
China's Yellow River

Yellow River is the mother river for us to this great understanding of our mothers! Yellow River (the Yellow River) in ancient China also called River, known as the muddy river, the Chinese river. Originated in the People's Republic of China Bayankelashan veins in Qinghai Province, flows through Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan and Shandong provinces, nine, the last of Dongying, Shandong Province in Kenli County into the Bohai Sea. River 5,464 km length, second only to the Yangtze River, China's second long. Yellow River is the world's fifth long. From the source of the Yellow River in Inner Mongolia in Tuoketuo county estuary to the upper reaches of the town, 3,472 km long river; River to the town of Zhengzhou in Henan Reach for the middle between, the 1,206 km long river; Reach for the following downstream, 786 km long river. (Yellow River, the middle and lower reaches of the boundaries of a variety of argument, Here the Yellow River Water Conservancy Committee adopted the partition plan) China's Yellow River running through things Basin 1,900 km long, 1100 km from south to north, with a total area of 752,443 square kilometers. Yellow River, as a back arched, headquartered in the male lion jumped from across the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Green, Gansu Provinces in the mountains; Across Ningxia, Inner Mongolia in the Hetao Plain; Pentium in Shanxi, Shaanxi between mountain ravine; break of "Dragon" rivals at the foot of Mount Hua away to the East, across the North China Plain, Jifen Bohai Sea coast. It flows through nine provinces and autonomous regions, bringing together more than 40 major tributaries and more than 1,000 of the river in Sichuan and 5,464 km journey. Basin area of over 750,000 square kilometers, is China's second largest river. Basin-wide average annual rainfall of 400 mm or so, the Yellow River and the average annual runoff volume only 57.4 billion cubic meters. rivers in China ranked eighth. Basin, together with the downstream Henan and Shandong areas along the river there are 200 million mu of arable land, about 100 million population. Yellow River's average natural flow of 58 billion cubic meters, the average annual runoff basin 77 mm, Basin 593 cubic meters of water per capita arable land burden stood 324 cubic meters. Reach middle reaches of the Yellow River flowing through the Loess Plateau, a lot of sediment into a tributary, the Yellow River to become the world's largest concentration in the river. The maximum annual sediment transport capacity of 3.91 billion tons (1933), The maximum concentration of 920 kg / cu m (1977). Sanmenxia average sediment station about 1.6 billion tons, with an average concentration of 35 kg / m 3. Length of 5,464 km source elevation 4,800 meters on average flow 1774.5 cubic meters / sec watershed area 7524 43 square kilometers in Qinghai source countries into the Bohai Sea and through the cradle of the People's Republic of China the Chinese nation, "the Yellow River, You are the cradle of the Chinese nation, in 5000 the ancient culture, which originates from you here ... "This is people familiar with the song" Yellow River ", the lyrics. When people sing this song when submerged will be in the Yellow River recollections among the infinite. Yellow River, the mother river of the Chinese nation. As the birthplace of Chinese civilization. Chinese people to maintain the blood. national spirit of the Chinese nation and a symbol of national sentiment. As early as 80 million years ago in the Paleolithic period, and the Chinese people's ancestors lived in the Yellow River basin hunting, gathering life. In the Yellow River basin have been found in the 2000 original villages multiple sites, and it shows in the neolithic period, The ancestors on the vast land for settlement, in the primitive agricultural production. Middle Neolithic spread reaches of the Yellow River and the Yellow Emperor tribe, and then ChiYou tribe, Yandi and ethnic Chinese in ancient times the three tribes. They lived a nomadic life movement erratic. Later, the Yellow Emperor Yandi joint Gongsha the Chiyou. Soon Yandi and Huangdi ethnic communities gradual integration of the people, and settled in Shaanxi, Gansu, Shanxi, joint development of the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. More than 3,500 years ago into the slave Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties are the descendants of the Yellow Emperor. They call themselves "Chinese" or "summer." China is the ethnic Han's predecessor, the Han people regarded regarded as the ancestor of Huangdi, the Yellow Emperor claiming to be (also known as the Yellow Emperor) descendants. At that time, the ethnic Chinese living in the Central Plains region, it was felt that the Central Plains Habitat Quartet, it is also called the band "China." Later, the Chinese ethnic culture spread to all parts of the country, "China" has become the word of the name of the whole of China. Shang Dynasty moved the capital of the Shang Dynasty Yinxu (today in Anyang County of Henan Province), He reached the sphere of influence between the Taihang Mountains and the Vast North China Plain, known as the Yin empire. Yin Chaoxing culture quite well developed, and then Egypt, Babylon and called the three ancient empires, is the world's three major ancient cultural center. In Yinxu, still retained depicts tall and graceful, close textual bones book and the beautiful and meticulous bronze utensils. However, in three ancient empires outside world, the majority of mankind has lived a primitive life. This shows that our motherland is one of the Ancient World, the ancient culture in the Yellow River's embrace of Fat Tseung. Yin Chaoxing, until the Northern Song Dynasty, the last in 2500, the Yellow River Basin is China's political, economic and cultural center. Xian (in ancient times known as Chang'an), from the Western Han Dynasty to the Sui and Tang dynasties, a total of 11 dynasties center here, which lasted 1,100 years. Ancient China has not only economic, and cultural development has made important contributions, but also for the international economy, cultural left immortal chapter. Luoyang, a total of nine dynasties in this center, which lasted nearly Millennium, it said "nine North Korea and Cuba." Historians, scientists, writers gathered in Luoyang, China and the world cultural treasure trove left immortal works. Over thousands of years, the Yellow River valley is the center of feudal rule, and the masses of working people against oppression of the incessant struggle. Chen Sheng of the late Qin Dynasty, Wang Shimin, the Han Dynasty red eyebrows, copper horse, Huangjin, Wagang Army of the late Sui, Tang Huang Chao, Rongfei Wang Xianzhi, The 17th min Zhang Xianzhong, in the Yellow River Basin performances of this piece of history and magnificent scenes of drama. War and the liberation war period, Shaanxi - Gansu - Ningxia region of the Chinese people and reliable base of the revolutionary until the great founding of the PRC.
