
Suzhou, China Overview

Suzhou is an important historical and cultural city, the famous tourist city of China, the first batch of outstanding tourist city. Suzhou is located in the central Yangtze River Delta, east China's largest industrial, financial and trade center in Shanghai, south of Zhejiang, West have Taihu Lake, according to the Yangtze River North. Area total area of 8,488 square kilometers and a population of 5.839 million, of which 2.124 million urban people. Underneath it is Zhangjiagang City, Changshu City, Kunshan City, Taicang City, Wujiang City, Wuzhong District, equivalent City, Pingjiang District. Canglang, Jinchanggou, and the Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou high-tech zones. Suzhou territory mild climate and fertile land, abundant natural resources, since ancient times as the "paradise on earth." Suzhou is an ancient city, founded in 514 BC, which was 2,500 years of history, currently located in the Spring and Autumn Period site, the basic maintained "parallel surface, Pei Ho Street adjacent "double chessboard pattern and the" bridges, water, people, "their ancient style. Heritage territory with 487, including 15 state-level and 101 provincial level. China is the sole preserve the integrity of the water Shing Mun -- portal site is situated south of the ancient city of Suzhou doors scenic sites. Suzhou is the East Shuicheng. Water area cent of the total land area of 42%, lakes, rivers spread, one of China's four major freshwater lakes of Taihu, four-fifths of the water in its territory, Dongshan and Xishan, Guangfu, Shek Wu Yushan, yet scenic lake distribution meantime, the world-famous Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal runs through the South and the North. Suzhou is a garden city. The city's classical gardens of the world's cultural and arts heritage and embodies the Oriental garden of the essence. Is intact classical gardens are more than 60, four Chinese garden, there Zhuozhengyuan Garden, the Lingering Garden 2. Zhuozhengyuan Garden, the Lingering Garden, Central Park show, Master-of-Nets Garden, the summer arts po, Ouyuan, Cuisine, Tuisi Garden nine classical gardens have been listed by UNESCO as a "World Heritage List." Suzhou is the birthplace of Wu Culture. History of literary personalities in large numbers, painting, calligraphy, seal carving and poetry with numerous schools. Pingtan and Kunqu opera, Suzhou, known as the Su-cultural drama "3", and Kunqu opera "human oral and non-material heritage were made." Suzhou Embroidery since, the Arts and Craft, jade, clay sculpture, Song Jin and wood handicrafts such superb feeling; Temple, 200902, bridges and other classical buildings of high historical status. Suzhou Jiangnan Water Town is a model, which is fairly representative of the Zhouzhuang of Kunshan, Kam Kai, heard of the Mudu, Luzhi, Wujiang with Lane. These integrity of the ancient town, a lot to retain the Ming and Qing two generations of historic houses and maintain the original rustic character Township characteristics, Folk Culture and rural scenery, a high cultural value, social value and Humanistic Studies successive architectural artistic value. The ancient city of Suzhou to the protection, development and use of Qilihe trail is to resume the original historical character Mining and collating distribution in various parts of the ancient village. Built the opera, crafts, folklore, gardening, Suzhou Embroidery since, inscriptions, silk and 12 museums. Meanwhile, the rivers to improve the characteristics of open water tourist routes, and developed a number of financial, cultural, Business integration in the neighborhood characteristics. Suzhou to tourism, not only can appreciate the profound cultural Wu, a step to experience the wonderful King the result, but also can flourish.



Confucius (Kongzi or Confucius) (formerly 551-ago 479) were hills, the word Zhong Ni, the late Spring and Autumn yeat।Most people. His ancestors Song aristocracy, about Confucius on the previous world away. Confucius young done, several minor official, but he lives most of the time engaged in education, according to legend, his disciples received as many as 3,000, produce a lot of knowledge and skill of students. End of the Spring and Autumn thinker and educator, founder of the Confucian school, the world has been praised as the "days longitudinal's saints." "Wood Duo days," when the community is the most Bo scholars, and was later to St. Thie - Tzuen (saints among the saints), Jesus Christ has become a model of virtue. . The parents who have children in prayer and Niqiu Hill, found in hills, the word Zhong Ni. Yeat.Most antique corner (this southeastern Shandong Qufu) people. Have "20 Poems", "book", the "Man", "happy" sequence "Book of Changes" and "Spring and Autumn Annals." Confucius thoughts and theories on the future generations have an extremely far-reaching impact.

Academic contribution

Less "poor and cheap", and long served as the "Committee of Justice" (Secretary accounting) and "Norita" (of livestock), and other things. Impermanence school teacher, is said to have asked the ceremony in the old Dan, happy to have left school Nakasone, in the piano division of assessors. Poly followers to teach, to engage in political activities. , 50, both from the State of Lu Zai promoted Sikou and exciting firms thing. Then has visited Song Wei, Chen, Cai, Qi, Chu, and other countries, claiming "If I use, as I Zhouhu East?" To see the end use. Old age is committed to education, collate "Poetry", "book", and other ancient literature, and the deletion of Xiulu historiographer remember "Annals" China has become the first body, the Department for the history books. Legend has 3,000 people disciples, of which more than 70 famous people (spring). His thinking "benevolent" core, the concept of "benevolence" or "the wife." "Do as you would be done, should not be imposed on others", "f Yu heels, and wishing to reach people" argument, promoting "forgiveness", also think that the implementation of the "benevolent", to "Man" to standardize : "Kejifuli-Jen." For Shang dynasty since the demon of religious superstition and take skeptics, that the "unknown hygiene, bad things ghosts," "I do not know life, think the gentleman is. " Pay attention to "learning" and "thinking", the combination of "Learning without thought is useless. thought without learning is perilous "and" the saying goes "perspective. Private initiative to teach culture, and advocate their needs, "without", the "Tireless was very patient," stressed the "gentlemen's wife were studied, villains Road school also is easy to make." Political "name" idea that the concept of "Junjun minister, the father and father-son", it should be his deputy "name" and "not a problem, but unevenness is not suffering from poverty and suffering from anxiety" viewpoint. Since the Western Han Dynasty, as two theories of Confucius more than 1,000 years of feudal society of cultural orthodoxy great impact. Existing "Analects" a book written by a disciple of Confucius and the answer is to study the doctrine of Confucius essential information. Confucius thought, the essence of doctrine, which are mainly seen in "The Analects of Confucius", a total of 20, more than 11,000 characters. "The Analects" is a quotation from Confucius, the Confucius and his disciples on the re-actions in the memory of Confucius, There are some disciples of Confucius record of the words and deeds. The book on the history of China has had a profound and dramatic impact. Its ideological content, and ways of thinking, values have long been integrated into the national blood, precipitation in our lives, turns into the national personality. "The Analects of Confucius" a book focused on the Confucian thinking of the core substance-Hui. "Benevolence" is the center of all the theories, all on "benevolence" and "Music" norms, but is a means, for the realization of "benevolence" that the final moral perfect service. "The Analects of Confucius" as a representative of the Chinese culture, as early as the Han dynasty came on the North Korea and Japan, Japan's "Great-Order" has also designated it as a required course for Japanese students. 1594年,传教士利玛窦将它译为拉丁文后,它又被转译为意、法、德、英、Russia and other characters, the wide dissemination of the Western countries. Confucius thought "benevolent" core, the concept of "benevolence" or "the wife." "Do as you would be done, should not be imposed on others", "f Yu heels, and wishing to reach people" argument, promoting "forgiveness", also think that the implementation of the "benevolent", to "Man" to standardize : "Kejifuli-Jen." For Shang dynasty since the demon of religious superstition and take skeptics, that the "unknown hygiene, bad things ghosts," "I do not know life, think the gentleman is. " Pay attention to "learning" and "thinking", the combination of "Learning without thought is useless. thought without learning is perilous "and" the saying goes "perspective. Private initiative to teach culture, and advocate their needs, "without", the "Tireless was very patient," stressed the "gentlemen's wife were studied, villains Road school also is easy to make." Political "name" idea that the concept of "Junjun minister, the father and father-son", it should be his deputy "name" and "not a problem, but unevenness is not suffering from poverty and suffering from anxiety" viewpoint. Since the Western Han Dynasty, as two theories of Confucius more than 1,000 years of feudal society of cultural orthodoxy great impact. Said to govern the country, Confucius to the hardships of the people and calls for a benevolent hope that the rulers of a benevolent heart to the people, He said "draconian more dangerous than tigers," he also stressed whatever laws and regulations, the rulers must first lead by example, "he is. ordered to do so; If they are correct, they will not. " In interpersonal contacts, Confucius stressed the loyalty and forgiveness. "Loyalty" is a faithful honest attitude right people to carry out their duties attitude when things; "I am afraid," is to look beyond their own boundaries. "Do as you would be done by, bureaucrats," and "gentlemen's Own, adult evil." In communicate, Confucius advocated self-love and lovers. Confucius fate cautious attitude, and he believed that his own forces. He said, "is similar nature, the study is far," and all depend on personal acquired efforts. Of course, "The Analects of Confucius" A have some idea of the history and goes against the trend, as he reconstructed the political tendencies, he grades order too stressed that his introverted personality value orientation, All this is undeniable to the development of Chinese society brought about negative effects, We need to apply modern consciousness subject to amendment. But flaws in the human civilization has just revealed the dawn of the Pre-Qin times, our ancestors have such profound wisdom of life is enough for us to feel proud of these descendants of.

Taoism founder

I (BC 600-BC 500) the Spring and Autumn thinkers, the founder of Taoism. Said that an old Dan, who Like ears, the word Bai Yang, Chu bitter County (Henan this LUYI East) Rural Qu Li Renli, Beginning done, "Shou room at the history of Tibet" (Management bookish historian), Confucius had he asked ceremony after block, "I." I said that a pilot Taishih, or old son Levin. "I," a book whether I made, there has always been controversy. "I" to "Road" to explain the evolution of the universe of things that "sang a lifetime of two, three two students, whose son things," "Road" is "Fumo orders (orders) and the regular nature," which "law, the law of the sky, France, the principles." "Road" to the objective laws of nature and also has the "independence is not changed, but not perilous trip Week" eternal significance. "I" book included a large number of simple dialectical viewpoint, as are all things that have pros and cons. "Anti-persons Road action," and can be transformed by the opposition, "is complex surprising, good for the monster Minute," "bad fortune good fortune leans, Fortunate saying by Fu. " Liked to think that things are "yes" and "no" unity "with and without complementary" and "no" as the basis, "Born in the world of things, there are no born." "Heaven, and damaged more than make up the shortfall, similarly is not, not from the loss of an"; "China's rainy day, with as many as tax on food." "China Light's death, his survival on thick." "Minbuweisi, it is regrettable to die fear?" . Its doctrine of Chinese philosophy to develop a profound impact on development, as well as see "I," a book.

Important Taoist philosopher's thinking laid on the theory I, I, "Virtue," a book next 5,000 words, well-made, and On the book-Canton Road physical meaning of life wisdom justice, a hybrid with an independent self-existence and the natural origin of the universe theory. also made the world's existence and operation principle is "anti-people Road action" ontology thinking, in which the survival of humanity, their learning is to get wisdom, then I also made a large number of political, social and philosophical views, and but the emphasis in yourself and not in a civilized manner. It can be said that he is a case in the wisdom of the Tao philosophy and social theory to deal with the chaotic world situation, and is not intended to create a new meteorological, because those are not the Avenue after I Zhuangzi is the most important Taoist theory pioneer. Taoist philosophy is basically two-Laozhuang it. Zhuangzi's Taoist school different from the old school area is that Zhuangzi more people to handle the relationship with nature, would create the capacity, including intellectual, cognitive ability, physical energy, and so on. Zhuangzi from the same natural Tientaomeng based on the proposition, from the cultivation of the community as a whole to face the attitude of life, Zhuang Zi No. 7 thought. He is from the world view of the theory of knowledge to work on the social philosophy of Saint King's Road theory. Liezi Warring States Period, when people. Some of the existing "Liezi" eight of Eastern by Zhang Zhan book series is generally believed to reflect the Warring States Wei of thinking. "Liezi" from the Taoist idea as well as Taoist thought inactive life has stressed the transformation of the natural world in the active and that the role of people in an Renqiang strength to survive, not worried defying genius is the best state of survival. Wang Bi, who three times. When the study of Han's development has come to an end, has been in political turmoil and unjust situation, physics intellectuals talk to the culture, Wang Bi philosophy with the right I deeply realized, I note the "moral by" a book used by the body weight at issue is not whether there are other interpretations not only the development of the old school purposes : "expensive without" the spirit and principles of this key, "Book of Changes" even changed from the Han Yi been quite a few words as the gasification cosmology and the study of the Book of Changes direction replaced by pure physics thinking of the history of the Chinese Book of Changes to a new situation. Guo Xiang, the Western Jin Dynasty, "Zhuangzi" about the famous, advocating "independence" from the theory is a highly abstract thinking among developed by the theoretical concept of physics - that everything in the universe is Born in all accidental "Connection" state advocates a size of the objects without its relevance with the spirit, equal respect for the life of every human life. Taoist development period for the ancient origin of the traditional hermit, of course, some scholars say I was Qingmiao's defense in a word, Taoism is not the origin of the positive social and political actors, they observe anti seriously ponder the truth about the universe. using high abstract ideology with and without the devotion of the language, describing Religion and personnel changes in the rules, Principle study belong to the level of their expertise. When the pre-Qin two-Laozhuang total intake compiled Taoist thinking of the program. Taoist physical thinking of the immediate impact of the Confucian and Legalist physical thinking, Confucian "Yi" and Hanfeizi for "old solutions" for their theories are built on the basis of the new said. But in the actual social and political influence, I have to science of the earliest examples of Huangdi and after the implementation of the rule has been officially to the pilot, however, after due in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period, Qin, Han Chu social struggle war finally stopped, People have finally discovered balm struggle to recuperate, and the harmful effects of the importance of So the old principles of the political philosophy has been neglected. Strong until the Western Han Dynasty, the emperor began grandiose, the tribe began years again, the atmosphere of the times change again, Then once again undermined until style talk Wei, the Taoist philosophy began its vitality, He Yan, Wang Bi opened its first wind, Wang Bi more succinctly and forcefully Note for the classics, from the in-depth theoretical study and Taoist be elucidated. to the show, Guo Xiang Zhuang The development work of the Notes. Wei, the Taoist thought has not created a distinct traditional reproduction, but Taoism is the Way to Taoism, Changes and Confucianism theory created by the use of the important lesson, especially from the gasification Zhuangzi universe, and even wider and deeper with further development. And the same period of Buddhism spread, there have been broken a long time based on the idea of "no" to express wisdom principle, namely the World "Buddhist lattice justice" period. China Taoist culture of the Chinese culture and the contribution of the Confucian equally important. only in a political and ideological one for a table for one other parcel concealed it. Taoism and the theoretical ability and the profound degree of dialectical, Chinese philosophy is thought to provide all the other traditional source of creativity. As for the China Taoist culture in the arts, painting, literature, sculpture, and other aspects, is the absolute advantage of a dominant position, even if the Chinese art of performance shall be the Taoist arts is not too much to the performance. Of course, the Chinese Taoist philosophy and political activities have also provided improvements in the space, making Chinese intellectuals not to be too strong Confucian-based political ideals and persevering in the pursuit of officialdom with the lives of input and can more easily found Oneself Road, the understanding between the wisdom of access


the Dragon-Boat Festival

Lunar May fifth, China is the traditional festival -- the Dragon Boat Festival (the Dragon-Boat Festival). also called the "Dragon Boat Festival", "Po Festival", "save", "long festival", "Mu Lan Festival", "daughter Festival" "Children Festival." It is the Han nationality, one of the traditional festival. Also called the Dragon Boat Festival-5, the Dragon Boat Festival. In addition, there are many other Tuen Ng said, such as : Kenneth Day Festival, re-5, May Festival, Bath Festival Portland, daughter Festival, the festival days. to December, the poet Festival, Lung, Ai Festival, the Dragon Boat, summer festivals, and so on. Although the names may be different, but generally speaking, people everywhere are celebrating the Spring Festival or the custom with more than differences. Today, the festival of the Chinese people is still a very popular grand festival. The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the annual festival four. May the drug, the drug is on the 5th, also at noon on the 5th of the drug, the drug's three C-terminal. The Dragon Boat Festival is known as the "end of May." May is the hot days of the start, five snakes become active, Creepy Sprites also rampant. These people in particular will give unscrupulous resistance nor the children bring disaster, May be the end of the day for the children to focus on anti-virus disaster, it People again in May festival as a "kids festival" or "doll festival." Guo Dragon Boat Festival, a Chinese traditional 2,000 years of habit, as a vast area, numerous nationalities, some Mongolian, Hui, Tibetan, Miao, Yi, Zhuang, Buyei, North Korea, Dong, Yao, Bai, Tujia, Hani, She, Lahu, water, Naxi, Daur, Sounds, Qiang and Gelaos. Sibo, Pumi, Ewenki, Yugur, the Oroqen minority has over this section, together with a number of stories and legends So not only have many differences from the festival, but the world is not entirely share the same customs. The main contents are : daughter to go back to her parents, as the wall clock cheekbone, and to greet the ghost ship, hiding afternoon, Mr Fu Tie afternoon, flying calamus, the women wash, You all, and Sachet service to keep the offerings Life, race, the contest for striking swing, Tu enough for the children to drink hsiunghuang wine, liquor calamus, five harmful things to eat cake, and no wonder, and seasonal fresh fruit dumplings, in addition to superstitious activities have gradually disappeared, the rest has spread throughout China and the neighboring countries. Some activities, such as race, has been the development of new, breakthrough time, geographical boundaries, become an international sports competitions.


The Dragon Boat Festival eat rice dumplings, this is the Chinese people's traditional practices another. Dumplings, known as the "Kok wheat," and "cones dumpling." Its long history, numerous. According to the records, as early as the Spring and Autumn period, mushroom lobe (water bamboo leaf) packet millet into horn-like, "Kok wheat"; loaded with bamboo sealed to cook rice, saying "cones dumpling." Eastern Han dynasty, to the ash-water immersion millet, because of the alkali in the water with mushroom leaf packets millet into square shapes, cook Base dumpling into Guangdong. Men, the dumplings are officially scheduled for the day of Tuen Ng Festival food. At this time, packets of raw materials in addition to dumplings of glutinous rice, but also add Yizhiren medicine, cooked rice dumplings called "educational challenges." When people Zhou "Yueyang endemic in mind," says : "Popular leaves to wrap the mushroom millet, ... cooking, Hopewell learned on May 5 to entice's summer solstice. a dumpling, a millet. "Six Dynasties period, there Miscellaneous dumpling. Rice doping animal meat, chestnuts, red dates, such as red bean varieties increased. Dumplings also for the gift exchanges. In the Tang Dynasty, the rice dumplings, "Bai Ying jade" and its conical shape there, lozenge. Japan recorded in the literature on "Datang dumplings." Song, there is a "preserves Dumplings", fruit-dumpling. Poet Su Dongpo "at the dumpling see Bayberry Lane firewood." Then there is also the dumplings together in Rendezvous with pavilion, and the wooden cars critter for advertising on Song eat dumplings are very fashionable. Yuan, Ming period, rice dumplings wrapped in leaves mushroom materials from the skin of bamboo leaves to change, and later appeared with reed leaves packet dumplings, Additional information has emerged bean paste, pork, pine nuts Stone, laden with dates, walnuts, etc., the more colorful varieties. His family festival morning to commemorate Qu Yuan eat dumplings, usually the day before put the dumplings wrap, night cook food morning. Packet dumplings are mainly used abound in the river path tender reed leaves, the leaves are useful, collectively leaves. Dumplings in the form of the traditional triangle, generally within FLESH named, called the package glutinous rice dumpling and rice mixed with red bean known as adzuki bean dumpling, Erbium-called jujube fruits of the dumpling; jujube rice dumplings leaked "early", so eat up the jujube rice dumplings, intended to study the children can eat the morning on the imperial examinations. Scholars past imperial examination in the day, morning must eat jujube rice dumplings, since secondary schools, university entrance exams Day morning, Jujube parents will have to eat rice dumplings to the candidates. The pot boiled dumplings certain Yaozhu eggs, even over low heat about conditional some duck eggs, goose eggs, sugar eaten dip in the sweet dumpling, little dip in salt to the eggs "Top pressure." May is said to eat the dumpling pot-boiled eggs in the summer is not the main sores; Put the duck eggs boiled dumplings, with oval on the noon sun drying will be followed by an entire summer without a headache. To this day, each year in early May, the Chinese people everywhere must Baptist sticky rice, wash thoroughly, including the dumplings, its more wide variety of colors and designs. From the toppings, north of the multi-packet jujube, jujube rice dumplings; South will be a , fresh meat, ham, egg yolk and other toppings. Jiaxing, Zhejiang with representatives of the dumplings. Eat dumplings customs for hundreds of years in China is as powerful as ever, but also spread to Korea, Japan and Southeast Asian countries.