
Origin of Chinese tea

Chinese history is a long record of tea, has been unable to identify exactly what in the end is the age, But rough times is a statement. And also can find evidence that the world is indeed in many parts of the habit of drinking tea from the Chinese past. Therefore, many people think that tea is created by the Chinese people, elsewhere in the world of tea habit Tea cultivation habits are directly or indirectly from the Chinese past. But some people will be able to find evidence that the habit of tea drinking is not just a Chinese invention. in the world some of the other places where tea in the invention, such as India and Africa. In 1823, a British army of aggression in India Major discovered the wild tea, thus there was the birthplace of tea found in India, at least in India also. China, of course, have wild giant tea records, are concentrated in the southwest region, which also includes records of Gansu, Hunan individual areas. Tea is a very old-fashioned dicotyledonous plants, and people's lives are closely linked. In China, tea is the earliest on the origin of the controversy, several said. Given the number of people found in Yunnan, a scholar seriously study after research concluded that Yunnan's Xishuangbanna is the origin of tea. Artificial cultivation of tea began in the earliest written records of the Western Mengshan tea. This "Sichuan Tongzhi" is set. In fact, right now just what we were drinking tea is not important. Perhaps with cultural significance. We can take a look at some of the academic argument : the birthplace of tea time : 1. Shennong period : Lu Yu Tang "tea" : "to drink tea, made between Westernization. "In the development of Chinese culture history tend to be all agriculture, and related plant origin things eventually attributed to Westernization. In the here and then there can no longer be pushed upward. It is also for this reason, farmers Shennong become God. 2. Western Zhou Dynasty : Jin Chang Qu "Historical Records of Huayang-Pakistan" : "Mrs Eun realized Bashu division, ...... ...... honey tea's are present tribute. "The record shows that in the Beginning of the Eun, Pakistan had to tea and other valuable products tribute with the King Wu of Zhou. "Historical Records of Huayang" also records, and then there will be a artificial cultivation of tea. 3. Qin and Han Dynasties : Western Han Dynasty. Wang Bao "about child" : "Scenic do with cooking," "Wu-Yang bought Scenic," Having even though the application of tea. In recent years, West Changsha Mawangdui Han Tomb, the burial inventory found " a trunk" and " a prominent" bamboo slips and wooden Wen Wen, After an investigation, "" "Jia" in form words to explain Hunan tea quite broad. We now have a drink with very ancient ancestors of the same ilk as Jiangtaigong beverages is indeed very people feel an upsurge of emotion thing. To give us a lot of daydream.
