center, from weeks to Tang, has called the Zhou, Qin, Han, the Western Jin Dynasty. Zhao ago, the Former Qin Dynasty, the Later Qin dynasty, Western Wei Dynasty, Northern Wei, Sui, Tang, which lasted nearly 1100. Chinese history, the famous peasant uprising leaders in mind, Li Zicheng established here in the off regime. Five Dynasties, 280 Ghz government to change Yongzhou, located Taean House, the Later Tang Dynasty government to change Taean Ghz House. Song Shaanxi Road home, the Army post Yongxing Road. Jin Yongxing diverted to the military road Ghz Zhou Lu. Yuan has set up in Shaanxi, Sichuan Provincial, the executive secretariat; After re Anxi Road, the road from the yuan. Ming Yuan Road changed from the House of Xi'an, emigrated 16 years ago (1643) min rate of peasant rebel army overran Xi'an, Xi'an has changed for Changan. As the birthplace of the Chinese civilization, and Xi'an very long history, the history and culture of deposition is very thick, People's Republic of China promulgated by the State Council, the first national historical and cultural relics. Xi'an as the center of human relations, its unique way of life and aspirations of the general customs Guanzhong 10 strange. Xi'an Forest of Stone Tablets from a Qing Dynasty steles were the Guanzhong Sceneries, also known as Chang'an Sceneries. record of eight areas related to the famous scenic spots heritage. Guanzhong popular in the Northwest and the Shaanxi opera called Luantan, known as the "Bangzi opera" called "Guang Guang son" Chinese opera is four Tune the oldest and richest, the most massive Tune system. To Guanzhong, Xi'an dialect that is representative of the Northwest Shaanxi one of the Mandarin, although Putonghua has been assimilation, but still retained many of the Classical Chinese grammar and ancient sound. Due to historical factors, Xi'an food culture equally profound, as the representative of the Northwest diet, Xi'an snacks to the most renowned Muslim Halal food in a large proportion. China Changan paintings of paintings originated in the Han Dynasty before the Guanzhong opera, from the Western Zhou Dynasty in Shaanxi puppetry and rich colors Huxian County of Xi'an, and other cultures are an indispensable component. A long history and advanced culture of Xi'an left many lies the heritage. Here is the world's best preserved and most ambitious scale of the ancient city wall; and the total area of 108 square kilometers of the four Zhouqin ancient ruins; "Eighth Miracle in the World" Qin Shihuang Terracotta Army, and other precious heritage. Banpo matrilineal clan village site, the Tomb of Qin Shihuang Terracotta Warriors and Horses Hang, Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, Zhang Ling, Poem, Mao Tombs, Zhao Ling, such as stone-grave. Grace Temple, towers, Lishan, Hong Men Yan vegetation cover, Xianyang Guazhou, etc. are listed as key units to be protected monuments. Xi'an is the famous "Silk Road" starting point. 139 BC, the Han Dynasty sent Zhang Qian mission to the Western Regions, with the official opening of Chang'an as a starting point, Eurasia Corridor linking the "Silk Road." From then on, China's envoy, and merchants and Central Asia, West Asia, South Asia between businessmen envoys visited the Chinese and foreign commercial trade has developed rapidly and cultural exchanges have become increasingly active, friendly contacts have intensified. Xi'an is China's key universities mostly concentrated in the cities, the number of students in school after Beijing, Shanghai, third place in the nation. Xi'an, the average educational level is higher, on average every six people who have received a college or higher education. Habitat highest in the western region in the country was in a leading position. Xian is located in the Yellow River valley in central Guanzhong Plain, according to the Qinling South Seas and north to the Weihe River, N and 107 ° 40 '-109 ° 49' E 33 ° 39 '-34 ° 45' between. Guanzhong Plain is known as "the 800-li Qin", and the wilderness forthright, fertile land and the natural environment is extremely advantageous. In Xi'an Qinchuan Central Lane 800, the longest 204 km east-west, north-south maximum width of 116 km. city area of 9,983 square kilometers, of which the urban area of 1,066 sq km. Xi'an high-lying southeast and northwest low, the average altitude of about 410 meters, Xi'an ancient "water around eight Chang'an" good name. Bahe surrounding urban and overflowing rivers, Fenghe River, Chanhe River, the Jinghe River and Weihe River and other large rivers. Most of the Yellow River is the Weihe River valley. Xi'an is the warm-humid monsoon climate, moderate rainfall, four distinct seasons. The average frost-free period of 219-233 days. January is the coldest, the average temperature of -0.5 ℃ -1.3 ℃ affecting the hottest month, The average temperature 26.4 ° C -26.9 ° C; The annual average temperature 13.3 ℃. The average annual precipitation for 507.7 -719.8 mm mm. , The average humidity of 69.6%. Japan, the average snowfall for 13.8 days. Xian, located in China's central and western regions of the two economic integration, leading to the northwestern region southwest and central China, East China and North China's gateway and transport hub. Xi'an is the western regional aviation, railways, road transport hub. Xi'an distance of about 40 km of Xi'an Xianyang International Airport and 68 domestic cities, 11 countries and links. Xi'an to the road network in Xi'an center is "m" - type radial, includes high-speed ring, the new airport lines Second Ring Road, and is building the three loops, and so on. Xi'an District and the county all links associated with highway. Xi'an public transport developed, the existing bus lines of more than 200. Xi'an information facilities with fiber, digital microwave, satellite, program - controlled exchange, and other means of communication. City National Xi'an Satellite Monitoring and Control Center. Xi'an MAN coverage of over 90% of urban and 40% of suburban counties. Xi'an is the National Post six communication centers and 11 re-mail a category one of the Board, have Xi'an Postal Bureau.


China. Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor and the Terracotta Army

Terracotta Army Hang in Lintong District of Xi'an 6 km east of the West Yangcun south east of the Emperor Qinshihuang Mausoleum 1,225 meters, Qin Shihuang Mausoleum is the largest of the group Pit, the pits are buried in the vast regions of the Qin Dynasty-strong army in miniature. 1974 West Yangcun farmers drilling wells discovered shocked the world Terracotta Army. It is made up of three different size holes, respectively numbered on the 1st hole, on the 2nd hole, on the 3rd hole. 3 Warriors Hang total area of nearly 20,000 square meters, with a total live pit, the real horse size similar figures. Ma Tao about 8000, tens of thousands of usable weapons. Warriors pits figures, according to Ma Tao ancient military formations arranged. On the 1st pit by the more than 6,000 pieces of figures, Ma Tao and more than 40 combat vehicles of the military component of a rectangular array; on the 2nd hole for the infantry-type song mixed in military camps, figures more than 900 pieces, 89 vehicles, motorists Ma Tao 356, pommel horse more than 100 aspirin; on the 3rd pits with 68 figures, 4 pottery horses and one chariot, it is one, Hang on the 2nd Corps Command. The discovery of the various figures, in accordance with different capacities into General Warriors Slips terracotta warrior figurines, and several levels, their clothes, cap, Shenzi is not the same, heterogeneous, thousands of pieces of terracotta not the same as a face. Fully embodies the Chinese people's labor ancient wisdom and the history of ancient Chinese civilization to the great creation People from around the world love, known as the "Eighth Miracle in the World", the history of the 20th century's greatest archaeological find, was listed by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage site. Terracotta Army is the Chinese people's pride, but also for all of humanity. 1. The production figures terracotta figures unearthed from the pit thousands of terracotta warriors, in the cleaning and restoration process, Archaeologists after repeated observation, contrast, research, summed up the figures produced by the common law method. In brief, the production figures are modeling combined with plastic-based. First, with the latest discovery of crude into fetal Warriors, the second Minute mud to be modified and described in detail. Warriors head, hand-made using fetal rough and then detail the characterization. Part of the trunk is used plastic hands. In the first, hand, the trunk were produced and then to assemble a complete set of figures. Warriors first production, using a first - or single-mode production combined with hands made of plastic figurines rough first child. Terracotta figures unearthed in, the use of single-mode and hands with plastic figures produced a smaller quantity, Most Warriors is the first use of a mold to make. Mold in general is the first Warriors will be divided into roughly equal after the two halves, with a single module production, then two single-mode consistency bonding integrity of the Warriors into the first large-scale, another part of the facial features described in detail processing. Most of the figures used singlemode binaural separate production molding, in the head and then affixed to the sides. Terracotta bun, some used in brain dumping carved molding; Another single-mode system affixed to his head. Pigtails in some parts of the head corresponding groove carved Xuecheng, prefabricated pigtails Embedded within the cavity. Pigtails light relief. Warriors head of the detail, Carving, with a focus on the facial features, his beard and hair patterns The facial features of the model on the basis of detailed carvings, modification, temperaments and personalities of different personality and psychological characteristics. If the Meigu figures, some into the shape of the eyebrow-shaped mountain, some into the shape of the meniscus-shaped willow-shaped, Meigu used in Upward temperaments fine eyebrows. Figures eye and mouth also depicts minor quite ingenuity. Browbeat people in the eye sculpture exploded; Everywhere you looking up, on the eyelids and Meigu edge sag; Disposition season, I slit and mouth depicts linear; solemnly, numbness of the mouth drooping profile pack. Each figures expressions are different, their facial muscles and correspondingly change. Kongwu expression, brow muscles carve uplift, the elderly, in the forehead wrinkled temperaments; Young, deal with scratching techniques enable facial muscle movements fullness. Face the three Chambers, the Wu-yue, the thickness of the muscle, skeletal undulating changes, after detailed characterization were very reasonable. Some figures beard depicts out and some stickers Chashangqu, such as two-Bazihu natural ground, Most are used by the law of the statue, above reuse Upward Hu played fine silk; The eight-shaped plate 2 Xiao-hu, General access is affixed again mud tablets engraved Hu silk; Hu large circle gills, is dumping mud or affixed access via the shaving unit, into sculpture. The figures varied hairstyle changes, carving the methods are different. Grate-profile hair style, in the early fetal head overlying layer thinning soil, then grate-like tool is starting scratch patterns; Ding hair style, Warriors is the first in the early fetal overlying thick mud, and then a bottom-up rod tool loops from scratch is spiral-shaped form The frontal bone hair on the temples, most of scarcity - is a tool for characterization starting profile. To demonstrate the different characters personality characteristics, and some of the frontal bone of dumping, into the shape of arch-like hair on the temples of the rope, to the occasional show personality. Carving through the detail, showing a colorful facial characteristics. The figures trunk shape, use thick mud make child, in large crude fetal further detail on the characteristics of characterization, such as wood, armor, belt, hook, and so on, the rough figures fetal trunk is a bottom-up paragraph by paragraph stack plastic produced. First production figures standing in a foot plate, a foot square plates are used in mold making, Today, the production methods and rural Nipi from the same method. Foot plate made after molding figures feet, and at its connecting plastic legs and shorts, legs clothing, Warriors legs are solid and hollow two, a solid Warriors general legs mud unit is folded into a cylindrical repeatedly hammering of the mud sticks, Afterwards plastic in the heel, in order to appear Warriors legs tendonitis, muscle changes, the details of the re-shaving dressing. Hollow legs with the practice of law unit volumes of soil or soil of the site built into the legal system. The figures pants shorts produced in solid and hollow legs legs on the outside of the Indian film Jômon rough week, put prefabricated mud tablets wrapped in shorts above the Shaping of the pants. Next, the figures are shaping the trunk. The figures are hollow trunk, with soil of the site to build the Shaping of Law. Is the first concrete blocks to the legs terracotta even as a whole. Along the upper periphery of dumping make about 10 centimeters high, 4-8 cm thick elliptical form of a rectangular chassis. Warriors to the base of the trunk dry, with the chassis of coil-built begun shaping the trunk. Trunk figures were 1.1-1.2 meters high, can not be used as a dump site of the building harmoniously. Lumbar is generally bounded into production next two paragraphs, the first of the next body cavity, a coil-built molding, to be slightly dry after the previous paragraph. In order to build the dump site collecting compacting of the medial to linen and other fabric substrate and used wooden hammers hammering and so on. Figures to be a large plastic trunk good dry, we began bonding terracotta arms. The figures for the hollow arms, straight-arm general use of coil-built production molding method, Qu - arm elbow is punishment for two produced from sticking. Warriors arms in the trunk thoracic adhesive on both sides, in order to enhance the adhesion files, Bonding in and took some measures to reinforce and to the lower end of the small wooden stand supporting characters. The figures are individually hand made, First Military University of hand-shaped figurines are produced in two molding together, shake hands, palm-shaped combination with a place to create and temperaments nails, joints, bones and muscles and the Palm and flesh, terracotta hand "flesh out equipment, Dark all joints. " Warriors hand after production figures Plug in arms within the sleeves. Through these processes, the major figures trunk basically completed. On this basis, the figures for further detailed Carving. Carving the wood is in rough fetal trunk at a small mud-coated, rehabilitation after a mud-floor polishes, bears, mold anywhere, coat, neckline, and the clothes dress patterns. Coat collar used carved relief plus Tapping techniques. Chang, cuff designs will make shallow relief effect. Warriors waist beam leather belt use by the law of ball shape, then the above characterization employed or triangular, diamond and other patterns. Hooked-use stickers will make shallow mud or high-relief carved results. Some of the Kolchuga terracotta crude fetal direct carving, some of the rough fetal overlying fine mud, carved into the shape of shallow effects. A nail, together with a single-mode usually made after a sticky at the top of a film. 2. Ma Tao production process Qin terracotta warriors and horses unearthed from the pit Ma Tao, physical tall calendar.

After years of archaeologists repeated observation, comparison, analysis, understanding of the Qin Ma Tao of production process. Qin Ma Tao in the production, is usually the first horse head, neck, trunk, limbs and tail, respectively, production, then assembled into rough tire adhesion, after the Second Modified Minute mud, carving molding. After the dry kiln burning, and the final color painting. Ma Tau is narrow and fear are two different practices followed them, the former principal mold made using both right and left half, Ma Tau with sutures in the center, a place separate parts chin after bonding in the lower part of Ma Tau. Ma Tau wrong type, soil from five films from the launch of the new bond. Ma Tau with sutures in the medial general must Minute soil reinforcement, Ma heads the annex, such as ears and fly bristles are pinch-made, Ma Tau in the corresponding site bored embedded. Tao Ma in the neck and body cavities of hollow. Neck from the left and right two irregular shape of the piece of film adhesive mud from. Ma Tao body cavity into buttocks, abdomen and deltopectoral three of each are also a number of pieces of mud from the launch of the new unit. Ma Tao from the body cavity wall observation, all the mud tablets with sutures, in the medial layer of mud after hammering hard to make solid cards. Macedonia's limbs and tail usually from sculpture. Breaking from his own observation of the horse-leg, pottery density, non-porous, hard as stone, the soil layers were folding-page book, Note horse-leg is folded repeatedly with soil temper plastic molding. Mawei hands are plastic, carving molding. Mawei the top are making round or square Tenon to insert the buttocks. Ma Tao various components were produced, began assembling portfolio. Portfolio method is a bottom-up paragraph by paragraph-by-film adhesion, the first leg of the body cavity, catch on the neck, head, tail, Ma body composition so large. Assembled portfolio process is the first of four pre-production according to a fixed horse-leg establish the position, after Mafu put up in the support plate, start the installation horse trunk. Tao Ma 28.08 installed, the specific way that this is difficult to ascertain. One speculation is that people may Qin Ma buttocks, abdomen, chest three of the past that is assembled into one bonding constitute trunk. Ma assembled at the place horse trunk and limbs board support from both sides of the abdominal opening a hole, from the hands go up under the hole in the trunk and limbs point overlying soil pressure hammering, allowing dense. Later, Tao takes first head and neck sticking to an overall access to the trunk on. As Ma Tau with the great weight of the neck, and the footer at the dock, the following should be of a small font support, Ma Tau and neck support gravity. Finally, in the buttocks Ma opened a square hole, the system of prior good side ponytail insertion hole and again after mud external reinforcement. MA in various parts of the installation is completed, Ma Tao appearance of some of the details for further refinements. Macedonia's trunk external layer Tu generally fine mud. After grinding the surface smooth formation, Ma is a very rich body muscle. Ma heap in the chest affixed concrete blocks, carving out massive convex breast, shoulders Department Minute thick mud to show the lofty traditions scapular, The pommel horse cavalry on horseback also dumping high-relief carving of Kurahashi and shallow relief, joining the saddle. Ma Tao limbs through painstaking carved cut grinders, a round of wandering round and shiny, and the individual-bian clearly defined physical, clearly the relationship between the joints. 3. Figures, pottery horse calcination process of ancient pottery products and the choice of materials is fired, there is a certain standard. "Heavenly Creations" record : "dig two Chitu, and chose to take no sand clay impossible", and to "readjust practice cooked mud." Note ancient pottery products in selected raw materials, require the excavation Er Chi Gao, no sand from the clay. Select raw materials, but also orchestrated mature mud, the system can FORMING. If the raw material is not small, not very dense soil particles, Harvest is not good, dirty hole and impact molding. Even after the firing, the finished product is smooth without the rough flu. Terracotta figures unearthed from the pit figures, Ma Tao tire wall, the general thickness of 2-4 cm, the thickness of up to 10-20 cm. Figures, pottery horses tire wall mud generally consists of internal and external layers, the outer mud dense, uniform, and an inner layer of mud thicker, admixture with particles of uniform white sand. Terra-produced the clay is taken from the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor near the tan soil, selected prior to the use of clay after also dried, crushed rolling, yield a series of processes to remove impurities in the soil. so delicate molding clay, reaching sculpture production requirements. Terracotta Army, in order to enhance the mechanical strength and large-scale figures, Ma Tao is not only easy to shape, but due to high temperature and not distorted or inflated Explosion, Fountain of craftsmen in clay mixed after a careful screening of quartz sand. Figures, pottery horse fired pottery and tile, the quality of its key lies in seizing the heat. Sing Song in the "Heavenly Creations" On Ancient fired brick said : "Where firewood kiln and fire only the salaries of full-designate. Solid Cypriot their mud hole, and then make a fire to rust, where the temperature and less on January 2, not only Apriona swinsoni; fewer March 2, were tender Huozhuan, miscellaneous character is, Then the future by the cream, then dissolved into legislation, is also the soil. heat over January 2, the brick with cracks. Multi-March 2, the narrow brick-shaped crack, Buckling not stretch, attacking them as scrap iron course, unfit for use. "This indicates grasp heat of the baking process is very important. Low temperature, the product not only fired, but the internal surface Matt can sintered into the half-cooked "delicate Huozhuan" high temperature deformation is not exploding. Only the firing temperature just right, can burn pure color products, hard, shape now. Terra-baking temperature, generally in 1050 ℃, and China's ancient pottery firing temperature are similar, Note to figures produced heat already know quite skilled. Figures, Ma Tao for the different parts, aggravation of uneven thickness of thin places only 1-2 centimeters, and the thickness of the reach of 10-20 cm. Moreover, figures, Ma Tao size, which has Roasting very difficult. In order to make physical tall, the site of uneven thickness of the figures, pottery Machaut fire uniform, Fountain craftsmen in the manufacturing process adopted many measures. To avoid uneven thickness of the parts produced Roasting difficulties in the production figures, the craftsmen Nitai minimize the thickness If the figures clothing trunk and legs, feet and other parts of the mud up to 10-20 cm thickness, and part of the fetal trunk only 2-4 centimeters thick, which is easy to form the upper figures have sintering, and the lower part of the pupil. legs and feet were burned, etc. Rather, the phenomenon have half-cooked. To resolve this conflict, craftsmen will figurines made of hollow legs, the bottom part of the clothing on backing a tubeless Road mud Prism, Prism in the mud, mud covered large clothing unit for the appearance of the trunk space into two floors and outside. These measures will figures, Ma Tao site by the fire uniform, sintering roughly the same time. To figures, pottery horse in the baking process ventilation flow, not less important, craftsmen in the Qin Dynasty figures. Ma Tao appropriate sites also have links fire and ventilation hole. Ma Tao in the abdomen on both sides have about a 10 mm diameter hole. so that the flame can be entered through holes uniform Ma body cavity. In figures who also have some other fire and ventilation holes, or in the buttocks figures remain 12 holes. or figures come a head about 1-1.5 cm diameter circular hole, so that the tire wall figures by the fire uniform, exhaust convenience. Qin terracotta warriors and horses, inspired by the success, as evidenced as early as 2,000 years ago, the Qin Dynasty, and pottery technology has reached a very high water

Xi'an city wall scenic introduced


Xi'an city wall scenic introduced
Xian is located in the central area, was rectangular, wall 12 meters high, 18 meters widens, 15 meters, 2,590 meters long east wall. 2631.2 m long Western Wall, a brick wall 3441.6 m long, long north wall 3,241 meters and the total circumference of 11.9 km. The shrine was built in the existing wall Hongwu 2007 to 1922 (1374-1378) and has been there for 600 years of history, China is now the most complete ancient city wall of a building. Xi'an city wall from the Ming Dynasty, is the founder of the Ming emperor in the policy of "high construction of the wall, store grain, the ease of his story", under the guidance of Imperial City during the Tang on the basis of completed. Completely centered on "defense" strategy system, wall thickness greater than the height of a solid as a mountain, the top of wall and drilling can be justified. Wall including a moat, drawbridge, Gate House, the tower is floor turret, Hua Lou, parapet, notched a series of military installations. Since the wall is completed after three major refurbishment. Qing Ming-Lung, 2002 (1568) of Shaanxi Provincial Governor Zhang Zhi chair repaired so that the first Tucheng City into slabs; 1957-Qianlong (1781) Biyuan Shaanxi governor, presided over the red walls and refurbished; since 1983, Shaanxi Province and Xi'an City People's government of this ancient city wall for a large-scale renovation, - building has been demolished East Gate, North Gate tower, the south gate Gate House, bridge and built around the city park, so that this ancient architecture reawakens the past glory as a major Xi'an tourism landscape.

Xi'an city wall is the most complete existing marshal one of the ancient city. The ancient city wall is the Hongwu three to 11 years (1370-1378) of the Tang Imperial City and the city, Chang'an million yuan from the city - on the basis of the extension from. Rammed-earth walls to the early, watching a production of the East were "Changle," Nishina "stability", South of "Yongning" North of "security far." Longqing, the first between the tiles, Chongzhen nine years (1636) four additional customs Guo City. Qing repairs 11 times, particularly in the Qianlong 1957 (1781) Bi Yuan Shaanxi governor, presided over the most mammoth project. Renovation of the walls and the top wall by puzzle, the thicker slabs packets, and the Point Channel, Tommy Qiangduo mouths to form today's appearance. Wall was a rectangular plane and the length of 4,256 meters, 2,708 meters long from north to south, the outer circumference of 13.94 km, City marshal 11.52 square kilometers of area. 12-meter high walls, wide-16--18 meters, Dingkuan 12--14 meters, tamping 10--12 cm thickness; Ming bricklayer layer, the length of 38 cm, 18 cm wide, 5 cm thick, the outer layer of the Qing Dynasty bricklaying, the length of 45 cm, 23 cm wide and 10 cm thick. The top two-to-three-tier blue brick laying sea plaster every 40--60 meters, set up a brick and vomit slip sink faucet. The top built along the 0.85-meter-tall woman walls, notched up Outer Limits 5984. In addition to the gatehouse of the city left four have received a City Avenue, along the city another six Ma. Outer wall surrounding a horse-faced 98, the distance of 120 meters, 20 meters broad Ma, extending 11 meters. Another of the city built a wall of a prominent corner tower (floor), with the exception of the south-western corner of Taiwan to maintain yuan Agent System round, the rest are square. City ring moat, river width of 18 meters and six meters deep, 14.6 km long, with walls, Shing Mun trinity composed of city defense system construction. Ching dynasty and the 1930s, the wall around the door have provided vouchers, a total of 16 tracks. 1983--1991 wall built on a comprehensive refurbishment, early and recent renovation process, at the Western Wall and a brick wall were found inside the walls and the Shing Mun Tang Dynasty relics. Huangchengshan run from the Tang Dynasty, Xi'an city wall has 1400 years of history, from the early Ming extension Tainan counting, Xi'an city wall has been 600 years of history. As a complete and compact city of ancient military defense system, the city wall of Xi'an is the world's most ancient history. shapes of the most spectacular, the best preserved city wall. In 1961 the State Council released the first batch of key national cultural protection. 2001 by the National Tourism Administration as a "AAAA-class tourism area." In recent years, the city government has invested heavily in the refurbishment of the damaged wall, clearing the moat to build 600,000 square meters of green belt around the city. September 2004 set up the Xi'an city wall scenic CMC to tap connotation, historical memory, shaping the humanities. Through the humanities, history, folk customs, habits and feelings, and so on vivid display integrity of the wall and cultural resources, and promote domestic and international cultural and art exchanges, so that the walls eastern cultures, time and space shuttle arena. With walls of the train station connecting the completion by the end of 2004 Wall Completed. Xiyuan middle of the ring and the South of the southeast corner of East Gate for trashing -- Jianguomen has started pilot of the open, Xi'an to become a new bright spot. Currently, the walls, a moat around the city parks, financial Street, walls, garden, forest, rivers, roads integration of the six new scenic area is taking shape. Meanwhile, the city wall scenic CMC "international and market-oriented, culture, ecology," as the guide, "create brands, neighborhood, improving quality, efficiency for the requirements of the "adhere to the theme of culture, through the rich and varied activities, explore in depth the walls of historic and cultural relics, increase extraction, integration, innovation, fully embody the quintessence of Chinese history and culture at the same time, to the Millennium ancient wall to give new meaning to the culture and unique experience feelings, create distinct characteristics of cultural tourism for the public and tourists to enter history better, and feel the humanities. Wall scenic spots as "Huangchengshan recovery plan" an important carrier For reproduction and enhance Xi'an unique historical and cultural competitive edge, the potential historical and cultural resources into the reality of cultural tourism products and create Xi'an city's calling card, Xi'an International to promote the process will give great impetus.