

Confucius (Kongzi or Confucius) (formerly 551-ago 479) were hills, the word Zhong Ni, the late Spring and Autumn yeat।Most people. His ancestors Song aristocracy, about Confucius on the previous world away. Confucius young done, several minor official, but he lives most of the time engaged in education, according to legend, his disciples received as many as 3,000, produce a lot of knowledge and skill of students. End of the Spring and Autumn thinker and educator, founder of the Confucian school, the world has been praised as the "days longitudinal's saints." "Wood Duo days," when the community is the most Bo scholars, and was later to St. Thie - Tzuen (saints among the saints), Jesus Christ has become a model of virtue. . The parents who have children in prayer and Niqiu Hill, found in hills, the word Zhong Ni. Yeat.Most antique corner (this southeastern Shandong Qufu) people. Have "20 Poems", "book", the "Man", "happy" sequence "Book of Changes" and "Spring and Autumn Annals." Confucius thoughts and theories on the future generations have an extremely far-reaching impact.

Academic contribution

Less "poor and cheap", and long served as the "Committee of Justice" (Secretary accounting) and "Norita" (of livestock), and other things. Impermanence school teacher, is said to have asked the ceremony in the old Dan, happy to have left school Nakasone, in the piano division of assessors. Poly followers to teach, to engage in political activities. , 50, both from the State of Lu Zai promoted Sikou and exciting firms thing. Then has visited Song Wei, Chen, Cai, Qi, Chu, and other countries, claiming "If I use, as I Zhouhu East?" To see the end use. Old age is committed to education, collate "Poetry", "book", and other ancient literature, and the deletion of Xiulu historiographer remember "Annals" China has become the first body, the Department for the history books. Legend has 3,000 people disciples, of which more than 70 famous people (spring). His thinking "benevolent" core, the concept of "benevolence" or "the wife." "Do as you would be done, should not be imposed on others", "f Yu heels, and wishing to reach people" argument, promoting "forgiveness", also think that the implementation of the "benevolent", to "Man" to standardize : "Kejifuli-Jen." For Shang dynasty since the demon of religious superstition and take skeptics, that the "unknown hygiene, bad things ghosts," "I do not know life, think the gentleman is. " Pay attention to "learning" and "thinking", the combination of "Learning without thought is useless. thought without learning is perilous "and" the saying goes "perspective. Private initiative to teach culture, and advocate their needs, "without", the "Tireless was very patient," stressed the "gentlemen's wife were studied, villains Road school also is easy to make." Political "name" idea that the concept of "Junjun minister, the father and father-son", it should be his deputy "name" and "not a problem, but unevenness is not suffering from poverty and suffering from anxiety" viewpoint. Since the Western Han Dynasty, as two theories of Confucius more than 1,000 years of feudal society of cultural orthodoxy great impact. Existing "Analects" a book written by a disciple of Confucius and the answer is to study the doctrine of Confucius essential information. Confucius thought, the essence of doctrine, which are mainly seen in "The Analects of Confucius", a total of 20, more than 11,000 characters. "The Analects" is a quotation from Confucius, the Confucius and his disciples on the re-actions in the memory of Confucius, There are some disciples of Confucius record of the words and deeds. The book on the history of China has had a profound and dramatic impact. Its ideological content, and ways of thinking, values have long been integrated into the national blood, precipitation in our lives, turns into the national personality. "The Analects of Confucius" a book focused on the Confucian thinking of the core substance-Hui. "Benevolence" is the center of all the theories, all on "benevolence" and "Music" norms, but is a means, for the realization of "benevolence" that the final moral perfect service. "The Analects of Confucius" as a representative of the Chinese culture, as early as the Han dynasty came on the North Korea and Japan, Japan's "Great-Order" has also designated it as a required course for Japanese students. 1594年,传教士利玛窦将它译为拉丁文后,它又被转译为意、法、德、英、Russia and other characters, the wide dissemination of the Western countries. Confucius thought "benevolent" core, the concept of "benevolence" or "the wife." "Do as you would be done, should not be imposed on others", "f Yu heels, and wishing to reach people" argument, promoting "forgiveness", also think that the implementation of the "benevolent", to "Man" to standardize : "Kejifuli-Jen." For Shang dynasty since the demon of religious superstition and take skeptics, that the "unknown hygiene, bad things ghosts," "I do not know life, think the gentleman is. " Pay attention to "learning" and "thinking", the combination of "Learning without thought is useless. thought without learning is perilous "and" the saying goes "perspective. Private initiative to teach culture, and advocate their needs, "without", the "Tireless was very patient," stressed the "gentlemen's wife were studied, villains Road school also is easy to make." Political "name" idea that the concept of "Junjun minister, the father and father-son", it should be his deputy "name" and "not a problem, but unevenness is not suffering from poverty and suffering from anxiety" viewpoint. Since the Western Han Dynasty, as two theories of Confucius more than 1,000 years of feudal society of cultural orthodoxy great impact. Said to govern the country, Confucius to the hardships of the people and calls for a benevolent hope that the rulers of a benevolent heart to the people, He said "draconian more dangerous than tigers," he also stressed whatever laws and regulations, the rulers must first lead by example, "he is. ordered to do so; If they are correct, they will not. " In interpersonal contacts, Confucius stressed the loyalty and forgiveness. "Loyalty" is a faithful honest attitude right people to carry out their duties attitude when things; "I am afraid," is to look beyond their own boundaries. "Do as you would be done by, bureaucrats," and "gentlemen's Own, adult evil." In communicate, Confucius advocated self-love and lovers. Confucius fate cautious attitude, and he believed that his own forces. He said, "is similar nature, the study is far," and all depend on personal acquired efforts. Of course, "The Analects of Confucius" A have some idea of the history and goes against the trend, as he reconstructed the political tendencies, he grades order too stressed that his introverted personality value orientation, All this is undeniable to the development of Chinese society brought about negative effects, We need to apply modern consciousness subject to amendment. But flaws in the human civilization has just revealed the dawn of the Pre-Qin times, our ancestors have such profound wisdom of life is enough for us to feel proud of these descendants of.
