
Chinese ceramics

Pottery clay as raw material, blank, drying, fired from, sub-glazing and glazing two। Jiangsu Yixing pottery, Shiwan pottery Guangdong, Guangxi Cement - pottery, Henan imitation Tang's most famous. Yixing pottery to household pottery, Yixing pottery, pottery and fine ceramics is particularly famous. Shiwan pottery garden Simplicity, God-production, mainly to watch the goods, particularly containers best figures. Cement prominent character - pottery and fine texture solid, corrosion resistance corrosion. Imitation Tang mainly in Luoyang, Henan Province, in the "red, green, white," mainly a pottery glaze. Porcelain with kaolin, feldspar and quartz for raw materials, mixing, forming, drying, fired from also-glazing and glazing two. Are : Jiangxi Jingdezhen porcelain, white jade, Sony CD paper, if the mirror, such as depletion of the acoustic characteristics, SOFT, the Dragon porcelain, the translucent porcelain, eggshell Jingdezhen Porcelain for four fine. Zhejiang Longquan celadon, features "clean money, if the mirror, such as acoustic chime stones." Porcelains (Henan), Song Dynasty porcelain one of the five, viewing them as King, knock them like chime stones, finely dazzling, rich and gaudy extraordinary characteristics. Song Dynasty (Henan), Song Dynasty porcelain one of the five, the Song Dynasty continental deep, rich color, sesame-pictorial form. Ceramic long history of Chinese porcelain is a great invention, the ancient Chinese porcelain is a symbol of civilization, and Jingdezhen porcelain is the country representative. Foreigners said to porcelain China, the English word "China" is the name of China, is known as porcelain. According to historical records, Jingdezhen after the Han Dynasty, has begun production of a wide range of porcelain. In fact, the Chinese ceramics have been a thousand years of history. Ancestors invented pottery is a very clear goal, It is an ancient human erratic from the settlers living life to the process of changing the understanding of the technology. With the production of raising the level of awareness people have begun landscaping pottery, ancient pottery on the pattern, carving and other human quest for beauty has demonstrated. The emergence of the world's pottery are almost a thousand years or so, universality, is the development of human society to a certain stage of the natural product, and porcelain is China's invention, As early as the Shang dynasty porcelain was made out and Europe to the 16th century master Ceramic technology, much later than we. Meanwhile, the Chinese porcelain through land and sea "Silk Road" spread throughout the world, reached the farthest East, Europe Rome, Italy. This year the Indonesian island of Java was found near a shipwreck Tang Dynasty, the salvage vessel found 60,000 pieces of porcelain. "Jingdezhen" name is the origin of the Chinese porcelain homeland. Jingdezhen nearly two thousand years of history Dynasty. In the long-term development process  Jingdezhen porcelain began to have their own unique style : white jade, if the mirror, Sony CD paper, The sound of chime stones. Before the Song Dynasty, Jingdezhen has several names, such as the new Pingchen, Cheong Spit other. The emperor of Jingde years (Year 1004 -- the Year 1007), Emperor Zhao Heng sent to Jingdezhen, to be here for the Queen's Royal porcelain manufacture, the end of "Jingde," saying, "The beauty of photoluminescence for ... So the world Chatham said Jingdezhen porcelain, and Chang was the name of the Southern Micro. "From then on here called Jingdezhen, the name used until now, Now that the millennium has been the history. Jingdezhen in the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing period  Palace has been used as a decoration of porcelain production base. China's ceramic treasures Tang Tang is an exquisite Tang Dynasty pottery. High-developed political and economic culture so that the pottery industry is very prosperous, Tang pottery process is the potter an important indicator of prosperity. Many of the world's museums and private possession of family hands, keeping many charming and gorgeous color of the glaze Tang works a three-dimensional ceramics, various shapes of the apparatus. When we see those surging horses, known as "boats" camels, who see the different shapes text paternity Warriors Lancelot Warriors Lady Warriors and the different shapes of animals and birds such as Tang fine, from the bottom of my heart will be sent to the Tang Dynasty pottery developed technology of praise. These lifelike works of art although only made of ordinary clay, But artists have used the art of fire so that they become immortal works of art, This is Tang countless unknown potters Art and the crystallization of wisdom. Tang production, the development of ancient Chinese ceramics history has opened a new one, It is the production of human potter a glittering history. Tang of Tang Dynasty pottery representatives of the low-temperature devices lead glazed pottery, a white clay used for fetal; Containing copper, iron, manganese, cobalt and other minerals for Glaze coloring agents, glazing, Lane has also joined flux for lead, and finally by the low temperature, (800 ℃) is fired from. Green is the color of the glaze (copper), the piece of (iron), Blue (cobalt) three colors, the "Tang" In fact, several mutual infiltration of the color of the glaze. created many new color, coupled with the long, some color changes, now surfacing more than three colors. Setting colorful but magnificent. Tang pottery used mainly for alum and Warriors performance architecture, furniture, household goods, livestock, and other figures, pattern range, can reproduce social life style of Tang Dynasty, known as the Tang Dynasty "encyclopedia." Unearthed from Tang, which began when Tang Gaozong, Sheng Yu Kaiyuan heyday, Tianbao gradually fading. Sheng Tang yield, high-quality, three-color display lively and vivid, natural color of the glaze vertical flow, mutual infiltration, brightcolour, Obscurity is the beauty of a high artistic standard. Tang is integrated in the Eastern Han Lu You and yellow glazed pottery, on the basis of introduced the Persian Layou technology Layou technological innovation from the burn. Tang said China was expected cobalt blue, as well as imports from the Persian, so the saying goes, "your blue-colored." In addition to Tang's invasion of samples by Sasanid Alexandra silverware impact. Tang far unearthed more concentrated in the Tang Xian, and two are Luoyang, in addition to the Yangzhou also unearthed some. Tang estimated production is mainly in these areas, but found only Kiln Tang Gong Xian County of Henan a kiln. Gong Xian County kilns unearthed in a Tang legacy, bowls, bottles, cans, etc., have also found the decorative decals Fan Tao, but I never found figurines. Later Tang of the ceramic great impact on the development, such as foreign-colored Persian, Islamic three-color, three-color Silla, Nara three Cai, China's Liaoning three-color, three-color Song, Ming-colored, three-color, etc., are affected.
China's ceramic artefacts of the Ming dynasty blue-and-white Ming blue-and-white porcelain in Jingdezhen of ancient Chinese porcelains for the most representative, most people in the world have one of his favorite. The beginning of the founding of the Ming Dynasty, China was noted for the production of the existing good foundation for the establishment of a government-run pottery kiln Jingdezhen, China was noted for the production specifically for the Royal shows, The use of porcelain. Blue-and-white porcelain is one of varieties. Hongwu of the early Ming blue-and-white porcelain, heavy solid modeling, has not yet produced the white Tuijin yuan Brutalism. see the big blue see is the color black. More of a bowl type, but less masterpieces. Masterpieces of goods, there is a bottle - and foreign-painted vases, shoulder a "Spring Ting", the word - this bottle, masterpieces only see three, one possession at the Shanghai Museum, one hidden in private hands, another hidden in Osaka, Japan Japan Ceramic Art. This works produced three very attractive, blue-and-white is the Hongwu horn. Ming Yongle and Xuande period, Jingdezhen Guanyaojing China was noted for the production of porcelain flowers, entered a Golden Age, Hailed as the era of Chinese blue-and-white porcelain production of the "golden age." In today's ancient ceramics research, especially in the field of Appreciation, it was the most attention, is the most popular works of the early Ming Yongle. Xuande of Jingdezhen GUANYAO works, some people even LO, Xuande refers to the blue-and-white with some outstanding Western classical art par. Lo Wing-lok, Xuande period Guanyaojing spent porcelain outstanding reputation, did not come out of nowhere, but its aggravation. glaze layer of fine hypertrophy, the rich and gaudy blue-and-white color, decoration and diverse, beautiful lines and forms abundant, and other features common. China's ceramic treasures-white Yuan Ming experienced hundreds of years China was noted for the production of history, porcelains of the Qing Dynasty in China was noted for the production has entered a new period of development. If we substituting porcelains at that time has become China's ceramics production into the mainstream, then the Qing dynasty, The blue-and-white porcelain to achieve a leap in production levels. Qing dynasty blue-and-white porcelain is a general concept throughout China was noted for the production of product quality over time. Only Jingdezhen porcelains, the characteristics of the times, EDM-man field more visible, and consequently, it is clear generation porcelains representatives. Kangxi blue-and-white porcelain period is the period of development, the 1972 production of numerous different types of work, nowadays are quite a number of masterpieces. According to the available data, which can Kangxi blue-phased, the basic one is 20 years. The first phase of the first year of Emperor Kangxi to Royal Arsenal large-scale open burning Kangxi 1930. Green products used in information and Qing Dynasty period are the same as those of at least four colors, the color of the glaze over Belarus Weishan Green or gray. Modeling a brush pot, Mix, and the rapid other. Kangxi blue-and-white porcelain China was noted for the production of the medium-term the most mature stage, 1930 as a starting point, to Kangxi 40 years ago, This blue-and-white period of the giant strides China was noted for the production results. And the Qianlong period of Chinese porcelain synthesizer period, and various types of Antique porcelain, innovative products will see China was noted for the production, but also blue-and-white porcelain. Material from the Green, the Qianlong period crisper pure white colors, materials used heavy blue, black cracked more, shape, physical work stress ratio pursuit of new desires. Jiaqing period of the blue-and-white porcelain, remained to be part of the Qianlong period style, Qianlong period cumbersome and full blue-and-white close in the style remained the same time, most of China was noted for the production of porcelain quality than the Qianlong period, Many are even better after a period of Daoguang. China's ceramic treasures - polychrome ware Chinese polychrome ware production in the development of the Qing Dynasty, entered a new period of history, especially of Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong three Korean production level is used. scored remarkable achievements. In addition to carrying on the traditions and different kinds of colorful, painted blue-and-white, three-color, fighting exotic species, also invented the different kinds of blue color instead of a painted blue-and-white kind of new style, Chong burned in the blue-and-white contour lines drawn exotic materials filled the bucket elegant, colorful, and soft, beautifully colorful paintings, and Graceful, had learned to make attractive, and so on. In addition, a wide variety of miscellaneous color in the Qing Dynasty have also been further improved. Nurtured by the different kinds of colorful porcelain Although Jiajing, Wanli period of peak production to decline, But it has not stopped production, the Qing Dynasty that is, different kinds of colorful on this basis to China was noted for the production. and the original basis of the development of innovation. While the color yellow, green, red color of the three styles, but glazed bright uniform Couplers more lightly, some shapes of the color easily peeled off. Shanghai Museum collection of discovering this colorful hornworts disks, the bottom with the words "The Great Qing Dynasty," handwriting : double circle, site within four chief Although fish is the traditional porcelain, but the performance of pond algae from ponds and duckweed to replace, not beautifully produced, But such discovering this with the thousands of different kinds of products is a rare masterpieces of rare products.
