
Tianzhu Tibetan

Tianzhu called "Tianwenzhu", mostly in Tibet, the Tibetan East, Bhutan, Sikkim, Latin FOR grams of the Himalayas and other jurisdictions, is a rare gem. Tianzhu to nine stone shale, containing the quality of the jade and agate element of Tibetan Tantric blockbuster one of the historical records "Tianzhu nine stone." Tibetans are still the unwary is that the Tianzhu stone. Tianzhu Tibetan pronunciation of "Crazy" (DZI), the beautiful, Weide, wealth it. and Sanskrit is "ignorant since an embarrassing situation," calling Tianzhu. Scientific analysis of the internal structure of Tianzhu, with the natural universe strong magnetic field energy, Ytterbium which elements of the very strong magnetic field and the world at present only Tianzhu Tibet have a special element of this magnetic field, So wearing the Tianzhu and protect them from evil, hyperlipidemia, stroke prevention, and strengthen within the natural gas and other impurities. Tianzhu is a sedimentary rock formed particles 1 / 256 mm, mainly from the consolidation of clay into a thin sheet rock page. Tianzhu color can be roughly divided into black, white, red, brown and green, and other colors, Shale because of the color contained chemical substances, such as those containing volumes red iron oxide, iron oxide hydrogen who was slightly yellow, containing carbon black were firing. Tianzhu magnetic field for three times the crystal, crystal waves to 4 volts, compared with 13 volts Tianzhu. Ore hardness of the higher magnetic field is stronger, and Tianzhu semi-precious stones, the hardness of Mo's 7-8.5. In addition to South Africa's diamond hardness of Mo's 10, the day on Earth there is no longer any ore Tianzhu too strong magnetic field. This is also the only Tibetan agate are called Tianzhu, and Brazil, Persia and the Soviet Union, Indonesia, Taiwan agate, Tianzhu and not a reason. But any ore have magnetic field, strong or weak is different. Tianzhu Tianzhu historical origins can be traced back to 221 from 3000 to 1500 between Elian's ancient India. People at that time to ask God bless Buddha, Tianzhu it was created. At that time, people in ancient literature "Vedas" A record of incantation. totem symbols of patterns (also Tianzhu is now on the logo), painted in stone, Progressive to enhance the spirit (soul) awareness of the benefits. According to the "Vedas" record : ancient time due to geographical environment and the impact of natural disasters, Brother providence of a natural heart. "Tianzhu" they have been created. Meanwhile, infiltrated various drug treatment, and using voodoo spell totem ideas, Fu painted on stone, to be sacred blessing of the gods, goddesses and protects. Tianzhu for worshiping Buddha's deeds representative for records and Moon 15 years of Tang dynasty (A.D. Liusiyinian) the Princess Tubo kingship disposable marry cases get praise, with the one from India invited the Buddha as a dowry, This final statue of the Buddha in the Jokhang Temple, located in Lhasa, Tibet's Buddhist interior. This statue of the Buddha in the Tibetan people shall be the 100 mark Xiangshang variety of Tianzhu, including three nine Tianzhu and three Tianzhu, 2 Tianzhu, B Tianzhu (or bottle immortalized Tianzhu), and Rana Tianzhu with other eyes Tianzhu. Currently Anfeng statue of the Buddha in Lhasa (Lhasa) Jokhang Temple of Buddha interior. According to historical records, in between the moon and the Tibetan grassland Channel, Tibet and the northern grassland cultural exchanges are important means This trail, at least the fifth century BC has been opened. A long history, the beautiful and mysterious legends, in addition to the collection of devout Tibetans dependent generations. Tianzhu will become hearts were precious treasures of. Tianzhu the original theory of traditional Buddhist create the universe, then it is from water, fire, three elements to pose, followed with round, Triangle, Square's logo. Description integration of the two sides outline : "○" round, cosmic phenomena sector cycle justified, the universe of power sources. Open to white, symbolizing the sun, the moon and stars emerge is infinitely bright. "△" Triangle, the human circulatory system itself, and for the creation of human energy. Red anthropogenic (land animal of all means blood red cells, white blood cell and platelet triangular relationship), symbol crack, which, God revealed the delicate vitality. "The Regional Services Department announced today" square, all natural substances from the force (magnetic field), with cohesion and strengthen the role. To yellow, symbolizing water, fire and wind posed by the cause of the opportunity. These ancient pictorial motif, which includes the operation of the universe and man's thinking! This is about human thinking and actions. Today, scientific advancements, and the whole world is the origin, physical phenomena, chemical and biological phenomena phenomenon, Buddhist thinking seems to be closely related. In fact, the sacred Buddha earth spirits, Chizhuqingdutang gemstones and natural sciences. All of the Community of life in the universe. Fuji sentient beings, all creatures Truth is the Buddha, with different Switzerland. The most important is that since sexual heart, but also the entire universe contains the origin of life. Tianzhu totem days were also Yuan, Tathagata wisdom Germany is tantamount to God Department (steel sector) symbol. To those who side, and the people's foundation, similar to Pachamama (Taicang sector) symbol. "Radius" is the universe (the Quartet next cycle), is the scene of Esoteric Buddhism City. In other words, build a radius of the Buddhist altar, a totem ideas and approaches, the performance of the universe of the landscape and sacred Buddha realm! As (who is) means. Meanwhile, with the recipients of the same prayer by now, the missing link in Taiwan "award!" That is, "according to pull" was intended. Tianzhu pictorial motif, it is followed ancient India, Brahmanism the Homa (home). Esoteric and attached with the "five leanings tower" symbolic significance. Homa basic fire for France as follows : Pearl beloved and distinguished achievements authority. Zhao Ming and a half months, and to arouse the awareness of the spirit. Triangle vanquish, vanquish demons of the enemy. Round-disaster quell the disaster should remit their sins. Gain square, Sakainaga Forde wisdom. Judging from this, this and Taoism "yin and yang," said the same compatibility for all of the fundamental of all. Only a scientific point of view : As IC circuit panel is bound to pictorial motif through the program design, as conveying the message to the media, can play its due role. The same principle, Tianzhu own totem ideas is a formula! Is the magnetic field energy of the universe of symbols. Tianzhu processing history Tianzhu history can be traced far back to 5,000 years ago, when they found mine Tibetans have a powerful magnetic field, This is a mining and ore grinding pestle into a round shape of the surface, then engineering technology is not developed, it only made the color gray, no lines's shallow ore, Therefore Tibetans to draw various auspicious patterns in (eg B, Lotus, Rana, eye stripes, lines, etc.) by the high temperature treatment of pigment in-depth within the ore. Currently on the market Tianzhu currently on the market circulation of Tianzhu, the vast majority is produced by artificial, its logo is the use of leaded paint painting up, the high temperature after fired. Different shapes have different significance. Tianzhu materials from 9 shale, but also useful chalcedony and the agate. Also useful glass beads, beads made of plastic raw materials. In addition, many on the market agate Baozhu, beyond whether or not originating from Tibet, are claimed to be "Tianzhu Tibet." For the years by the spirits of the old slang Tianzhu. The rest is the new Tianzhu. Also called Type 1, Type 2 statement. The former price 10,000, and the latter as long as a few hundred dollars. Tianzhu illustrate the monocular Tianzhu (optical light) : Red chalcedony illustrate this large beads will appear bright shining Dai holding intensive care, all Nonetheless smug. Goodboy for will not be strong, dejected, the lack of confidence among the people, the biggest benefit. Tianzhu eyes : Red chalcedony illustrate circadian (yin and yang) sector in turn, has transformed the role of regulation. Goodboy make thinking and concerted action, thus achieving the desired objectives. 3 Tianzhu : Red chalcedony illustrate Po Sang graphic characterization of the Buddha, Chu said some can produce all the riches mean. Goodboy with increasing wealth and efficiency! That day, and "placed" symbol. 4 Tianzhu : Red chalcedony illustrate mercy Guanyin Bodhisattva forehead, willing to Tibet, the four lines of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva. Goodboy Dai maintained; Apart from legislative obstacles can, Fu is growing, fruit Road success. 5 Tianzhu : Red chalcedony illustrate, said the Ministry of Buddha, Lotus Ministry, the Ministry of magic spells, Po Ministry of Health, Ministry of attachment 5. Goodboy makes a five Buddhist ceremonies, 5th Jin Choi, in front of the Five, five sons Dengke1 ... etc.. 6 Tianzhu : Red chalcedony illustrate bulk of the universe, water, fire, wind, space, numeracy (yin and yang) Six posed. Goodboy only body that can be nurtured conditioning human physiological function and psychological. 7 Tianzhu : Red chalcedony illustrate night sky seen, is the "Pharmacist Qifu" specific characterization. Goodboy in charge of all the evolving situation, fame, career, wealth, health, longevity, but marriage. 8 Tianzhu : Red chalcedony illustrate eight auspicious (colors) symbols! Forde symbol with the growing Jinyumantang meaning. Goodboy wear who often feel healthy, all seeking something that promises to get the Heart. 9 Tianzhu : Red chalcedony illustrate 00:25's characterization of the natural world, including the operation of the universe and human thinking. 功德利益 能使小聪明转化成大智慧,具有升华精神意识的作用力。12 Tianzhu : Red chalcedony illustrated in the "Pharmacist as" there are 12 gods to is the Zodiac (o'clock). Goodboy can meet the demand of all the people; To longevity in longevity, to a rich and fertile .... 15 Tianzhu : Red chalcedony illustrate seven precious delicacies, together Treasures 15, the Board of Tibetan Buddhism Forum main body structure. Goodboy sacred Buddha can be opened and Lung defend protects's blessing, whatever the cause. Tianzhu earth : Red chalcedony illustrate those days are round, as to the wisdom phase. To those who side, and the people's foundation. Goodboy enable all of the force into desire! Is the desire to achieve all start. 2 to 3 Tianzhu : Red chalcedony illustrate the former said because of weather, geography, and the latter expressed Foundation, the cause. Goodboy access to health, wealth and longevity reward, and can eliminate the rest condensate poisoning disease. 5 Huya Lightning : Red chalcedony illustrate the former, water, fire, wind, the five elements of air, the quality of lightning change. Goodboy help raise awareness of the spirit, improve the transfer rational weak structures, and enhance immune function. Method (Tai Fu Yan) : Red chalcedony illustrate this is the wisdom of ontology is for the world to know Zhuang identified below are illusions. Goodboy will resolve all the disaster, eliminating the sick trouble. Where is seeking something that promises to Mangan. Three music : Red chalcedony illustrate means sun (spirit) and the moon (material) known scholar changes. Goodboy in charge of wealth, fortune, longevity, Samsung; Fuk who treasure, who sack Chen, Shou who longevity. Tianzhu - TING : Red chalcedony illustrate Tantrism lords and encirclement Women Buddha's body double (means couples have taken the laws). Goodboy couples can promote mutual feelings of the symbolic "get 72" was intended. Lianshi hats : red chalcedony illustrate Tibet founder Lin lifetime major disabilities, would be a success all the Buddhist cause. Goodboy finally taken for all Forde, wisdom, authority, prestige and wealth causes. Huai implicated income growth : Red chalcedony illustrate income persons circular, the interest rate disaster, the interest rate problem, the information industry. Zeng who square Zengfu, increasing wealth, longevity. Huai were 1.30, Huairen, 35-75, be love. Detractors were a half months, has gotten fierce detractors evil, and to punish evil. Adults Tianzhu : Red chalcedony illustrate ancient, natural disasters Health endless prosperity, as the struggle for spiritual sustenance. Goodboy can get rid of all obstacles felony, and the expulsion of the devil with the power to remove hazards. Huya Tianzhu : Red chalcedony illustrate both symmetrical triangle, with a repeat pattern can be seen as instruments used in steel pestle. Goodboy only human, it can promote heart and pulmonary circulatory functions. Huya six Tianzhu : Red chalcedony illustrate, water, fire, wind, space, six no-consensus posed by the Human Physiology. Goodboy but it has resumed six abdominal human physiological function, and can quickly add strength. Wishful Tianzhu (money Ming) : Red chalcedony illustrate Sanskrit Analu:, saying, stresses shared that time, with a conductor and protect the wearer. Goodboy also Ming Zhao, will be able to sharpen awareness of the spirit! While showing auspicious meaning. Lime Tianzhu : Red chalcedony illustrate Chinese translation Cox Road, is the immortal consciousness Ching! Consciously feel that he is the wisdom. Goodboy will eliminate seven eight disaster difficult, it will be all the best of luck, will be running more .... Jin pestle Tianzhu : Red chalcedony illustrate derived from Tibetan Buddhism's religious paraphernalia into vanquish demons of the labeling. Goodboy be economic empowerment, wealth, fame, honor, etc. Personality symbolize strength. B Tianzhu : Red chalcedony illustrate Buddha said Fu with a complete success and he said all! Tantrism is all EC law of inheritance. Goodboy perturbation sets interest disaster gain respect and love, vanquish Ming as five sname effect. Lotus Tianzhu : Red chalcedony illustrate Buddhist Master five say nothing is found in them! That is a clean, effectively free. Goodboy have purify the spirit of awareness (soul), Simmer neurasthenia. Pearl (Tianzhu Wang) : Red chalcedony illustrate the sixth largest Mengzhou detreated now, the attitudes of Buddhism, known as 10000 cursed Wang. Goodboy is the source of all happiness, and both get what they wanted, said their good deed stories. Mirs Garuda : Red chalcedony illustrate Goddess of Mercy's side accompanied with a major threat supernatural power, vanquish evil enemy. Goodboy to remove the evil ghosts to violations, eliminate the sick and make healthy body and strength. Landscape Tianzhu : Red chalcedony illustrate Hill for longevity, water wisdom, the total gas deal, raising the Earth. Goodboy make efforts Ling net and longevity, ribbed limber the body meridians. Small Huya small Lotus : Red chalcedony illustrate can prevent heart disease, hypertension, and other types of blood related illness. Goodboy can prevent nightmares, insomnia, headache, etc. diseases of the nervous system

1 条评论:

Anna 说...


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