
China's Shaanxi History

【-- Shaanxi Historical summary of history, culture famous. Here is the ancient Chinese people and culture of the Chinese nation one of the important birthplaces of Chinese history dynasties political, economic, cultural center of civilization is the earliest history of the Chinese nation to advance toward the world, as well as modern sites of the Chinese revolution, Chinese people for the survival, reproduction and human history of civilization has made a unique contribution. [Fat Tseung civilization of the Chinese nation -- Shaanxi splendid ancient cradle of civilization. About 80 years ago, Lam Tin ape man living in the territory, began to manufacture and use primitive tools, Acquisition fruits and hunting of animals and birds. 1963 found "Lam Tin ape man" of the country found the earliest, most complete skull fossil ape man. About Sansimonian ago, the Guanzhong area of the original human gradually entered the clan period. 1953 found the Banpo Village site is Liuqiqiannian former matriarchal clan commune of a settlement villages. [Fat Tseung agriculture -- Shaanxi is China's agricultural production and development of the earliest in the world. About 60 years ago, on the Banpo people here engaged in agricultural production, livestock breeding, hunting fishing, gathering fruit. Planting time is the main cereal grain. Legend of the earliest farming in the wheat and millet, Shaanxi Guanzhong vandalized ancestors. To the Western Zhou dynasty, the Guanzhong area of agricultural production with new development, spread to other areas. [Fat Tseung -- opening up China's Shaanxi Province is opening up one of the earliest. About 3,000 years ago, the Shaanxi Chang'an with many countries on the political, economic and other exchanges between activities. The famous "Silk Road" is a starting point for the ancient Chang'an's. From the Han Dynasty, on a Chang'an as the center, with South Asia, West Asia, and European countries for political, economic and cultural exchanges. [Fat Tseung culture -- Shaanxi is the cradle of ancient cultural one. Shaanxi from the Western Zhou Dynasty, we entered a new period of historical development. Week in Central Shaanxi Province an ancient tribes. Yuan Zhou Zhou Dynasty as the center of their activities, they will have a written notebook, divination and fortune telling the Chronicle words carved in bone chip, then cast in bronze, carved inscriptions. Calendar of ancient Zhou Dynasty, China is the earliest calendar. Qin Afang Palace, the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, the Emperor, and so on stone-record confirms the profound ancient culture of Shaanxi, which developed the Terracotta Army grows, it demonstrated a tremendous underground sculpture art treasures, reflect the high level of arts, cultural history is a glorious chapter. [Ancient emperors are -- Shaanxi is China's history center in the era of dynasties and the longest most of the provinces. About 2000 years ago, the 28 century BC about legends summer tribal ancestor Huangdi, 炎帝都曾在陕西活动过,为中华民族的创立和发展作出了丰功伟绩。221 doses before the Xia dynasty in the 16th century period, Shaanxi alone Hu, LUO Guo there. 12 century BC, entered the stability of the farming period, Shaanxi Wei River valley in ancient history as the center stage 13 successive dynasties Changan or near the center in Chang'an. Western Zhou Dynasty are picks 268; Qindu Xianyang 145; Western Han Chang'an has 208; Wang Mang's Xin Dynasty are Chang'an 15; East Chang'an Xiandi Emperor in Han dynasty has six years; West King Hui, sympathize empire Changan seven years; Zhao before Changan 10; Qindu before Changan 35; Qindu after Chang'an 32; Western Wei Dynasty are Chang'an 23; Northern Wei Chang has 25; SUI are Chang'an 26; Tang Chang'an 266 years. Have two books farmers regime of homogeneous regime are Chang'an four years, the Dashun min regime are Chang'an two years. Total 1072. There are Xixia Jingbian in northern Shaanxi. Zhou's rise, the powerful Qin, Han and the flourishing Tang to the prosperity of Shaanxi as a starting point. Zhou and Qin dynasty glorious history of the Chinese nation Jiaozuo, is the proud history of Shaanxi. Shaanxi to the Chinese nation created a glorious history and civilization, leaving a wealth of valuable heritage. [Sacred place of the revolution -- Modern Shaanxi is the cradle of the Chinese revolution. October 19, 1935, the Red Army reached northern Shaanxi Qi Wu town. Since then, the CPC Central Committee in fighting in northern Shaanxi, living 13 years. Yan'an become sacred place for the Chinese revolution, the Chinese Communist Party leadership here in the country's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation. After the founding of new China, especially the party since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Shaanxi undergone earth-shaking changes. economic prosperity and social development and made remarkable achievements. 36 million hard-working, brave, probably the wisdom of the people to inherit and carry forward the spirit of Yan'an, is the reform and opening up by the wind. with Jiang Zemin at the core, under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee, with high morale, to join the development of the western region, carry forward the glorious tradition restore ancient glory recast the history of the new century glory. [Shan Qin probably -- or Shaanxi listed Shaanxi Qin. "Shaan" means unfamiliar Shaanxi, Henan Province in this profile in the southwest. The early Western Zhou Dynasty, Zhou, held two centimeters Shaanxi rule and the east of Shaanxi, the Duke of governance, Shaanxi west, the response of public governance. Since then, the people will bring in the west of Shaanxi unfamiliar as Shaanxi, "Shaan." "Qin" from the Spring and Autumn Period, the Qin mainly in the area of the zone. Shaanxi people known as "probably", generally from the Shaanxi is divided into geographical features relevant, in northern Shaanxi, Shaannan three natural areas to understand. In fact, "probably" so named because enfeoff mighty Xiang Yu, Qin down to the three separate rule Qin come back : to Zhang Han Yong Wang, Xianyang without west; Sima Yan Wang of the Cypriot licensed Xianyang east; Dong shoppers to Zhai Wang, the number of street west of Shaanxi. "Probably" that is, hence its name. [Tang previous administrative divisions -- Shaanxi evolution of local administrative divisions, started in the Spring and Autumn Period. Warring States, Wei located in the Mano River downstream Shangjun, Chu located in the middle reaches of Hanjiang Hanzhong County, Qin also located in northern Shaanxi Shangjun. Qin Shi Huang unified the 6 countries, generally adopted the system of prefectures and counties, the world 36 hours county. In addition to retaining the territory of Shaanxi and Hanzhong County Shangjun, the Weihe River in a separate inside history, and county level. Western followed Qin system, and retain Shangjun Hanzhong County, the other Qin inside history is divided into three districts of the county : Former (east of Xi'an in charge of this, the Weihe River south region), Zuofengyi (in charge of the north of the Weihe River, the middle and lower reaches of the river), Fufeng right (west of the region in charge of Xianyang), known as "San Fu" Zhisuo at Chang'an. Han Dynasty, in order to strengthen the centralization of power in 13 州刺史 Department to monitor each county. Later, the provincial governor changed the Department of State, or 州刺史 Zhoumu Chief Executive, formed state, county, three county system. Shaanxi now in the Western Han Dynasty involving three states. Three Kingdoms period, Shaanxi today by the majority of Yongzhou, Jingzhou, Yi state jurisdiction. Western Jin Dynasty and the three countries was more or less similar. Eastern reunification of the Sui Dynasty 200 years, the North-South divide, the war frequent administrative divisions very confusing. [Administrative divisions after Tang evolution of the early Tang dynasty -- state, county, county reform, the country has set up 10. Road jurisdiction State, County. Imaseki, is held by northern Shaanxi, southern Shaanxi is Shannan Road. Song of the Road diversions, this is the bulk of Shaanxi Yongxing military roads, where this Xi'an; This county, west of weeks. south Fengxian, Liuba, and the other is QIN Feng roads, where this Tianshui City, Gansu. Two by way of Shaanxi Song carved out of the way, it still claimed their habit of Shaanxi Road. Foping this, Zhenba west of the benefit is the state roads, where this Hanzhong City. This Ningshan, Shiquan east of the South is in Beijing, where this rule Xiangfan City in Hubei. This tree, Fugu, Guardian Subordinated Road East, where this rule Taiyuan of Shanxi. The system still used the road entirely in the territory of the Shaanxi Ghz Zhou Lu Yanan Road. Yuan Dynasty's political center said the Central Secretariat, in branch offices throughout the executive secretariat said, referred to Provincial. The jurisdiction of the Shaanxi Provincial included throughout this Shaanxi and Gansu Lanzhou east and south of the central Inner Mongolia around. Provincial million for the foundation, in addition to Beijing, Nanjing, the country set up the Officers Division 13, Shaanxi Secretary presides over the Officers including this region throughout Shaanxi, Gansu Jiayuguan east around Ningxia and Inner Mongolia to the most, the east part of Qinghai Lake. Qing repealed the Officers Division title, still claimed Provincial provinces, and Jia years the country had 18 provinces. Shaanxi still under the early Qing this Gansu, Ningxia and Qinghai east. Kangxi, 2002 (1663), the shift in the Officers Shaanxi right Gong Chang, five to the Officers of Gansu, Lanzhou moved. Since then, Shaanxi, Gansu provinces partition. Since the Yuan Dynasty established Provincial, Shaanxi has been based in Xingyi present Xi'an. 【Series, the Xi'an center -- the Northern Wei Dynasty Chang Min Dili first year (3428) Yuwentai son in Changan Cox Yuwen substituting Western Wei Dynasty king said, a change of the national title for the week, to the north Zhou Xiao Min Dili. SUI center in the Northern Wei Chang elephant three years (581) hold the equivalent of the fall of the power of foreign coercion North Qi Yang Jian Zhou Jing Dili Yuwen elaborate throne, a change of the national title SUI to Chang'an for all. Li Yuan's imperial ambitions establish a capital Chang'an 13 years of the Sui Dynasty (617) Taiyuan clock Tangsheling Li Yuan started the war against SUI. The following year in Daxing Town Taijidian imperial ambitions, established the dynasty. Tang Jian Tang Chang'an, the capital of Changan, change SUI Daxing city of Chang'an City, and the amended and expansion. Xiao written "by the men in ancient" Tang Dawod 2008 (625) Xiao written "by the men in ancient" in the form of Chang'an This is the earliest existing solutions cubic equation works. Xuanzang holly pilgrimage "Datang Records of the Western Regions" Moon three years (629) Xuanzang left Changan, at the age of 27. Much the way the dangers in their lives, reached India. Moon 19 (645) with 657 classics return to Changan, Changan dozens of Peoples honor. Japan sent the first batch arrived in the Tang dynasty Chang'an five years (631) SHU Ming emperor of Japan to dispatch on dogs Mita spades as ambassador, Japan Pharmacists benefits for the initial stage of the first group arrived at the mission sent Tang Chang'an City. Li Zicheng dent in Xi'an City Anyone 16 years (1643), Li Zicheng capture Xi'an City, Xi'an was diverted to Chang'an House, said Xijing. Founding Dashun, decorated Yongchang. Xijing withdrawal of the following year. Xi'an People's government in May 1949, the People's Liberation Army stationed in Xi'an. On the 25th, the establishment of the people's government of Xi'an, Beijing Mayor Williams. "Lam Tin ape man" was found on May 23, 1964. CAS Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of the Institute of Archeology, In Lantian gongwangling found a basic integrity of the middle-aged female ape man fossils. Is about 100 years ago about the early Paleolithic period, known as the "man in China Lam Tin." Terracotta Army discovered on March 29, 1974. Lintong County (now Lintong District) Yan Chai Commune West Yang Yang production team, among other farmers in the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor 1.5 kilometers east of wells and found pottery Terracotta Army, the Archaeological sector attracted attention after the discovery and study of the Qin Dynasty terracotta warriors and horses confirmed. Xi'an-Lintong Expressway completed on December 28, 1990. China's western region of the freeway -- the first West (ES) A (Tung) Expressway opened to traffic. Total length of over 30 kilometers. Fifth World Conference of Historical Cities on September 10, 1996, 8-12 Fifth World Conference of Historical Cities in Xi'an ancient capital Hotel. Vice-Premier Qian Qichen on behalf of the Chinese government at the opening ceremony. Conference to "revive the historical cities" as its theme, Paris, Moscow, Baghdad and other cities more than 70 mayors or representatives of the mayor. At the end of the meeting established a "league of historical cities," Xi'an was elected vice president of the Federation of Union City. "China's famous historical and cultural city in a dictionary" of this session of the projects. Xi'an International historic site 2005, the Board from 17 to 21 October the International Council of Monuments sites (ICOMOS) 15 session of the General Assembly Building in Xi'an people held. This was the first meeting held in China, Xi'an is also the history of the largest contractors of an international conference. From 85 countries and regions, more than 650 domestic and overseas representatives of more than 300 people (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan on behalf of) participants. The General Assembly in October 21 through the "Xi'an Declaration" that the Chinese philosophical thinking, The idea of heritage preservation and protection of cultural Xi'an experience into an international heritage conservation rules. "Xi'an Declaration" adopted, include China, Xi'an is the building of the World Cultural another outstanding contribution have very important significance. First Eurasian Economic Forum was held in Xian on November 10, 2005 to 11, by the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, United Nations Economic and Social Council and the State Development Bank of China to host the first Euro-Asia Economic Forum in Xi'an was held. Its success in promoting western development strategy in-depth implementation and the acceleration of the process of Xi'an International, is of great and far-reaching significance. During the forum, the United Nations ESCAP officials, the Department of Tourism (bureaus), domestic and city mayors, Energy officials and the financial sector, high-level seminars on promoting western China city Xi'an especially with Central Asian countries of dialogue and cooperation, increase exchanges between urban construction and management. To accelerate the process of urbanization has produced a positive impact.
