
Qingdao, China Overview

Qingdao in Shandong Province is located in the southeastern end of Jiaozhou Bay, consists of the southeast brink of the Yellow Sea, linking landlocked Northwest, which is located in northern China, East China two major economic zones with a combination of East and South Korea, Japan across the sea. It currently has jurisdiction over Qingdao City South, North, the Quartet, Cang Li, Laoshan, Huangdao, Chengyang District and seven Jiaonan, Jiaozhou, Jimo, roughness, Lacey five county-level city total area of the city 10,654 square kilometers, the total population of 7156500. Qingdao climate is temperate monsoon climate, urban marine environment due to the direct regulation, but also has the notable features of the oceanic climate. Humid air, the temperature moderate, and four distinct seasons. Average rainfall 680.5 mm, with the average temperature of 12.3 ° C, rain heat the same quarter. The hottest year in August, the average temperature of 25.3 ° C, the coldest in January, the average temperature of -0.9 ℃. Really is no winter cold, summer heat without ah, it was also very humid, Members of the friends from the South will be getting used to the weather. But please note that the fall of Qingdao larger temperature difference between day and night, we hope to bring a thick coat, when the sun never able to produce clothing, and the noon time to be off. Members of Friends of Mission, Qingdao, a beautiful, old and young. She said the oldest, Qingdao is the long history and culture. During the league inscription carved nobility, in the area of Taiwan. Xu east to Japan, set sail from here; During the Spring and Autumn period of the Qi Great Wall ruins, still faintly discernible; Fire Bulls Fields breaking Yan, Jimo longer crowned with 1000 history; Langya emperor Mito, pleasant; LOCAL 500 Thai martyrdom, descendants admire; Hailed as a gem of Tianzhu Mountain Mending Cliff, brightening precipice. She said young, because as a port city of Qingdao rise of only 100 years, Qingdao and flourished because of Jiaozhou Bay. Jiaozhou Bay into the throat, in ancient times known as "bead Zonghuai," Huai bead in the east, long a waterfront fishing village "Qingdao Village" has been under the jurisdiction of Jimo. For the 1590s when the opening of Qingdao, the home, such as women regardless of Haikou, Qingdao, henceforth referred to as "Qingdao mouth." After the Opium War, the imperialist powers massive attack on China, Qingdao port in East Asia and as a gateway to the city. strategic position more important. Qing government Minister Li Hongzhang built in Shandong Weihai Beiyang Navy, the journey through Qingdao, Qingdao has found an excellent port-Jiaozhou Bay. So we decided to stay here (this Jiaozhou Bay but a fine port ah, the typical Xiaoduzi mouth, Lang does not need any defense embankment will be able to ship in which Enron came to a complete stop, and even the famous Hong Kong businessman Li + City, He is not always the Yangtze River north of the investment, but only in Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay investment); Qing government in plastic O (another name for the past Qingdao) security troops, and the ancient Denzhou - is now mobilizing the Penglai four battalions moved to Qingdao, built Chief General bureaucratic and build forts and barracks, Cable and Wireless and bridge construction. After several years of construction, Qingdao preliminary become prosperous waterfront towns and military bases in northern Haiphong. To a large number of the Qing Dynasty, also attracted the attention of imperialism, Germany were deployed to a large number of missionaries to Qingdao, These missionaries are on the surface donate stresses, the actual acting as spies, riding roughshod over the people, We all know people in Shandong more irascible temper Oh (remember! not to buy things put you behind the vehicle, Shandong is a bad temper. laughter) So, in November 1, 1897. Shandong huge opposition from county leaders will whittle Leiyan study, Cao and others for the victory command, LAM wild County Disc Zhangzhuang machetes to kill members of the excesses of two German missionaries. This is the famous "handsome wild templates." This matter came back to Germany, Kaiser Wilhelm II went into raptures, and finally found one to achieve their target of aggression excuse. Informed that "substantial opposition templates," the next day, pass on the order stationed in Shanghai, bound for the Far East Fleet Jiaozhou Bay. In the wishes of the government of the Qing Dynasty, Qing defeat without a war, in December the German occupying Jiaozhou Bay. and as a German army base in the Far East. German imperialism insatiable and the lease of Jiaozhou Bay, March 6, 1898, Li Hongzhang, Weng Tonghe money on behalf of the government and the German envoy to China signed the abdication of "rubber O leased Treaty", a term of 99 years. Rented under the name, Germany Jiaozhou Bay region desire to implement permanent rule, enormous amounts of money for large-scale construction. levy, the mountains and repair port, roads, and all streets in Qingdao, hills and islands, and has become known as the German name, Qingdao walk through the old town can still savor the thick European lifestyles. In August 1914, the outbreak of the First World War, Germany, Japan, taking advantage into the European theater in store for the occasion of the Far East, on August 23, 1914 to declare war against Germany, in November the same year, Japan replaced the German occupation of Qingdao, military colonial rule. 1918, the end of the First World War. In February 1919 and will be held in Paris, China, as the victors in the resumption of the meeting in Qingdao, Shandong sovereignty and the legitimate demands, but was Britain, France, the United States, Japan and other powers, refused, forcing the sovereignty and Qingdao in Shandong rights division to Japan have triggered the "May 4" patriotic movement. The students, "I also Shandong, I Qingdao" "swear to strive! Qingdao sovereignty "patriotic slogans and patriotic behavior of the people of the country support, the entire nation of protest, the Chinese government was forced to deny the "Paris Peace Treaty" signed, thus smashed the Japanese imperialists in an attempt to "legitimate" invaded Qingdao conspiracy. Qingdao as the "May 4 Movement" fuse, in the contemporary history of China wrote a dark one. In December 1922, the Qing government recovered sovereignty Qingdao, opened as a commercial port, the establishment of rubber O Ports supervision Corruption, under the Northern government. In April 1929, the Nanjing government to take over plastic O Ports, the same year in July the establishment of Qingdao City. "Marco Polo Bridge Incident", the Japanese launched an all-out war of aggression in January 1938, Japan has once again invaded Qingdao. After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Qingdao received by the KMT government, as the United States Naval Base. June 2, 1949, Qingdao liberation, has experienced 52 years of humiliation suffered by Germany, Japan, U.S. imperialism devastated by three generations of Qingdao, has finally returned to the embrace of the people. After the liberation of Qingdao, Shandong Province transferred provincial cities; The Qingdao, the national plan is a separate city, the provincial deputy enjoyment treatment, 1984 was designated as the nation's 14 further opening up of the coastal port city. 1986 are listed as four separate city plans to give the province an economic management authority; 1994 was designated as the nation's 15 sub-provincial cities in the world. Qingdao city or environmental protection, national civilized city, the National Garden City. Now, Qingdao of Shandong and areas along the Yellow River in the largest foreign trade, finance, information centers and external transport hub, China's eastern coast is an important economic center and port city, state historical and cultural relics and scenic tourist destination. Shandong is China's economic center. "Maritime city, Europe and Asia Flavors" Qingdao city is a true portrayal of the character. Qingdao has seven areas, but we used to say only two Qingdao area. An old urban western, it is really is : bold green, blue sea, blue sky ", is widely different styles of 24 buildings, watching old urban sea, it's as if a European city. SECTION villa area known as "10000 State Building AWE", each one building, have written a long history of interpreting a story. show a blend of East and West, the rich connotation. If sitting in the seaside tourist cruise ships, Qingdao along the coast to see the sea Garden, Mood kind of person could not describe the oh. Another is the eastern part of the urban area, Fushan Ocean Shores rapid rise of the high-rise group, the east-west "direction" and the 12.8-km-long waterfront promenade sculpture of Chinese civilization, constitute a modern seaside city of marvelous picture. Qingdao Qianwan harbor is well-known line the waterfront tourist belt, Chinese Court Square sea, marine palaces, trestle, small Qingdao, the Navy Museum, the Lu Xun Park, fish Hill Park, aquarium, 1st sea bathing area, SECTION, May 4 Square and other famous scenic spots have Carnival here. approximately 36.9 kilometers of the coastal walking Road will be before the Sea coastline unique attractions, scenic areas linked together. 2008 Summer Olympic Games sailing venues, Fushan Bay large-scale integrated marine sports center -- the Olympic water sports center will be called an international philatelic parking and cruise ship at sea Competition, sports, entertainment, tourism, the waterfront is one of the holiday sea Attractions.
