
Shaanxi snack-stone bun

In the beautiful and fertile Shaanxi Qinchuan 800 Lane, a deeply traditional people love the ancient food "cobble bun।" Also known as the Stone Ao cake, sand bun, dry bun, and other pastry. Since its long history, China's food is called the "living fossils." Stone bun can be traced back to the Stone Age. It is our ancestors from eating into the food, using the most primitive methods produced foods. According to the "Book of Rites" record : no room ancestors, Cave flexor winter and summer habitat nest; No fire, but eating "well actually, animal flesh, "live" grass eating and blood drinking "of life. After I do not know how many years, "Sheng", it was discovered that the use of fire. Then, "and repair for the benefit of, to guns, to burn, to hang (cooking), He thought Life." Legend has it that "Shennong, the Valley Fresh, released millet and burning rock and eaten." To the Zhou Dynasty, further to "burn wheat" and "wheat, millet and burned in stone above, the burn is not in cooked." Modern stone bun, perhaps from the ancient "burn wheat," evolved from the. People stone as a heat transfer medium baking food to the period known as the culinary history of the stone cooking times. Some people also believe that the emergence of gravel bun, the Chinese catering industry is "white case," the origin. Stone collected through constant evolution, improving long-lasting. Stone collected the Stone Age is obviously the "stone cooking" legacy. Far in the Tang Dynasty, with the state (this Dali County in Shaanxi) have this investigation, as the Tang Dynasty Tribute, then called the "stone-Ao cake" (see "yuan and county records"). "Leisure - recorded" also an interesting record : "Ao Shi Yue Yan pie cake." Because "with the state is good Yan" (Yan, sound sides, which means rude, and toughness). Every altercation struggles to be at loggerheads when it comes to vote-era lawsuits. Both sides are afraid of losing the lawsuit, the jail starving, "Huai this cake will stop paying up firmly with bread." It is also called "Yan cake." Of the Qing Dynasty, with Qin His Wandering Official Jiangnan, gravel bun also involved in Nanking, and has been the only shelter Yuan wonder praise. Ching Yuan Muzhi (words only son) in his cookery book "Garden Fresh with the orders," Lane called "natural cake", and their use of materials, practices, features detailed descriptions. He said : "The Shaanxi Jingyang Zhang Hawthorn showing the natural home-made cake very well, with refined white flour plus some sugar and fat stirred with pastries, arbitrarily brought the cake looks like, as disk size, 'informal surroundings, thick Hsu two hours' Then some clean small cobblestone stunning cake, hot gravel to baking, 2151, and since then the cake to die, color-yellow, cooked it, bite-U.S. anomaly. or salt can be. " Yuan Muzhi in this record today, and Stone collected the materials, practices, the same basic characteristics. Guanzhong cobble bun is white flour, Add seasoning, oil, salt (sugar), cakes made of embryo; Cut the small cobblestone son, on the bottom of the pot-heating, cake made of stone on the embryo, then covered with top layer of gravel, from baking system. Fried soft, nutritious and easy to carry, durable Storability. Stone is concerned bun rural postpartum women often eat the food, gifts for friends and relatives, entertain guests, travel out of the requisite good food, is the ideal food tourists. In recent years, Xi'an some hotels and restaurants, with its hospitality foreign guests extremely well received. Speaking of Sino-bun stone of the origin, there is a beautiful legends. Legend, the Emperor's granddaughter gaze, long Yun brocade weaving. Since marrying in Hexi Cowherd, the interruption of brocade. Emperor declaring that burned down the right affectionate couples, except for their annual July 7th Meeting at once. Their residences, separated by a Milky Way, can not be passed, then July 7, magpie for the good intentions of the Milky Way, they began to build the "bridge to." However, the long way, the way an ordinary belt to mold the cake bun, the kind-hearted people will make a stone bake the cake, Meeting at the way for them to go, the benefit of their recreation. While these are only legends.
