
China. Tibet. Lhasa

Lhasa is Tibet's political, economic, cultural, transport and tourism। Main tributaries of the Brahmaputra located in the north bank of Lhasa, is one with 1,300 years of history, ancient culture. Lhasa, in ancient times known as "the face of logic," and "more logical", the Tibetan language meaning "sheep territory." Legend, Lhasa celecoxib for the marsh, Princess Wencheng arriving in Tibet Jokhang Temple, built during the early use of negative territory filled goat named. Srong established after the Tubo Dynasty, the capital of logic loose. To the 9th century renamed Lhasa, meaning "holy places", "God", and use. With Tibetan political, economic and cultural development and the rise of religious and gradually built the Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple, Xiaozhaoshi. formed a renovation of the old city center to take shape. Since then the more than 1,300 years, has been continuous operation in Lhasa valley plains formed a palace, a Buddha, mainly the residents of the unique historical relics. Lhasa now total area of nearly 30,000 square kilometers and a total area of 523 urban square kilometers. County, a jurisdiction seven zones with a total population of 474,500, of which the urban population of nearly 140,000, Tibetan, Chinese, to more than 30 nationalities, Tibetans accounting for 87% of the population. .
High and steep topography of the Tibetan Plateau, thin air, dust and water vapor content of less transparency, have strong sunshine, Total annual sunshine hours for the 2500 ~ 3000 hours. Jiangnan and over the hilly region of Sichuan Basin over the stem segments, and is the largest solar radiation energy areas, Radiation usually total 160 × 4184 Coke / cm 2 above. Lhasa southerly latitude, the sun high angles, elevation 3,700 meters, a strong solar radiation, its solar radiation levels as high as 202 × 4184 Coke / cm 2, while the national sunshine hours up to the cold Qinghai Lake only 168 × 4184 Coke / cm 2. Lhasa sunshine intensity of this high city in the world is rare. Meanwhile, Lhasa, the number of hours of sunshine up to 3005 hours, compared with the same latitude, such as Ningbo 2087 hours, Chongqing 1188 hours and the length of sunshine, as well as plain, coastal cities far beyond the. Lhasa received per hour per square meter of solar radiation energy, which is equivalent to 1,000 kilowatts an hour furnace heat distribution, National is a well-known "Sunlight City." Lhasa, the Tibetan language meaning "holy places" and "to the Buddha." Year 633, Cameron, the tribe Srong in Lhasa to establish a powerful Tubo Dynasty. Lhasa to the Tubo Dynasty Capital, which opened a new chapter in the development of history. Lhasa, the capital of the former marshes is a barren piece of land to establish a capital, Gongbao building, repair the river, building monasteries, laid the prototype of the city of Lhasa. Famous Jokhang Temple in the construction period, goats negative territory Tianhu Temple is the story of a process of beautiful legends. Tibetan sheep called the "Draw" soil "Savimbi", as the Jokhang Temple is the first building, people will have to "Draw Savimbi" with the Jokhang Temple as the center of the city's name. Chinese historical records "Draw Savimbi" general translated as "the face of logic," and "more logical." Along with the rise of Buddhism, the people regard the city as a "holy places", "Lhasa" A subsequent rise and replacing the original name. "Lhasa" is the language of "sacred" or "Buddha"'s Chinese transliteration. Srong since the beginning, the Tibetan government-generation kingship 9 (Zao), as are capital of Lhasa. Mid-13th century, the Yuan Dynasty divided Tibet for 13 10000, 10000 Cai Pakistan for one, and made many achievements in Lhasa. The early 14th century, Palau fargesii Pakistan has conquered the only Goumba, Cai Yasangba and Pakistan, and then mastered the power to rule in Tibet. Pazhu in Tibet 13 staple, Lhasa is within the Wu case. Pazhu rule Although the center is East, Lhasa, but the history of the development of its religious status of the Holy City and a powerful gravitational Pazhu regime remains highly valued. The early 15th century, lamaism Gelugpa (Yellow Sect), the Lhasa-based Tibet gradually unified, forming religious rule situation. In 1642, the Dalai Lama in Lhasa V established Gaden Phodrang regime. 1652 V Dalai Lama to Beijing, Ching by the grand reception and canonized, and the following year returned to Tibet. Led by the Dalai Lama in Tibet regime's forces had been further strengthened, as in Lhasa, capital of Tibet. Since then dragged down. 1721, the Qing court set up units stationed in Lhasa act minister, and in 1751 established in Lhasa former Tibetan local government, and authorized the administration of Tibet Dalai management. (Author Unknown) in May 1951 the People's Liberation Army to take over peacekeeping in Lhasa formally established in 1960 in Lhasa. Lhasa, capital city of Tibet Autonomous Region, which is located on a tributary of the Brahmaputra River-northern Lhasa, 3,650 meters above sea level. is the world's highest-altitude cities in the world. Is the one with 1,300 years of history, culture and politics of the region, economic, cultural, and religious center. Lhasa, the Tibetan language meaning "holy places", "to the Buddha." The seventh century, Srong unified Tibet after the establishment of the Tubo Dynasty. Princess Wen pass into Tibet, the grassland here is a beach, after the construction of a renovation and Xiaozhaoshi. Since people worshiping Buddha to more people around the Jokhang Temple, it has built many hotels and the residents of housing, formed a renovation of the old city center to take shape. Srong at the same time, Hongshan expansion royal palace (now the Potala Palace), and Lhasa valley plains palaces were built, Chinese and foreign prominent highland city henceforth form. Lhasa urban elevation 3,650 meters, located in the river valley flood plains, is the world's highest-altitude cities in the world. The terrain from east to west tilt. Is a semi-arid plateau temperate monsoon climate, sunshine hours, 30 hours or more, therefore, "Solar City" never stops. 200--510 mm annual rainfall concentrated in 6--9 month, multi-night rain. The maximum temperature of 28 ° C, lowest temperature 14 ° C below zero. Lhasa City, in addition to the famous Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple, the Norbu Lingka, three temples, Xiaozhaoshi, were Kok Chen Kang, Heba mosques and Lin Kang-tournament, also open up a number reflecting the characteristics of the temples, hot springs, grassland scenery and other tourist attractions. Drepung Gelugpa six temple is the largest temple monks had 10,000 people. Covering more than 20 square meters. The whole temple scale of the event, rows of white Tibi complex hilly terrain, and Yuanwang like huge pile of rice, After the philosophy succulent symbol of prosperity. Lhasa City Origin history : Long Day-Tsan into Kyrgyzstan Qu River about a century before and after the Year, Tibet's ancient history began with some vague outline. This is our ancestors from generation to generation by word of mouth, then the Tubo Dynasty historians recorded in the books of the above. There is a plateau on the various tribal clan, Tibetan history books called "12 small state" or "40 small states." "The small state, with small Walled City." After years and the war, gathered into several tribal alliance, with the southern valley Cameron tribal alliance, Ali Xiangxiong Kingdom of the Yarlung Zangbo River and north of the border tribal Soviet Union-the most strong. At this time, the Lhasa River ancient name "Kat Qu" has emerged, known as the "Music of Kyrgyzstan" (Lhasa River Basin) of the area has already been known, now located in Lhasa, has been called the "snow Kosovo Tong Ji" (Kyrgyzstan Qu River downstream of the dam fertile) of. Qu then Kat River is the Soviet Union has a close alliance of tribes to a Kosovo at Kunimatsu and two royal rule. Year 7 beginning of the 20th century, Cameron, tribal leaders Long Day - Zan shuaibing went through the Yarlung Zangbo River, Kunimatsu at the royal below the mother's family and others in wallowing in the mire, at Kunimatsu occupied territories, Kyrgyzstan become the whole song (Lhasa) River Basin of the world. Long - Zan Day Camp put in Meldrogongkar A card Kong ravine Mary, in this long north-south direction ravine, Construction of several Gongbu, his son, the founder of Srong Tubo Dynasty, Year 1478, Mary was born in a ditch long-BA Ming Lin Gongpu China. Detailed Srong Wang Ji Tong Srong Kosovo snow 13-year-old, Cameron, Union tribal feud broke out, paternal and maternal subjects harbor grievances, the respective ministries open mutiny, her father the king Long Day Song Jin shared by drug died, the government nearly disintegrated. Srong distress following the fatal, led subordinates to immediately review the Middle West, Zhulupanchen, vanquish Darboux, the cloth mother cloth, the Ministry of Soviet border, Plateau complete the great cause of reunification and the establishment of Tubo Dynasty, the city Kyrgyzstan Quwo Tong, is today's Lhasa be around leaders in wishes and respect "Srong," meaning "strength of the unseen kings." The Legend of Prince juvenile expedition passing through Kyrgyzstan snow Kosovo Tong, plump, sunny and the wind, he could take off his title, Swimming in Kyrgyzstan Qu River-Bibi waves, seeing the surrounding mountains Sihe, Xiushui midstream, the terrain broad expanse, the magnificent, more Hongshan. Iron Mountain three processes, such as lions leap air, the great cause indeed, is to create a strategic way. Meanwhile here north and Qinghai, South backer south, west Xiangxiong, to the east Dokan, located in the snow-covered central and convenient, productive, much better than Cameron corner. He made the capital of Kyrgyzstan Quwo Tong major decision. Year 2633, the rate Srong Minister subordinates from bamboo in Kyrgyzstan under the Kasi Quwo Tong, This unit has since time immemorial desolate plains of silence, became lively and busy. Srong After careful investigation, decided to cut off Kyrgyzstan Qu River North River, near a river or release Shannan, Hongshan shown around a vast plains. Here he built Gongbu, building temples, and create a military housing. Hirano said Kosovo Tong is the first building blocks Hongshan fortress, which is the predecessor of the Potala Palace, made up of this boulder Gongbu, Hongshan halls of the Summit of the momentum is very magnificent. Ancient Tibetan "Sharing Wedding Banquet" book depicts : "Hongshan there, and build a three siege. Then, in the siege, Xiu-style fortress with the Watchtower 999. Also at the top of Hongshan repair gather with a 1000 version. These palaces are decorated with gold and silver, into the Past, pearls, Ying Luo and other objects, appeared quite magnificent compatible with the Hsing Tien Temple comparable? . " Al-Quds Al-Sharif with the collapse of Tubo Dynasty and the establishment of the decline of nearly 200 years of Tubo Dynasty began to intensify contradictions, with the official royal clan, ethnic and official Buddhist monks, Buddhist and anti-Buddhist forces between the forces of the conflict, to achieve is correct proportions. First, the anti-Buddhist forces accused of the murder of senior positions in the clergy Bowl illustrates badges Jiabei cloud, followed by demons kill Zao red hot towels, Pakistan, Heat owner's elder brother, Pakistan towels Langdama of Zao, launched the second cut-Buddhist movement. Dover banned from Lhasa, the Jokhang Temple closed, the Buddhist statues were buried in the ground, and monks were expelled from the temple, forcing them to flee. order their cattle or sheep to go hunting. Langdama the throne for five years after Mizhou monk Maha white Jicheji killing demons. Lang Darma history Savimbi died, leaving Weisong and two-Dan Wang, Wei-Chen meeting as born-Dan says as long as dependents, Fei party into the fall of the aristocracy and the Group of hands-Dan According to Lhasa, called "liberals", Weisong fled Shannan, called "liberals", each faction onslaught, which lasted more than 20 years, eventually triggered the entire Tibetan plateau civilians in the riots, the Tubo Dynasty Since then disintegrated. As Dynasty university city of Lhasa, Tibet with the collapse of the decline. Potala Palace in the early period was Chisongdezan lightning fire, this will again suffer gradually reduced to ruins, the palace-collapse, Dianyu dilapidated, Bidding grassland and crows arbitrary loading, a bleak picture. From time to split the Sakya Lhasa, Tibet during the 9th century AD in the middle of splitting up separate times, full lasted 400 years, until the mid-13th century AD. to the Tibetan Buddhism Sagya Tibet headed by the religious leaders joining the Yuan Dynasty, Tibet Since then split from the path of reunification and formally a part of Chinese territory. Sakya dynasty, the capital of the Tibetan Sakya, Palau fargesii dynasty, the capital of Pakistan is Shannan is East; Zangba article noted regime. Xigaze is the capital. Although 800 years ago between Lhasa in Tibet is not the center of power, but it has been the most ancient Tibet's most sacred city. Tibetan Buddhism more than 100 years of silence, in the year before and after the 10th century renaissance in succession. Ali ancient precepts from the lattice and Green Haidan end has imported from the Tibet and the Buddhist doctrine fire in and around Lhasa re-combustion, Tibetan Buddhism, which have been called after Hong period. After a very long time, Cai 10,000 as Pakistan dominates Lhasa. Cai Palestinian generations 10,000 long has been the Yuan dynasty in 1771 Situ Royal grant management and Lhasa Lhasa River rights. Lhasa City to a long-term effective management of organizations to build strength and reinforcement of embankments, urban dredge waterways, and create houses, Balangjie Street renovation, repaired many times renovation, Xiaozhaoshi to protect the Potala Palace remains on the ruins of ancient architecture, management of monasteries and Buddhist services are being conducted in various places, organizations preaching sermons, the establishment of Tibetan Buddhism center, codification of historical and religious works. Descendants miss their contributions to 10,000 watts long Raj fruit Ben's statue enshrined in the sacred among the Johkang Temple. Lhasa when religious activities are still very rampant and the construction of many monasteries, sang Phu, Cox Morón Temple, the recipient of the East Temple, the Tsurphu monastery, venetian Temple, the Temple Stratton, jewels Temple, and so on, are built on the surrounding Lhasa, Lhasa remains a mecca for people yearning. Lhasa factions forces for the 16 century AD rule in Tibet before and after the Palau fargesii Pakistani regime is declining, benevolent mussels Pakistan No. noted zangba forces serving in Tibet China, once very popular and supported the Gelugpa Liu Wu family was the first case reported zangba eradication, As a result of the first snow Kyrgyzstan Pakistan (Lhasa River Executive) is a powerful Gelugpa donor. Kyrgyzstan first snow from Pakistan managed to Qushui Meldrogongkar cards between Lhasa valley, the first Palestinian to successive Lhasa roads, bridges, reinforcement of embankments, construction of housing palaces and done a lot of good deed. Earlier, the legendary Tibetan Buddhist monk Dong Tang Jeb, but also on the Lhasa River amendments built iron-chain bridge, Lhasa has greatly improved the traffic and links with the outside world. However, the emerging Gelugpa to Xigaze was headed by the noted antique zangba (zangba Wang) hostility and repression, from the beginning of the 17th century, before and after the possession of ongoing adversarial relationship, and their repeated Lhasa is the envy of the region, already accustomed to live in peace Lhasa residents, into a panic and confusion in pain, suffering from the ravages of war. Takeo : Chapter heyday from the 17th century AD to the 18th century, V Dalai eight Dalai period, Tibet enjoys relative political stability and relative social tranquility, the city of Lhasa relatively fast. In the meantime Lhasa had two great upheaval, one year in 1717 Xinjiang Junggar invasion, one year in 1727 after the outbreak of war in possession, by the Qing troops quell Central. Particularly the Year 1727 to 1788, Also in 1750 except Dole Mexican special beads that wood Zalebeizhu cause temporary disorder, Lhasa were done for a whole 50 without social upheaval and war smokeless peace day. In the meantime a lot of construction in Lhasa aristocratic sites, Buddha Temple, the government bureaucratic, there are shops, workshops, and the restaurants, hotels, homes and so on. Then, in the Jokhang Temple in Lhasa urban center surrounded by extended radiation to continuously expand east, mosques, south Manjushri Temple Glass Bridge west, north to Xiaozhaoshi, and basically formed the Old City today pattern. Jiaqing of the Qing Dynasty (1796-1821), a resident of Lhasa has more than 5,000 households, a population of as many as 30,000. Year 1727 (Yongzheng 2005), the Qing dynasty, the central government stationed in Tibet stationed Minister Yamen in the first game of Lhasa-kang. Year 18 at the end of the west side of Liulin Rub new bureaucratic stationed Minister, the people of Lhasa referred to as "food for observing the Wedding" (stone lions). Central Tibet, the Qing Dynasty also deploy troops, military camps located in the northern outskirts of Lhasa's Drapchi place. Year in 1757 after the death of the Dalai Lama VII, the emperor of Tibetan regent system that the previous generation to the Dalai Lama passed away after a generation before the Dalai Lama reign, Appointment of a great Living Buddha who took the Dalai Lama's authority, commonly known as prince regent. Demu Living Buddha, Cemolin Living Buddha, Reting, Gongdelin Buddha, have served as prince regent. They have built in Lhasa tall and majestic, the magnificent Temple China and the United States. Meanwhile, the Dalai Lama calendar generation of the family, Buddhist monks and nobles size of the sites, but also competing in Lhasa to start building. Tibetan businessmen, mainland businessmen, Bhutan, Nepal, India businessmen countries, have gathered in Lhasa business, Kang Chong tournament, iron Benkang. Caine Bouquant, Tibet Xinga, including Bargor Street in Lhasa as five major markets. Muslims live along the east dam lam, mostly in the slaughter Mills as a career : Han residents living south, vegetables, distribution of liquor are most welcome. This is 100 to 200 years to Lhasa, the fourth large-scale construction period, it was the Mean : Chapter regime heyday. Sera Monastery in Lhasa on salad -- salad Da Chau's order among the uproar stabbed Fujibayashi, red and green leaves, branches pressure; Glens mountains charming, Mahayana Act rumored world. Our long history in mind heart suddenly Wubaiqishinian; Development and changes of time, the statement events to warm their hearts. 10 Aiterui concentrated land should be a solemn, self auspicious for the wonderful cliff to public opinion around, 8 bright and clean round in the world : as the sunshine of the holy sites in Sunlight City, Feng Chi for the Gelugpa one of the four high-Temple. Sera by Chau Manjusri presume themselves with the main differences were Kaji see consistent net, and the master-disciple door Chaqingqu-Buddhist Western interests in accordance with the division fate in the seventh pig around the country (1419) creation, It has been 575 years. Period, the number of monks, learning institutions, the situation for civil, economic sources of vicissitudes, as large waves volatile. Since the 11th Plenum of the party's ethnic and religious policies brilliant again reaching the snow-covered plateau and different sects in charge of the temples have been repaired and the corresponding new, salad Daijoji repair work and new progress has been made year after year. With older monks to protect life and the second half after the carefree, law firms practicing aspirations have been met; young also according to its own wishes, to be efforts to read and write, learning culture, Wen thinking classics good opportunity. Sera Monastery of the past and present, domestic and foreign readers a user-friendly for a brief presentation is very necessary. Therefore, based on the information available, to extract the essence and write the preamble. 1, Sera original formation of Lhasa City, in all of the natural rock clearly demonstrated eight Switzerland phase : After Hill Middle seemed that the protruding win buildings shape, the right amount of D-Hill conch-shaped and then Qu Kuwayama the umbrella of the mountain. I subsequently New York side of the mountains tablets of stone like the goldfish tours, mountain's singular in many ways. Qu in the mountain top, color Lazi, making Chief of other places, since one can see the long-closed Master Tsongkhapa eastern grottoes, The next room and practiced Quiet Room springs. Diclazuril is here - the first call on Tsongkhapa place is written, "Hi-fundamental concept," which. Ming Emperor Yongle six years, the seventh Year soil around the country (1408), sending four adults invited to the Beijing-Tsongkhapa, Also at the meeting location salad curly top. Strong mobilization Code Qin Jie, appointed to the West around the Sengge instructors participating in the Habitat new mascot Mr BP's celebration ceremony in salad curly top opening. This is a great historical significance. Because here at the earliest by the dense thorn trees cover the hillsides, they were known as the Temple salad, Italian garden for the thorns. Tsongkhapa disciples and door-Chaqingqu-release plus benefits CIDEP division Ming dynasty emperor-law, went to Beijing and permanent residence. Since then, imagine themselves to the fundamental teachings of Tsongkhapa, the return of Tibet, lived for a few years and created a salad Mahayana Chau. 2, Sera build stronger Chaqingqu-on-the-Chaqingqu for Fengchi Gelugpa of sages, From Tibet to the Ming emperor of a traditional law-makers. In the mainland through the Gelugpa teachings of Confucius and Mencius, and the three generations of Ming dynasty emperor was very deep relations for the development of Tibetan and Chinese, possession of Mongolian and other ethnic fraternal friendly relations and strengthen the reunification of the motherland, and made outstanding contributions. Strong Yen - with the name of the origin, from the Ming Dynasty Emperor Yongle third-generation titles bestowed by great masters, CLARK intended for the emperor's teachers. Ming Dynasty Emperor Xuande nine years, the seventh Tiger Wood around the country (1434), presented the Merciful succeeded name, translated into Tibetan strong Chaqingqu Jie, precious recognized, properly known as the West explained plus benefits. Around the country in the sixth Trojan (1354) Cai was born in Batavia officials of a family, three years older than Tsongkhapa. When he was young, and give up their own softer economic and living conditions of monks, thanks to many famous teachers. Heard a secret classic. Since see Tsongkhapa, mainly serve in peacetime, between the systematic also heard close, music, destroying secret, and with practice, perfection reached a considerable level. Strong Chaqingqu Jie in Beijing to the emperor by repent for pet completion of the secrets, music, and destroying four of the amendments added for. The emperor, the ministers and followers, and the other as the Han, Mongolian and other non-believers to count. Going, missionary, the awarding of nuns, monks and no props, in accordance with their own wishes cleverly on the many remarkable close Sharia, Gelugpa start spread in the mainland. 7th Year of the fire around the country (1416), proposed to the LO Dili granted back to see Tsongkhapa possession of the request, by 2000 was returned to Lhasa, had an audience with Tsongkhapa sacrificed LO Dili metamorphosis 16 Lohan Arts and Craft adapted Buddha, rosewood frame accounts canopy, Mandala and many gold and silver silk District. In Lhasa, and LO Dili on greetings to one another, gifts, has never ceased. LO 1930, the seventh Tieniu around the country (1421), again from Beijing to greet the staff and rescript. Compliance of this, the appointment and the door disciples Dajiesangbu Acting as Sera Monastery abbot, starting way before. As long way, in addition to the numerous temples and meet the aspirations of believers, for performing large-scale activities, result of a delay in a long time. He has not arrived in Beijing, Yongle Dili destiny, his eldest son Ji-Hong Yi, also died about a year. Hongyi Xuande ruling was the eldest son, the seventh of five fires around the Year of the Horse (1426), he was invited to Beijing in the emperor's father Hongyi, grandfather LO death ritual. Beijing 2008, successive completion of the emperor and father of the royal ancestral shrines, the death ceremony, and the monasteries and against the wishes of his followers were extensive propaganda secret teachings. Xuande four years, the seventh of chickens around the country (1429), confers grandfather LO Ciming Dili, the same as the Patent life The India. Xuande with nine years, which allows the name and rescript reads as follows : "OK 10000 wonderful that there is really a win, and purify the Prajna, pray Hui Pu, State Services Commission was to improve the Merciful disease succeeded, West Ching Tathagata, a free large Buddha. "Year 1435 (Xuande decade), returned from Beijing via Zuomoka possession, Ewuga and the disciples Suonanxi temples around on the future management of all internal and external issues were specific oral. in the Tibetan calendar, October 24 Shiji. The two disciples to their cremated remains of a temple dedicated to the holy Buddhist relics as a tower built in possession of the equipment. Shaped like the emperor, Zhu "Mr. Chu Fall," the Society to write "Mr. Chu Fall" and "rites" the prime manifestation of world peace as used items such as chairs, as a monastery for internal objects. Third, development of the Sera monastery created after 47 years, there are four lake (a lake, the lake SIN top, Pakistan pile lake, the lake No.1), each have a lake Wen stresses mentor, was a major development. Tsongkhapa and doors disciples Gongqinluo sulfuric Green Senghe, as speakers at Drepung mentor at the news, because some people jealous, for slander and distortions, not feeling comfortable and went to the salad. Many disciples follow Lama disciples displayed together salad, stress imparting news, attracting many disciples to Poly. Years, only in un Tong, Deqing, Rameau and other roving debate by no fixed residence, also known as the Shab'a lake. New York Yuzong Bumbuna Cox and New York I-East officials Cape feet Ban Chong two disciples to Goncin Nie Clinton Cox Donald Chu request Goncin establish consistently maintain the stand lake. Nie 40-year-old Clinton, the eighth year of the dog fire around the country (1466), these two bear the donor, all new positions for the mosque and Dian. Since then, the Sera Monastery have fixed locations preach. Pakistan pile-BP only Waterloo and contributions as two Kang village monk A lake full and SIN top of a lake into the Shab'a lake, the monks increasing. - 12 around the country Muji (1705) of 240 years, Sera Only heaps of wheat, all three lake. 1705 (Kangxi 1955), Gushi Tenzin curly-grandchildren possession of Rafah killed section Division represents Gyatso, Tibet charge regime, with the possession of another Khan of both the pet lake, Qiangtang in the summer and winter living in Lhasa. Sera old mosque because of the flooding, and expand into new assembly Basilica, the old mosque is the most statues, books, pagoda moved into the new Temple, the old mosque dedicated to the possession of Rafah Khan, as part of his private lake pet for the family. Since then, Sera began Abaza positions. 1717 (Kangxi 1967), Junggar Mongolia around Dan hsiu sending troops entered Tibet killed in the Rafah possession Khan, the following are basically love to punish, 1:00 confusion, Abaza positions in Shiraz, placing him Beng disintegrate. Three years later, Junggar army quilts out of Tibet, Abaza positions culminating in Lausanne Those three groups, Qinghai through spending increases Taiwan Kyrgyzstan, to the Qing emperor TANG Xi letter was served. Xiangzhi to care Rafah Khan's possession of pet lake, the seventh Dalai Gesangjia measures also give care and support 12nd Year of the Tiger water around the country (1722), Abaza positions have been restored, and, as always, still in situ salad. Since then, in Abaza warehouse attend Tantric rituals, learn to hear speakers. 4, the monastery who were learning the characteristics of the monastery five major study on the detailed regulations, and share the joys, philosophy basically the same two Mosques, However, class distinction, and other times, numbers, a name, age, Mr Day 2 of this lake have a different characteristics. Cut, Mr BP although two have 13 classes, but different names. Stores such as Pad : perturbation category three classes, time for three years; Reproduce more than five classes, time five years; On which two classes, each time a total of four years, 2002; Legal classes 2, a total time of the four years, 2002; Discovered On two classes, each time a total of four years, 2002; Ga allow Palestinians classes a time of two to three years. A total of about 22 hours. Color Maiza warehouse 13 classes for : perturbation category classes 1, 2002; Reproduce more than six classes, a total of 2007; On which two classes, the class of 2002 a total of four years; Legal classes 2, a total of four years, 2002; Discovered two spot, a total of four years, 2002; although dedicated Ga allow Palestinians classes, but has been incorporated into classes at one to 2002. Learning the whole process will take 23 to 24. Catholics near Lhasa at the age of seven to become monks, the temple first started going to the General Assembly and the lake eg learning by heart the prayers and the law. and perturbation category, the concept enshrined theory of income theory, it will take 2002. To the age of 10, formally began on five large, successive completion of 13 classes out of the legislature when the name of Buddhism, approximately 23 years old. When Buddhism to have more than 30. From Kang district, security, Mongolia, as well as distant learning goes to a single monk, came to the rear for the monks to when Buddhism. approximately 43 or 44 years old. Cutting, Maiza stores only add 67 per individual Rafah to allow Palestinians places, usually only two of the four lake Rafah to allow Palestinians. 37 to allow Palestinians access to classes not wait for the 23 not to allow Palestinians as the Gexila. Gexila allow Palestinians in a large Transmitting Temple examinations held during the debate to score standards, can be entered under the Privy Council or the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism rituals, and learn to hear various speakers. After a few years, as several of your peers Lattice years Aung were lamas, the Privy Council three years Phuntsok, at least seven years about retiring Phuntsok, 2007 East, North Main Act, moreover libraries are boarded at Bardeen Block, a seven-year term. As Gexila allow Palestinians, except for a handful of smart people, most libraries in the red as Pakistan has been over-60s age, some are over 70 years of age. Maiza positions as libraries at Pakistan : 17 - (m Niang) Chejisangbei. 22 - (Jiarong) Dan Badajie more Kingston, the 36th (for Bush) Dan additional HS 37th - (Beng fever) more Clinton-Green, the 45th (Chomba) Cui Taj. 47 - (Beng Yang thermal top) Lausanne Choepel, the 49th (Chomba) Luosangdajie. 59th - (too Brazzaville), Ngawang Qu Sul, the 61st (rubbing Dole) Wang Cui Lin Ah-door, Article 63 - (rubbing Dole) Luosangkaijiao, 65th - (Beng fever) more Leighton Cui, 68th - (rubbing watts) Luosangge out, the 71st (the Brazzaville) interests Sita pile, 73 - (rubbing Dole) toward the door Lin drop Baicui%, the 74th (Jiarong) Luosanglun beads, 75 - (rubbing watts) LAI cloudy Dan Gyatso, the 83rd (Jiarong) Strong near Naka. 84th - (Jiarong) Lausanne Cui, 87 - (rubbing Dole) toward the door Linluosang Dan White also participate, Total 19. Preservation positions as libraries at Pakistan : 15 - (AT ZETANG) Panchen Suonanzaba. 28th (Leisure Village unclear) to participate more Clinton, the 32nd (zangba) Cui groups Pei, 42 - (rubbing watts) Lausanne Kingston, the 54th term (Discourse) Ngawang Qu Dan, 58th - (Discourse) Ngawang Qu Nazarbayev, the 60th term (rubbing watts) Lausanne Dan Pakistan 64th term (fasting Waterloo) Luosangzaxi, 66th - (Discourse) Ngawang read Sul, 72 - (zangba) drop Baicui%, the 86th (zangba) participate more in Lausanne, 91 - (Delaware) Lausanne more Senate and the 94th (zangba) Donald Chu Chu respect, 96 - (Haldon) Dan Gonggar soil, for a total of 14. In addition, a number of larger reputation on the strength of the saints. Among them, some combination of stresses, dialectical, for a pet cause made from the Health and nurtured countless followers of the fate of safeguarding the motherland's reunification, the strengthening of national unity, leaving a remarkable achievement. Who took a monastery, professor of Buddhist life, trained many successors. Some people proficient in classical, not fixed supported the quiet, cultivate methods for success, setting a good example. Some people study classical, as the Esoteric Buddhism, and then returned to his hometown, Fengchi, enhance Buddhist, Transmitting detailed written sages mind and the temple's religious history. 5. precious antiquities Sera main brief for by the Ming emperors, according to the 2008 Nanjing willing printed Tibetan "Mr. Chu Fall "Total 108 letters per page 8 trip, complete coating, plywood, signed letter Tau. Yongle to Dili in strong Chaqingqu - parting gifts when. There is no time to inlay the trip to the carnival and adapted Buddhist stories, 16 of them in large satin edge adapted as also LO Dili metamorphosis. LO Kong adults Dili Minister Zhu 8000 produced the song in Chinese possession of the control list are in the salad into the assembly recognized as the Maitreya Dian. LO Dili metamorphosis white rosewood produced 16 of them, for protection, with mud on the plastic system 16 of them as possessing equipment, Abaza is still recognized as among the warehouses. India King Yinduoluo Lime books monks, nuns Padmo named, as its prime manifestation of the contributions as more participation Mulberry hands. 10 Avalokitesvara side of Rafah as its possession Khan ransom killed elected Gyatso crimes by plastic. Geva-turn to the two-story building will be like. Maiza his main color well Samye Monastery of St. Gejieqiemalin invited Shih Ying Buddha. Color Preservation of the main warehouse of Matou graces a large master-servant complete, the plastic is the prime manifestation as Gongqin, without labeling it priceless to count.
