
China's Yangtze River

Yangtze River (the Changjiang River; the Yangtze River) āng cháng ji is the first Chinese rivers, Mainstream 6397 km length (FROM Yuen), commonly known as 6,300 km. Basin total area of 180 million square kilometers, with the average into the sea about 9,600 billion cubic meters. . Basin between latitude 24 ° 30 '~ 35 ° 45' north, longitude 90 ° 33 '~ 112 ° 25', area of 180 million square kilometers (not including the Huaihe River valley), or about the national total land area of 1 / 5. Average into the sea amounted to one trillion cubic meters, ranking first in the world 3. Jiang referred to ancient times, after the Six Dynasties Changjiang River and the Yangtze River have known. On the Yangtze River source FROM from the Tanggula Mountains in Qinghai Province southwest border vein Geladandong Snow. and when the source of the Yangtze River South Qu said, joined the Tongtian River; Yushu County to the immediate south of Batang River to the following intergovernmental Yibin City of Sichuan Province said the Jinsha River; Yibin following was known as the Yangtze River, Yangzhou olden days following the Yangtze River. Yangtze flows through Tibet, Sichuan, Chongqing, Yunnan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu provinces, Shanghai Municipality in East China Sea injection. Have Yalong River, Minjiang River, Tuojiang, Jialing River, the river, Xiangjiang, Hanjiang, ganjiang, Qingyi River and Huangpu River and other tributaries. In Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province and the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal intersection. Yangtze River in Hubei's Yichang City for more upstream, water in many emergency; Yichang to Jiangxi Province for the middle between the Hukou, meandering developed. lakes (Poyang and Dongting Lianghu maximum); Hukou Following is the downstream, Jiangkuan Jiangkou alluvial from the Chongming Island. Yangtze water and abundant water resources, water period, Modunlun can drive Wuhan, the ferry can be traced back Yichang. China Yangtze River valley is the most densely populated area of prosperity, a major city along the Yangtze River in Chongqing, Wuhan, Nanjing and Shanghai. For the development of the Yangtze River water volume reaching Eryiqian kilowatts, is the richest of water in the river. Yangtze River navigable mileage up to more than 2,800 km, has long been known as the "Golden Waterway" and so on. Fengjie Yangtze River in Chongqing to Yichang in Hubei following grotesque for the Jiang of the Three Gorges (Qutang Gorge, diffused), the world's largest water control project at the Three Gorges Project on the middle section of the archaeological three Sandouping. Overview mainstream of the Yangtze River in different names : the source to mouth when Qu (Tibetan River said "QU") FROM. is the source of the Yangtze River, 358 kilometers long; When I Qu to Yushu County of Qinghai Province, Batang River, saying the Tongtian River, 813 kilometers long; Batang River to Yibin in Sichuan Minjiang River mouth, said the Jinsha River, 2,308 km long; Yibin Minjiang River mouth to the Yangtze. About 2,800 km, known as the Yangtze River, Yibin which between Yichang in Hubei Province to the "Yangtze River" (Fengjie to the Yichang Three Gorges River has "a world known as"), Zhicheng in Hubei province to Chenglingji in Hunan Province between said Jingjiang, Jiangsu Province, Yangzhou, Zhenjiang also known as the Yangtze River below. River plateau, mountainous 65.6%; Hills accounted for 24%; Plain, accounting for 10.4% lowlands. A tributary of the Yangtze River valley area of over 10,000 square kilometers of 48; 50,000 square kilometers over the Yalong River. Dadu River and its tributaries of the Minjiang, Jialing River and Wujiang River, Yuanjiang, the Xiangjiang, Ganjiang River and the other nine. Which Yalong River, Minjiang, Jialing River and Hanjiang River more than 100,000 square kilometers, Jialing River basin area. about 160,000 square kilometers. Most of the fresh water lake in China located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the larger the Poyang Lake, Dongting Lake, Taihu and Chaohu. Yangtze River from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the MTS. Tanggulashan vein, the vein peak of the Tanggula Mountains in the southwest Geladandong. Glacier widespread here, the snow-melt water is the source of the Yangtze River. Jiangyuan to people from the sea, can be divided into three above. Sichuan Yibin above for the best. Yibin Yichang of Hubei to the middle reaches; Yichang Following is the downstream. Upstream of about 3,500 km of grassland north of the Yangtze River source; Moron us he is the source of the Yangtze River to the south, the process is longer, Water is more, according to "Heyuan CD-term" principle, its longest tributary of the Yangtze River should FROM being the source. Since when Qu River section of Yushu in Qinghai Province said the Tongtian River, 813 km long, wide river, which flows ease. Since Yushu of Yibin called the Jinsha River, the ancient imperial Lishui, flow from north to south, across the Hengduan Mountains, Yunnan near Shek Kwu pack into the Sichuan Basin to the northeast, the Minjiang River confluence with the Yibin, a total length of 2,300 km. Since only Yibin said following the Yangtze River. Middle of about 1,000 km, flows through the Sichuan Basin, commonly known as Chuanjiang it. Yibin from Chongqing to the river rather tortuous. Since Bai Di Mountains to the Fengjie Nanjinguan Yichang section of the river across the border of Sichuan and Hubei Mountain, the Grand Canyon area from the west to the east is Qutang Gorge, archaeological, collectively called the Three Gorges, length 204 km, in the multi-radical, the water drop greatly, Yangtze River since ancient times as a natural barrier. Downstream of about 1850 km, very small gap River, which flows slowly, the surface of the river was wide and are generally more than two kilometers, The narrowest point is 650 meters. The river is very tortuous, particularly since the Zhijiang of Hunan, Hubei section of Chenglingji, in ancient times known as Jingjiang River, known as the "nine ileum," said. Due to the slow flow, sedimentation, whenever the flood season approaching, the levee break caused extreme flooding disasters, the ancient "Along the Yangtze River, risks in the Jingjiang River. " Wuhu from Yichang section of the cross-strait many lakes, Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake in the largest. Dongting Lake is the natural reservoir of Yangtze River. Jiangsu into the river, due to blocked by the mountains to the northeast bypass - ling mountain town. Since following Zhenjiang, folding beam to the south, into the Delta, flat, lake-dotted waterways seem intertwined network a fishing village flood plain sight. Jiangkou width was 80 km, showing Jianghai connected spectacular scenery. Both sides of the Yangtze River over Grand Zemin, the beautiful scenery, there are many attractions. As long process, the valley wide, fertile land, irrigation facilities, midstream "Land of Abundance", many downstream "breadbasket" abundant natural resources. Although the cradle of the Chinese nation in the Yellow River Basin, but history is contained, King Wu of Zhou Yin destruction, the areas south of Yangtze River and then the Yellow River. 2 Yangtze River valley has become China's historical and cultural development focus. Many cities along the river, such as Chongqing, Yichang, Wuchang, Nanjing and Shanghai. Shanghai is China's largest industrial and commercial city. There are many scenic spots and historical sites in the two sides is to understand China's history of valuable information, there are many myths and legends Chinese literature is a precious legacy. Yangtze tributaries in southern China since ancient times is the east-west and north-south balancing of the boat traffic artery, Channel chief over 80,000 km. 10,000-ton vessels can Nanjing, 3,000-ton can be arrived at Hankou, the 1,000-ton can to Chongqing, 500 tons of highly links Yibin. Yangtze River from the river across China terrain on the three huge ladder through different geological structures and rock, accepted along tributaries remitted to the Yangtze Valley shape and flow characteristics have different effects. By hydrological, geomorphological features put into the mainstream of the upper, middle and lower reaches of the three : from Heyuan to upstream of Yichang City, Yichang City to Hukou for the middle of the Hukou to the lower reaches of the following. ① upstream section. Upstream reaches across two terrain ladder. 4,529 km long, the length of the Yangtze River accounted for 72.0%. Basin area of 1.006 million square kilometers, accounting for the watershed area 55.6%. FROM upstream of the Tongtian River, and (from the tank to the very Palestinian Loong Batang River), Because the first step rivers Building Building within the hinterland of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. At the top of the plateau, the valleys open, wide-shallow channel, the general river width 300 ~ 1700 meters, the river all the twists and turns, Scattered slow flow, a lot of braided stream. From the estuary of the Batang Yibin said the Jinsha River, is the first to the second step of the transition areas, the terrain here mutation, a high mountain gorges deep, In addition to local Reach for the Loess, the rivers traversing Canyon, than down, the river is very rapid. Yunnan Shek Kwu following, suddenly veered northeast flow, the famous Tiger Leaping Gorge on Shek Kwu below 35 km areas. Gap 16 kilometers long, only the narrowest point of 30 meters. Out Tiger Leaping Gorge, across the northern part of Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, the new towns in Sichuan following the second grade ladder, Survey near Yibin in the Minjiang River, only after the Yangtze River said. Since Yibin between Yichang to below 1,030 km long, custom, said the Yangtze River. Meandering river in the Sichuan Basin within the bed gently, accepted along Tuojiang, Jialing River and many other tributaries of the river, stood increase. Broadening the surface of the river. Guo Baidicheng Fengjie, in the Yangtze River, fly through the second ladder to the third step of the transition areas, cutting seven Yue, Wushan and Huangling three anticline, two syncline, forming the world-famous Three Gorges (Qutang Gorge, diffused), approximately 200 km, with the Loess Canyon arranged alternatively. ② middle of. Out from the Yangtze River Three Gorges Project in Yichang below, and entered the third grade ladder in the middle and lower Yangtze River plain, the surface of the river wide, slow flow, the river bend. 927 km long, the length of the Yangtze River accounted for 14.7%. Basin area of 679,000 sq km, accounting for 37.6% watershed area. Among them, from Zhicheng in Hubei province to Chenglingji in Hunan to some, the length of 420 km, the ancient region of Jingzhou. So named Jingjiang. Jingjiang also divided on the head of the Jingjiang (Zhicheng to Ouchikou) and under the Jingjiang (Ouchikou to Chenglingji) two. Jing river bends under development, known as the "nine ileum," said. Middle strait many lakes, linked to the ring constitutes a huge Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake in the two major river systems. Yangtze River and the two accepted directly into the river water from the tributaries, the water surge more than doubled. Hukou enter the lower reaches of the following. ③ downstream. Depth Jiangkuan from Hukou to the estuaries, 844 km long, the length of the Yangtze River accounted for 13.3%. Basin area of 123,000 square kilometers, accounting for the watershed area 6.8%. Yangzhou in Jiangsu province, Zhenjiang along the Yangtze River known as the Yangtze River. Named in this area are ancient Yangtze-and Yangtze County, foreigners used the name refers to the Yangtze River with the entire Yangtze River. Following the Chase affected by tidal entered the Yangtze River estuary of the average trend reached 266,000 cubic meters / sec, The average years of the Yangtze River flows into the sea of 8.8 times. Under normal circumstances, a total of about Progressive tidal 3.25 billion cubic meters tide reach 4.5 billion cubic meters. As the sea water where the water flow so that the slowdown, which would carry the sediment in the lower reaches of river, particularly near the estuary of the deposited, Therefore, in the middle of the river formed dozens of sizes 33, the largest of which is Chongming Island.
