
China Jiangxi Profiles

"Things China Daily, size," said the reputation of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in Jiangxi Province in the south, the largest province, longest river -- ganjiang, from the south to the north coast province, and had to Ganzhou in Jiangxi listed. "Yugong" put Jiangxi classified as "the domain of Yangzhou" Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, Jiangxi belong Wu and Chu. Qin unified China, most of Jiangxi Jiujiang County. Han located Days County, the three countries, subordinates Yangzhou, Jiangxi Province, Southern Dynasties Qi is Jiangzhou, the Tang dynasty is Jiang Nan West Road, "Jiangxi," as he has come from this source. 1097-1138 period, Jiangxi subordinates the Jiangnan West, located in Jiangxi yuan executive secretariat, including this jurisdiction, Jiangxi, Guangdong Provinces of most areas. Ming located in Jiangxi Chief Secretary, the very area in Jiangxi Province today, money home, Jiangxi followed so far. The province is an area of 16.69 square kilometers. Jiangxi both brilliant ancient civilization and is also a glorious revolutionary tradition of the area is the cradle of the Chinese revolution. Mao Zedong and Liu Shaoqi in Pingxiang Anyuan organizations launched the country's first labor movement, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De and other proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation in Nanchang shocked the national leadership of the "August 1" Uprising. Jinggangshan Comrade Mao Zedong created a nationwide rural revolutionary base, Ruijin is the second period of the revolutionary war domestic central location democratic government of workers and peasants, who is known as "Red" because of the reputation The Long March shocked the world and thus take the first step. Jiangxi East Huai Yushan, Wuyishan, Fujian and Zhejiang and adjoins a large South G Ling, Caroline and nine adjacent Guangdong, Nine West Ridge Mountains, once Hill, 10000 Yangshan Hunan, and other firms, formed an east, south and west of three hills surrounding the mountain face, opening of the north basin closure, for rain, Jiangxi, caring, trustworthiness, repair, Cheong five river in China's largest freshwater lake -- Poyang Lake, after Hukou inflow of the Yangtze River, in the northern sector of the Yangtze River and Hunan and Anhui provinces adjacent. Jiangxi is a humid subtropical monsoon climate, the average temperature of 16 -20 ℃, generally to the north-south high low, January 3 -9 ℃, July 27 -31 ℃. Jiangxi is rich in resources and rich in rice, as the main grain production bases in China, Poyang Lake, Ganjiang and other fish-rich waters of the ring, Jiangnan known as the "breadbasket" said. Jiangxi numerous scenic spots, rich cultural resources, Lushan, Jinggangshan, Sanqingshan Mountain, the designation, Xiannvhu. 300 Hill six state-level scenic spots Mingyangtianxia. Have Nanchang, Jingdezhen City, Jiangxi City three national historical and cultural relics, national cultural protection units 26, National Nature Reserve, 15, the provincial tourism scenic spots 2406. The People's Republic of China is located in south-eastern Jiangxi Province, at latitude 24 ° 29 '~ 30 ° 05', east longitude 113 ° 34 '~ 118 ° 29' between North and South, about 620km, east-west width of 490 km. East Jiangxi and Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong and the South, West and Hunan, North and Hubei, Anhui border. Columbia Yangtze River, connecting Yu Han, Nanjing-Shanghai next one, Southern Forest-related overlooking the Lingnan, links Guangzhou and Hong Kong and Macao. Jiangxi Province in east China belong to China, which is situated in the central part of the country, close to the eastern, southern, east to the west is at the forefront of the transition. Jiangxi Province has a total of 11 provinces and municipalities and 76 counties, and nearly 90 counties. Jiangxi old (including the old revolutionary bases and Army) area of 113,211 square kilometers, the total area of 67.8%. Of which : Old area accounts for 100% of the entire 27-county; Accounted for 90 ~ 96% of the six counties; accounted for 50 ~ 89% of the counties 20; accounted for half of the following 25 counties. Distribution of the province are old town, and village in the county, a total of 78 cities, the distribution of the rural village of old were 1,064, of which : Old occupy more than half of the 834 township. Distribution of the province are old town, and village in the county, a total of 78 cities, the distribution of the rural village of old were 1,064, of which : Old occupy more than half of the 834 township. Jiangxi belonging to the East China region, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River at the south, the province reaches 166,900 km2. accounting for a total area of 1.74%, ranking East China's six provinces and one municipality area in the first place. Of which : mountains and hills make up 78%, 22.5% to 12% in the plains, water accounted for 10%. Province Habitat East, West, South is surrounded by mountains, in the middle hilly, North China's largest freshwater lake -- Poyang Lake and Lakes Plain, the province terrain from the east, south and Three West gradually tilted to the Poyang Lake area, north constitute an opening of closed basin. Ganjiang north, south, ask the same letter, Rao, Xiu Zhu water from the east, south and west of the Three Survey Poyang Lake, Poyang Lake is formed for the center to the heart of the stream, which flows into the Yangtze River by the Hukou. Province diverse landscape types, which are limited to the hills and mountains, plains scarce farmland; Significant than the red soil area; serious soil erosion in some areas; arable land per capita has been declining. National Maritime province's total area accounted for 1.70%. Mountain 60101 km2, hilly 701 l7km2, Kong, Plain 20062km2. 16,667 km2 surface. Development of land resources with the use of more appropriate and suitable for a variety of crops and the development of forestry, animal husbandry, sideline and the fishing industry, most of the land to Four Seasons Evergreen. Red soil area of the province 1.58 million mu, the province's total area of soil 70.69%. Soil erosion area of the province reached 5,100 million mu, the province's total land area of 20%. Not Exploitation of barren hills, slopes, wasteland area of more than 5,300 mu, a low hill Hills 3,350 mu, develop forest or grazing; 100 m elevation, slope gentle slope below 15 ° to 1,223 mu, for developing farmland or fruit tea Mulberry; agriculture, forestry, land, isolated 751 million mu of wasteland. Jiangxi low-lying week high school, East, South, West is surrounded by the mountain ranges heavy cockroach peaked again and again, the mountain Jun-wei; Central Hills, the basin phase; the northern plains forthright, rivers and lakes are intertwined. Province major rivers were originated marginal mountain, the Department of convergence in Shenyang then injected into muscle Yangtze River. Mountainous area of the province's total area of 36%, accounting for 42% hills, plains Kong to account for 12%, 10% water. Apart from the provincial northern habitats around Ruichang to Pengze plains to the south of Yangtze River, the rest are mountain, Jiangxi Province and neighboring provinces constitute the watershed and the natural boundary. 1. Huaiyu main mountain range : Habitat meandering in the northeast province, the Beijing-peak peak elevation 1,817 m high. Yushan is the Huai River system Jiangxi, Zhejiang and Raohe stream Qiantang River watershed. Wuyishan vein : along Jiangxi, Fujian Provincial Boundaries extension of the majestic mountains, the peak elevation in 1000-more than 1,500 m, up to the peak of Mount 2157.7 m, is the province's highest peak. Wuyishan vein is Yangcheng Lake in Jiangxi Province Department and the Department of Minjiang River in Fujian, Guangdong Hanjiang River watershed. Ambassador Ling and nine Caroline : an eastern section of the Nanling Mountains, interactive site in southern Jiangxi and the northern part of Guangdong between 9 Caroline Stone cattle peak elevation 1,430 m high. Tai Yu Mei Ling of the Guan Road, is the ancient Central Plains to the official Lingnan Name; Daqing and nine Ridge Mountains is not even here in Jiangxi and Guangdong Department of Beijiang River, the quality of the watershed system. SECTION : 10000 Yangshan, Zhu Guang-Hill, once known as the Mountains, in the crypt of Jiangxi, Hunan border, 1.9.1994 top surface elevation 2,120 m high. SECTION of the river between Jiangxi and Hunan Xiangjiang River watershed. Jinggangshan is located in the middle of MOUNTAINS, Second Revolutionary Civil War period of Mao Zedong and Zhu De and other proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation here in the creation of China's first farmers Village revolutionary base. 9 Ridge Mountains and Mufu Mountains : distribution in the northwestern Jiangxi, 9 Ridge Mountains of the province and repair the Jinjiang River Basin watershed, Jiuling sharp peak, elevation 1,794 meters; Mufu Mountain in Jiangxi and Hubei is the boundaries mountains, Laoyaxia sharp peak of 1,656 meters above sea level. Lushan Mountain : Located in the northern province Habitat is a Mufu Mountains eastward extension of the branch, the peak of Hanyang peak elevation 1,474 meters. Lushan Jin Jiang Wu Chung-kai, mountain independence show, is famous scenic tourist destination. 2. Hilly Basin distribution of the province's territory with a large number of hills and mountain basin. Hilly elevation of the 200-5O0 meters. Because of the hilly area into more of the rock-Cenozoic red rock series, the Red Mountain home, it is "Red Hills" is. 3. Plain Poyang Lake Plain in the northern province habitat, the Yangtze River Basin is a part. Plain to the Ganjiang, FUHE letter Jiang, Raohe, maintenance River alluvial river, from sediment. It ranges north from the south of Yangtze River, arrived in Southern Province, Linchuan, east Gill, Wannian, west Anyi, high security, and inter-25 counties and cities, an area of about 20,000 square kilometers. Jiangnan-called "breadbasket", is the country's grain production and an important commercial fishery production bases. 4. Jiangxi waters are over 2,400 big and small rivers, the total length of rivers 18,400 km. Territory is the main Ganjiang river, FUHE, Jiang's letter, and revised Raohe River, the province first Ganjiang river from the south and the north province consistent, Jiangxi thus referred to as "Gan." Habitat northern province north lake, which is greater than one square kilometer of surface lakes are over 80. Poyang Lake of China's largest freshwater lake. Jiangxi Province has been completed on the reservoir 9413, a capacity over 100 million cubic meters of large reservoirs is 18. Lin Tuo total water storage capacity 7.92 billion m3 of Jiangxi Provincial largest reservoir. 5. Other special features of the mountain, hilly landscape types, there are karst landforms Jiangxi Province, Danxia landform, Glacial geomorphology and waterfalls, and other special landscape. Karst topography is Rock Hill, Hubei, flying stone and other cave. Variety province underground caverns, and fascinating. A famous cave Pengze the underwater holes, the Lions Jiujiang hole, the deity of Pingxiang hole, Yichun discretion Jiang hole, the Yuan Hong Gill hole Ling cited sources cavern, Ning has the precision of such holes. Jiangxi, the "Danxia landform" multi-layer distribution in the Red Hill area, such as the Shenyang cites seven, the designation of Yingtan, Ganzhou the Airbus rock, Ning is the Cuiwei peak, Nan Fung Gore clean stone. Quaternary glacial landscape is a product of glacial activity. Lushan preserve a large number of Quaternary glacial traces, such as the Royal Singapore U Valley, Au Cirques glacier boulder, stone sheep back. Lushan add to the many tourist amenities. 6. Falls waterfall is a special landscape, Jiangxi famous Lushan Waterfall is the Sandiequan Falls, Xiufeng Huangyan Falls, Sanqingshan Mountain, the ice-hole Falls, a waterfall - screens, the Longtan Waterfall Jinggangshan, waterfalls, and other points. These waterfalls are viewing high value of tourism resources. 7. Climate Jiangxi Province, located in warm subtropical monsoon climate zones. Summer Monsoon turn significantly, compared distinct seasons, spring and fall short, long summer and winter, characterized as : wet spring and summer hot, dry autumn, Winter cold. Overall, Jiangxi moderate temperatures, abundant sunshine, plentiful rainfall, a long frost-free period, frozen short. The annual average temperature of 16 ° C to 20 ° C. 8. A total of hydrological Jiangxi more than 2,400 big and small rivers, the total length of 18,400 km, which have perennial water more than 160. The province is a relatively complete Yangcheng Lake over. Only Xunwu, Dingnan county is part of the Pearl River basin, accounting for the rest of the province's land area of more than 98 belong to the Yangtze River Basin. In the Yangtze River Basin, in addition to the city of Pingxiang Boshui into the Xiangjiang River, Ruichang, Pengze County and other parts of the river to flow directly into the Yangtze River, There are 94% of the Poyang Lake area belong. 9. Jiangxi biological resources, biological diversity and widely distributed, and the more rare species. Plant seeds of the province have 4,253 species of woody plants to more than two O00, crop varieties rich in resources. Main food crops include rice, wheat, barley, maize, sorghum, raising wheat, sweet potato, beans, broad beans, peas, mung beans; Rice, and other products continent, the average annual transfer 750,000 tons (trade grain), one of the advantages of Jiangxi. Major economic crops as cotton, canola, peanut, sesame oil, jute, sugarcane, tobacco. Forest Volume 253 million cubic meters in eastern China ranked second; Bamboo Volume 900 million, the nation's second largest. Wood plant mainly Chinese fir, bamboo and the Pine other. Jiangxi Province is the product of more sporadic distribution. There are more than 770 medicinal plant species. Economic mainly fruit trees, tea, mulberry, etc.; Camellia Oil and other 23 species of plants, of which : Camellia area of 1,350 mu. in the country the second place. There are also many wild edible plants, woody grain and oil plants, fiber plants, fragrant plants and ornamental plants, In all parts distribution, a higher economic value. In addition, it retained ginkgo, sightseeing wood, metasequoia, hemlock and many other experts Liriodendron precious and rare trees is a valuable germplasm natural resources. Existing 611 vertebrate species, of which 171 species of fish, 40 species of amphibians, 74 species of reptiles. About 271 species of birds, 55 species of mammals. Animal species abundant resources, mainly pigs, cows, sheep, chickens, ducks, geese, rabbits; Freshwater fish and more types of birds. Fish with silver carp, bighead carp and grass carp, crucian carp up, which was about half of the amount of fishing, icefish, and must fish, sablefish, the Chinese sturgeon, White sturgeon is famed throughout the land. Poyang Lake is a world-renowned migratory birds overwintering in the world, all kinds of wintering waterfowl% in the last 10,000, a habitat for the world's largest crane group, A list of the world-class nature reserve. There are many rare animals, belong to a category of countries to protect the animal crane, HOODED CRANES, Tragopan caboti, white stork, black stork, watercraft, Alligator, such as the South China tiger and deer. Jiangxi Province in the National vegetation districts belong subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest, complicated natural conditions, vegetation types varied, Southeast Asia is tropical and subtropical flora of one of the centers of origin.


China's Yangtze River

Yangtze River (the Changjiang River; the Yangtze River) āng cháng ji is the first Chinese rivers, Mainstream 6397 km length (FROM Yuen), commonly known as 6,300 km. Basin total area of 180 million square kilometers, with the average into the sea about 9,600 billion cubic meters. . Basin between latitude 24 ° 30 '~ 35 ° 45' north, longitude 90 ° 33 '~ 112 ° 25', area of 180 million square kilometers (not including the Huaihe River valley), or about the national total land area of 1 / 5. Average into the sea amounted to one trillion cubic meters, ranking first in the world 3. Jiang referred to ancient times, after the Six Dynasties Changjiang River and the Yangtze River have known. On the Yangtze River source FROM from the Tanggula Mountains in Qinghai Province southwest border vein Geladandong Snow. and when the source of the Yangtze River South Qu said, joined the Tongtian River; Yushu County to the immediate south of Batang River to the following intergovernmental Yibin City of Sichuan Province said the Jinsha River; Yibin following was known as the Yangtze River, Yangzhou olden days following the Yangtze River. Yangtze flows through Tibet, Sichuan, Chongqing, Yunnan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu provinces, Shanghai Municipality in East China Sea injection. Have Yalong River, Minjiang River, Tuojiang, Jialing River, the river, Xiangjiang, Hanjiang, ganjiang, Qingyi River and Huangpu River and other tributaries. In Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province and the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal intersection. Yangtze River in Hubei's Yichang City for more upstream, water in many emergency; Yichang to Jiangxi Province for the middle between the Hukou, meandering developed. lakes (Poyang and Dongting Lianghu maximum); Hukou Following is the downstream, Jiangkuan Jiangkou alluvial from the Chongming Island. Yangtze water and abundant water resources, water period, Modunlun can drive Wuhan, the ferry can be traced back Yichang. China Yangtze River valley is the most densely populated area of prosperity, a major city along the Yangtze River in Chongqing, Wuhan, Nanjing and Shanghai. For the development of the Yangtze River water volume reaching Eryiqian kilowatts, is the richest of water in the river. Yangtze River navigable mileage up to more than 2,800 km, has long been known as the "Golden Waterway" and so on. Fengjie Yangtze River in Chongqing to Yichang in Hubei following grotesque for the Jiang of the Three Gorges (Qutang Gorge, diffused), the world's largest water control project at the Three Gorges Project on the middle section of the archaeological three Sandouping. Overview mainstream of the Yangtze River in different names : the source to mouth when Qu (Tibetan River said "QU") FROM. is the source of the Yangtze River, 358 kilometers long; When I Qu to Yushu County of Qinghai Province, Batang River, saying the Tongtian River, 813 kilometers long; Batang River to Yibin in Sichuan Minjiang River mouth, said the Jinsha River, 2,308 km long; Yibin Minjiang River mouth to the Yangtze. About 2,800 km, known as the Yangtze River, Yibin which between Yichang in Hubei Province to the "Yangtze River" (Fengjie to the Yichang Three Gorges River has "a world known as"), Zhicheng in Hubei province to Chenglingji in Hunan Province between said Jingjiang, Jiangsu Province, Yangzhou, Zhenjiang also known as the Yangtze River below. River plateau, mountainous 65.6%; Hills accounted for 24%; Plain, accounting for 10.4% lowlands. A tributary of the Yangtze River valley area of over 10,000 square kilometers of 48; 50,000 square kilometers over the Yalong River. Dadu River and its tributaries of the Minjiang, Jialing River and Wujiang River, Yuanjiang, the Xiangjiang, Ganjiang River and the other nine. Which Yalong River, Minjiang, Jialing River and Hanjiang River more than 100,000 square kilometers, Jialing River basin area. about 160,000 square kilometers. Most of the fresh water lake in China located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the larger the Poyang Lake, Dongting Lake, Taihu and Chaohu. Yangtze River from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the MTS. Tanggulashan vein, the vein peak of the Tanggula Mountains in the southwest Geladandong. Glacier widespread here, the snow-melt water is the source of the Yangtze River. Jiangyuan to people from the sea, can be divided into three above. Sichuan Yibin above for the best. Yibin Yichang of Hubei to the middle reaches; Yichang Following is the downstream. Upstream of about 3,500 km of grassland north of the Yangtze River source; Moron us he is the source of the Yangtze River to the south, the process is longer, Water is more, according to "Heyuan CD-term" principle, its longest tributary of the Yangtze River should FROM being the source. Since when Qu River section of Yushu in Qinghai Province said the Tongtian River, 813 km long, wide river, which flows ease. Since Yushu of Yibin called the Jinsha River, the ancient imperial Lishui, flow from north to south, across the Hengduan Mountains, Yunnan near Shek Kwu pack into the Sichuan Basin to the northeast, the Minjiang River confluence with the Yibin, a total length of 2,300 km. Since only Yibin said following the Yangtze River. Middle of about 1,000 km, flows through the Sichuan Basin, commonly known as Chuanjiang it. Yibin from Chongqing to the river rather tortuous. Since Bai Di Mountains to the Fengjie Nanjinguan Yichang section of the river across the border of Sichuan and Hubei Mountain, the Grand Canyon area from the west to the east is Qutang Gorge, archaeological, collectively called the Three Gorges, length 204 km, in the multi-radical, the water drop greatly, Yangtze River since ancient times as a natural barrier. Downstream of about 1850 km, very small gap River, which flows slowly, the surface of the river was wide and are generally more than two kilometers, The narrowest point is 650 meters. The river is very tortuous, particularly since the Zhijiang of Hunan, Hubei section of Chenglingji, in ancient times known as Jingjiang River, known as the "nine ileum," said. Due to the slow flow, sedimentation, whenever the flood season approaching, the levee break caused extreme flooding disasters, the ancient "Along the Yangtze River, risks in the Jingjiang River. " Wuhu from Yichang section of the cross-strait many lakes, Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake in the largest. Dongting Lake is the natural reservoir of Yangtze River. Jiangsu into the river, due to blocked by the mountains to the northeast bypass - ling mountain town. Since following Zhenjiang, folding beam to the south, into the Delta, flat, lake-dotted waterways seem intertwined network a fishing village flood plain sight. Jiangkou width was 80 km, showing Jianghai connected spectacular scenery. Both sides of the Yangtze River over Grand Zemin, the beautiful scenery, there are many attractions. As long process, the valley wide, fertile land, irrigation facilities, midstream "Land of Abundance", many downstream "breadbasket" abundant natural resources. Although the cradle of the Chinese nation in the Yellow River Basin, but history is contained, King Wu of Zhou Yin destruction, the areas south of Yangtze River and then the Yellow River. 2 Yangtze River valley has become China's historical and cultural development focus. Many cities along the river, such as Chongqing, Yichang, Wuchang, Nanjing and Shanghai. Shanghai is China's largest industrial and commercial city. There are many scenic spots and historical sites in the two sides is to understand China's history of valuable information, there are many myths and legends Chinese literature is a precious legacy. Yangtze tributaries in southern China since ancient times is the east-west and north-south balancing of the boat traffic artery, Channel chief over 80,000 km. 10,000-ton vessels can Nanjing, 3,000-ton can be arrived at Hankou, the 1,000-ton can to Chongqing, 500 tons of highly links Yibin. Yangtze River from the river across China terrain on the three huge ladder through different geological structures and rock, accepted along tributaries remitted to the Yangtze Valley shape and flow characteristics have different effects. By hydrological, geomorphological features put into the mainstream of the upper, middle and lower reaches of the three : from Heyuan to upstream of Yichang City, Yichang City to Hukou for the middle of the Hukou to the lower reaches of the following. ① upstream section. Upstream reaches across two terrain ladder. 4,529 km long, the length of the Yangtze River accounted for 72.0%. Basin area of 1.006 million square kilometers, accounting for the watershed area 55.6%. FROM upstream of the Tongtian River, and (from the tank to the very Palestinian Loong Batang River), Because the first step rivers Building Building within the hinterland of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. At the top of the plateau, the valleys open, wide-shallow channel, the general river width 300 ~ 1700 meters, the river all the twists and turns, Scattered slow flow, a lot of braided stream. From the estuary of the Batang Yibin said the Jinsha River, is the first to the second step of the transition areas, the terrain here mutation, a high mountain gorges deep, In addition to local Reach for the Loess, the rivers traversing Canyon, than down, the river is very rapid. Yunnan Shek Kwu following, suddenly veered northeast flow, the famous Tiger Leaping Gorge on Shek Kwu below 35 km areas. Gap 16 kilometers long, only the narrowest point of 30 meters. Out Tiger Leaping Gorge, across the northern part of Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, the new towns in Sichuan following the second grade ladder, Survey near Yibin in the Minjiang River, only after the Yangtze River said. Since Yibin between Yichang to below 1,030 km long, custom, said the Yangtze River. Meandering river in the Sichuan Basin within the bed gently, accepted along Tuojiang, Jialing River and many other tributaries of the river, stood increase. Broadening the surface of the river. Guo Baidicheng Fengjie, in the Yangtze River, fly through the second ladder to the third step of the transition areas, cutting seven Yue, Wushan and Huangling three anticline, two syncline, forming the world-famous Three Gorges (Qutang Gorge, diffused), approximately 200 km, with the Loess Canyon arranged alternatively. ② middle of. Out from the Yangtze River Three Gorges Project in Yichang below, and entered the third grade ladder in the middle and lower Yangtze River plain, the surface of the river wide, slow flow, the river bend. 927 km long, the length of the Yangtze River accounted for 14.7%. Basin area of 679,000 sq km, accounting for 37.6% watershed area. Among them, from Zhicheng in Hubei province to Chenglingji in Hunan to some, the length of 420 km, the ancient region of Jingzhou. So named Jingjiang. Jingjiang also divided on the head of the Jingjiang (Zhicheng to Ouchikou) and under the Jingjiang (Ouchikou to Chenglingji) two. Jing river bends under development, known as the "nine ileum," said. Middle strait many lakes, linked to the ring constitutes a huge Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake in the two major river systems. Yangtze River and the two accepted directly into the river water from the tributaries, the water surge more than doubled. Hukou enter the lower reaches of the following. ③ downstream. Depth Jiangkuan from Hukou to the estuaries, 844 km long, the length of the Yangtze River accounted for 13.3%. Basin area of 123,000 square kilometers, accounting for the watershed area 6.8%. Yangzhou in Jiangsu province, Zhenjiang along the Yangtze River known as the Yangtze River. Named in this area are ancient Yangtze-and Yangtze County, foreigners used the name refers to the Yangtze River with the entire Yangtze River. Following the Chase affected by tidal entered the Yangtze River estuary of the average trend reached 266,000 cubic meters / sec, The average years of the Yangtze River flows into the sea of 8.8 times. Under normal circumstances, a total of about Progressive tidal 3.25 billion cubic meters tide reach 4.5 billion cubic meters. As the sea water where the water flow so that the slowdown, which would carry the sediment in the lower reaches of river, particularly near the estuary of the deposited, Therefore, in the middle of the river formed dozens of sizes 33, the largest of which is Chongming Island.

China's Yellow River

Yellow River is the mother river for us to this great understanding of our mothers! Yellow River (the Yellow River) in ancient China also called River, known as the muddy river, the Chinese river. Originated in the People's Republic of China Bayankelashan veins in Qinghai Province, flows through Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan and Shandong provinces, nine, the last of Dongying, Shandong Province in Kenli County into the Bohai Sea. River 5,464 km length, second only to the Yangtze River, China's second long. Yellow River is the world's fifth long. From the source of the Yellow River in Inner Mongolia in Tuoketuo county estuary to the upper reaches of the town, 3,472 km long river; River to the town of Zhengzhou in Henan Reach for the middle between, the 1,206 km long river; Reach for the following downstream, 786 km long river. (Yellow River, the middle and lower reaches of the boundaries of a variety of argument, Here the Yellow River Water Conservancy Committee adopted the partition plan) China's Yellow River running through things Basin 1,900 km long, 1100 km from south to north, with a total area of 752,443 square kilometers. Yellow River, as a back arched, headquartered in the male lion jumped from across the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Green, Gansu Provinces in the mountains; Across Ningxia, Inner Mongolia in the Hetao Plain; Pentium in Shanxi, Shaanxi between mountain ravine; break of "Dragon" rivals at the foot of Mount Hua away to the East, across the North China Plain, Jifen Bohai Sea coast. It flows through nine provinces and autonomous regions, bringing together more than 40 major tributaries and more than 1,000 of the river in Sichuan and 5,464 km journey. Basin area of over 750,000 square kilometers, is China's second largest river. Basin-wide average annual rainfall of 400 mm or so, the Yellow River and the average annual runoff volume only 57.4 billion cubic meters. rivers in China ranked eighth. Basin, together with the downstream Henan and Shandong areas along the river there are 200 million mu of arable land, about 100 million population. Yellow River's average natural flow of 58 billion cubic meters, the average annual runoff basin 77 mm, Basin 593 cubic meters of water per capita arable land burden stood 324 cubic meters. Reach middle reaches of the Yellow River flowing through the Loess Plateau, a lot of sediment into a tributary, the Yellow River to become the world's largest concentration in the river. The maximum annual sediment transport capacity of 3.91 billion tons (1933), The maximum concentration of 920 kg / cu m (1977). Sanmenxia average sediment station about 1.6 billion tons, with an average concentration of 35 kg / m 3. Length of 5,464 km source elevation 4,800 meters on average flow 1774.5 cubic meters / sec watershed area 7524 43 square kilometers in Qinghai source countries into the Bohai Sea and through the cradle of the People's Republic of China the Chinese nation, "the Yellow River, You are the cradle of the Chinese nation, in 5000 the ancient culture, which originates from you here ... "This is people familiar with the song" Yellow River ", the lyrics. When people sing this song when submerged will be in the Yellow River recollections among the infinite. Yellow River, the mother river of the Chinese nation. As the birthplace of Chinese civilization. Chinese people to maintain the blood. national spirit of the Chinese nation and a symbol of national sentiment. As early as 80 million years ago in the Paleolithic period, and the Chinese people's ancestors lived in the Yellow River basin hunting, gathering life. In the Yellow River basin have been found in the 2000 original villages multiple sites, and it shows in the neolithic period, The ancestors on the vast land for settlement, in the primitive agricultural production. Middle Neolithic spread reaches of the Yellow River and the Yellow Emperor tribe, and then ChiYou tribe, Yandi and ethnic Chinese in ancient times the three tribes. They lived a nomadic life movement erratic. Later, the Yellow Emperor Yandi joint Gongsha the Chiyou. Soon Yandi and Huangdi ethnic communities gradual integration of the people, and settled in Shaanxi, Gansu, Shanxi, joint development of the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. More than 3,500 years ago into the slave Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties are the descendants of the Yellow Emperor. They call themselves "Chinese" or "summer." China is the ethnic Han's predecessor, the Han people regarded regarded as the ancestor of Huangdi, the Yellow Emperor claiming to be (also known as the Yellow Emperor) descendants. At that time, the ethnic Chinese living in the Central Plains region, it was felt that the Central Plains Habitat Quartet, it is also called the band "China." Later, the Chinese ethnic culture spread to all parts of the country, "China" has become the word of the name of the whole of China. Shang Dynasty moved the capital of the Shang Dynasty Yinxu (today in Anyang County of Henan Province), He reached the sphere of influence between the Taihang Mountains and the Vast North China Plain, known as the Yin empire. Yin Chaoxing culture quite well developed, and then Egypt, Babylon and called the three ancient empires, is the world's three major ancient cultural center. In Yinxu, still retained depicts tall and graceful, close textual bones book and the beautiful and meticulous bronze utensils. However, in three ancient empires outside world, the majority of mankind has lived a primitive life. This shows that our motherland is one of the Ancient World, the ancient culture in the Yellow River's embrace of Fat Tseung. Yin Chaoxing, until the Northern Song Dynasty, the last in 2500, the Yellow River Basin is China's political, economic and cultural center. Xian (in ancient times known as Chang'an), from the Western Han Dynasty to the Sui and Tang dynasties, a total of 11 dynasties center here, which lasted 1,100 years. Ancient China has not only economic, and cultural development has made important contributions, but also for the international economy, cultural left immortal chapter. Luoyang, a total of nine dynasties in this center, which lasted nearly Millennium, it said "nine North Korea and Cuba." Historians, scientists, writers gathered in Luoyang, China and the world cultural treasure trove left immortal works. Over thousands of years, the Yellow River valley is the center of feudal rule, and the masses of working people against oppression of the incessant struggle. Chen Sheng of the late Qin Dynasty, Wang Shimin, the Han Dynasty red eyebrows, copper horse, Huangjin, Wagang Army of the late Sui, Tang Huang Chao, Rongfei Wang Xianzhi, The 17th min Zhang Xianzhong, in the Yellow River Basin performances of this piece of history and magnificent scenes of drama. War and the liberation war period, Shaanxi - Gansu - Ningxia region of the Chinese people and reliable base of the revolutionary until the great founding of the PRC.



JIANG Shang, prestige, early word Ziya, or simply shout teeth. Lu Shang also said that the State of the Patriarchs and is referred to as "the great-grandfather hopes", commonly known as Jiangtaigong. East promenade people. The early Western Zhou Dynasty, the emperor as a "teacher to the emperor" (official), the title of "11th division", his WENWANGGOU, with the pursuit of "business scissors." King Wu of Zhou accessory after the destruction business. Gong is 0.38 by the closure, as the ancestor of the State of the Zhou Dynasty. He is the history of China's most renowned statesman, military strategist and strategist. JIANG Shang down the Ancestors's His tory of the aristocracy, when officials in Dawson, successful closure to Lu (now in Nanyang, Henan Province), thus Lu's name Lu Shang. Ancient Chinese surname is a product of a matriarchal clan, "named" or "girls" Later, in a surname they turned around there's male-dominated, Spring,'s more, 's surname and gradually merged, we are now talking about is the name. Later, financial difficulties, to JIANG Shang has become poor. To survive, JIANG Shang youth are in business of Change (now Taking the case of Qi County, Henan) pig meat, Mengjin again (today Mengjin County, Henan northeast) did liquor business. He was poor, but Ambitious and sincere learning, always tireless study on the country's prosperous country, with a view to one day grand plans for the service of his country. Until the twilight years, finally encountered the opportunity to display their talent. At that time, the East is big powers to the Shang dynasty period of decline. King Chou of the Shang dynasty without a tyrannical, dissolute profligacy royal government corruption, social darkness, economic collapse and people living in dire poverty and grievance. Zhou and western Siberia as JI Chang (later emperor) initiated a benevolent line, economic development, thriftily statehood and implement policies in public spending, social integrity and stability of the people and country is stronger by the day, the world people think they Week four halves of the nobility lookout dependent. Zhuangxinbuyi the JIANG Shang, noted JI Chang to the country to help the country flourish, for the world is widely capable persons, we decided to leave Shang dynasty. Weishui came to the shore of the Western Zhou Dynasty territories, poor and living in the river, fishing for a day, in a tranquil state of the world changes, the designated emerges. One day, the poor and JIANG Shang River anglers, Qiayu here safaris JI Chang of Siberia, the duo the chance to talk about it is very speculative. JI Chang see JIANG Shang knowledgeable and proficient in historical times, he asked him about the best way to the country to help the country flourish, JIANG Shang immediately proposed the "three often," said : "Yue Jun to a virtuous to permanent, officials in Renxian Second, as often, The third is to caring for disabilities often. "I meant to the country to help the country flourish, must-based, to develop and use of talent. JI Chang Shen Chi hearing, said : "I predicted Xian - great-grandfather; 'When the gods are saints, only weeks to thrive. 'That is your saints? I hope-great-grandfather (Mr. hope) too long! "As a result, JI Chang Fu JIANG Shang person on the train 1722-1754, together with offerings, thanks to the teacher to the emperor, saying "look great-grandfather." Since then, the hero has a battleground. Note : this is the legend JIANG Shang Department disabilities, and to escape the tyranny of Yanzhou, hidden waterfront. He also said he had things Zhou, Zhou everything and leave, lobbying nobility, encountered no Ercu naturalization decree. It was also said that he had in cattle carcasses of Change (Du Yin, today Taking the case of Qi County, Henan), sell drinks in Mengjin (Henan this north-cup); He said the elderly or the poor, hidden in Weibin, fishing and fishing in the decree, with both containing WENWANGGOU naturalization, Robert thought that the division. In the above-mentioned ways of weeks although different, but the rest of the first anniversary of the core figures will be in the affirmative. Soon King Chou of the Shang dynasty emperor wishes to suspected plot business world. The emperor ordered the arrest of Metro City prison. So JIANG Shang, Sanyisheng seek for the world and he played the beautiful treasures, dedicated to the King Chou of the Shang dynasty, a foreclosure WENWANGGOU. WENWANGGOU returned, it would JIANG Shang secretly planning how to overturn the Shang dynasty regime. To this end, JIANG Shang many military strategists planning strategies, and for this reason, the descendants Speaking of the art of war are the most important JIANG Shang. He became an important center of the Patriarchs, or originator. JIANG Shang emperor assisted in for a period of strong anti week to draw up a series of correct policies. Internally, the implementation of the farmer Chugeng public Tanner ninth of Tax, the eight hours per hundred mu private farms, the size of whom have indiscriminately, their descendants inherited. as salary and other economic policies that promote the development of small production and laid to eliminate the economic base. Externally, on the surface things Yin deferent adhere to paralysis King Chou of the Shang dynasty, hidden for neighboring countries, and gradually winning over opponents, The collapse of the Shang Dynasty allies to step scissors to weaken and isolate the Shang Dynasty strategy. JIANG Shang actively in the planning, the emperor of the mighty falling into step behind him and more and more tribal, gradually occupied most of the Shang Dynasty Dependencies, the emergence of the "third world, and the other to" the situation, for the final eradication of King Chou of the Shang dynasty to replace Shang, and create the conditions. Emperor after his death, King Wu Yi Fa Successors, worship JIANG Shang division of the country, the respected BC division. JIANG Shang continue supporting Zhou imperial government. Once, King Wu of Zhou asked : "I want to re-light fines Granville, small firms and the promise of reward, SR their orders can educate citizens and Ho Road feasible? "JIANG Shang answer was :" kill a thousand people and fear, killing two million people and fear, killing three people and the armed forces vibration, kill. tours and a 1,000-person, two-person tours and 10,000 people like and enjoy the three armed forces and joy,'s tours. make a person thousands of newcomers, Order; cut-and the duo were only 10,000, forbidding; and the three armed forces is, teach. to kill a correctional 10,000, and a tour persuade the masses, This Mingjun's misuse. "Wangdonggou followed, and always prudent to move tours, seeks to obey the orders, the Chou dynasty politics is increasingly clean. At this time of the Shang Dynasty Council more dark, treason Yin-day weeks more. Beginning gradually grown up, the country is grown. Wangdonggou nine years (about 1059 BC), in order to examine the nobility will collect and review the state East. Zhou Jun, the commander of the JIANG Shang, a vast open to Mengjin. King Wu of Zhou here for the history of the famous "Mengjin's oath," which issued a condemnation of the official call to arms Wang Yan Zhou. 800 princes will then from here (when the mighty small countries, Shang dynasty territories amounted to more than 1,800. Later Explanation on the Five Overlords of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Jinhe in merger melee formed in the larger Zhu Hou), indicating that the Wangdonggou fled. At that time many of the nobility said, "Shang King Zhou Kovar!" Wangdonggou and JIANG Shang believes that the time is not yet ripe, Shang dynasty's rule despite caught Instead, the precarious state, but there is no obvious internal collapse again, if Zhou Xin Shi cutting will inevitably be strong resistance. Therefore, the decision to withdraw troops from the front and back. This action is to eliminate the actual business of a preview before the mighty powers have a strong impact more nobility orders from King Wu of Zhou. Wangdonggou 1922 (about 1062 BC), Shang Dynasty core syndicate of internecine, Liang-rainy killed, JiZi jailed for slavery, micro-Kai Juhuo fled, the teacher to the emperor cracked less strong division surrendered King Wu of Zhou. JIANG Shang Wangdonggou asked : "Yandachen or dead or fled, whether Kovar King Chou of the Shang dynasty?" JIANG Shang replied : "Heaven and ambitions, subject to the anti-blame; to not, by the anti-bin store. "Wangdonggou heard this, he was determined to give forth troops to attack Zhou. Times divisions princes said : "Yin is a felony, and can not complete cutting." JIANG Shang had resorted to the commander in chief, oversee 300 soldiers by car, Huben (warriors) 3000, Jiashi 45000, "Crane's cutting crime," Calling for the mighty United States and sent troops to enterprising businessmen have (see week to eliminate war). However, the results do not auspicious fortune, troop units to Sishui Niutoushan, Lei Feng very ill, flag folding drum destroyed, group public misgivings Some people even request was also division. JIANG Shang only adhere to send troops, "Zhou rip up this rainy, inmates JiZi, cutting's not? CEO obtained, do not facilitate the passage of time thing, divination and not leave things Kyrgyzstan, Bacillus rust bone, An know! "He said those who have seen the shells and Yarrow (sound-) grass simply do not know what you think. JIANG Shang personally assistance gowns and dark, pioneered the first involving River, Wangdonggou JIANG Shang finally heeded the advice, the EC soldiers forward. February 1984 (February 5), to join the army led by King Wu of Zhou Yong, Sichuan, Qiang, micro-, Lu, Peng, Pu Fang, and other combat vehicles 4,000 troops by Chen Shih muge (manufacturers of Change 70, this South Taking the case of Qi County, Henan), King Chou of the Shang dynasty and the 170,000 troops launch a decisive battle (see muge war). Before dawn, a solemn swearing-in ceremony -- this is the history of the famous "Mushi," Affirmation listing King Chou of the Shang dynasty believed among the favorites. The Quartet condemned the luring and quilombo, tyrannical to hurt the people, and other crimes that the purpose of cutting Zhou behalf of days is fine. France declared war and disciplinary requirements, encouraging soldiers brave and courageous combat, Wangdonggou father still make EC 100 crack-yong soil "to the division" -- challenge, and then command-jung x 300 cars, Huben 3000, Jia Shi Chi 45000 momentum by the impact. Although Zhou division of Representatives and had no will to fight, but "former followers defection" -- in front of the soldiers pointing guns in the right direction to reverse the military, Wu Wang open. Wangdonggou Understanding the situation, the army command courageously numerous and as a result, King Chou of the Shang dynasty in the more than 100,000 troops on the same day the bank collapse collapse. King Chou of the Shang dynasty see hopeless, the same night he ran away with the gold Tanja Lusi has voted together in the fire of self-immolation, then, the Shang Dynasty declared extinction. Muge war there can be victory, the more wise JIANG Shang Lai command organization. In combat, grasping the opportunity to choose the King Chou of the Shang dynasty lowered vigilance, who was deserted at the time. In terms of organization, "Crane's cutting crime," Calling for a joint common nobility cutting; In operational command, the first soldier to cars, warriors launched a blitz from the front and then to take strong numerous Jiashi, in one stroke to upset the military blocs. win the war victory. After the founding of Zhou Dynasty, JIANG Shang due to active destruction, closure is 0.38, Capital Camp Confucius (today's Zibo City North). JIANG Shang eastbound carriageway of the manor, and the road will stay in each hostel, going very slowly. It was said to him : "I heard about the rare opportunity and easily lost, as a guest, sticking to the roadside hotels and narcissism I am afraid not like to own manor office appearance. "After listening to great-grandfather, wore clothes the night before the trip immediately, arrived at the camp at dawn hills, Levin encountered precisely the people to compete for business with his dome. JIANG Shang in the State of political stability after, they began to reform the political system. He adapted to local custom, the easy identification of red tape. Vigorously develop the business, and enable the public to enjoy the benefits of salt fish. So the world people to the many Qi, Qi to become one of the rich countries. In Zhou Wang, Guan, Cashu rebellion, the Huaihe River valley also took the opportunity to rebel minority (see Duke was winning), Zhou Wang ordered to JIANG Shang said : "East to the sea, west to the Yellow River, the southern Muling north Wudi, whether or Burton Hau Wong male, If not obey, you have the power to conquer them. "From now on, Qi become big country, the increasingly vast territory, so that it became the Spring and Autumn "Explanation on the Five Overlords" and the Warring States "Jinhe" one. The war was eventually Ji Dan to quell the rebellion. JIANG Shang-great-grandfather of the more than 100-year-old Ercu, but burial is unknown. Pass book on the art of war "Liutao" JIANG Shang made, his research is based on the Warring States were in his work. However, the existing content, basically reflect the JIANG Shang's military activities and his Taolue thinking. Sima Qian in the "Historical Records Qi great-grandfather family," stated : , "a guide for the week were men and the right to have the yin-great-grandfather were seeking." Seen in this light, JIANG Shang of China is the provincial strategist. Comments : JIANG Shang is an ancient Chinese first division-based strategist, its military Taolue history of the war in China and holds an important position, the later battle with a far-reaching effect.

China's Hubei museum guides words

China's Hubei museum guides words
Good morning ladies and gentlemen;   Today, we will go to visit Hubei Provincial Museum. On the way to the museum, I ‘d like to show a present to express my warmest welcome to you. You may wonder what the present is. Well let me introduce it to you. The music you are going to listen to is the very gift. Now, please enjoy the music.   Have you ever listened to the music? And what musical instrument is used to play the beautiful melody?   That’s the serial bells, a wonder in the world. Indeed a wonder in the world. Every year tourists from all over the world continuously come to visit them and appreciate the programs played by it. Each year they return with unforgetable memory.   The building with red wall and green tiers before us is the very museum, Hubei Provincial Museum. Constructed in 1953, the museum is the center for collecting, studying, preserving and displaying historical and cultural relics in Hubei. More than 700,000 ancient relics are stored up in it. There is a collection of 100,000 books on history, archaeology, art etc. These relics provide precious material data for studying the development of history, culture, art, science and technology in ancient China.   Situated in the middle reach of the Yangtze River, Hubei has a long history and rich land. As early as 2,000,000 years ago, our ancestors lived and worked here and gradually they began to create their own civilization. The relics unearthed from Zenghouyi Tomb are good proofs to the civilization. The relics displayed in the museum are most from the tomb. Serial bells are the most precious and greatest of them all.   Are you familiar with the history of the serial bells?   It is said that it is the oldest musical instrument kept in the world. You see, our ancestors already knew how to use music to enrich their lives so long ago.   Luckily indeed, our archaeologists discovered it by accident and thus displayed the marvelous ancient civilization of Chu State in front us.   In 1978, a soldier discovered a large tomb when building his house. It was really a great surprise to discover it at that time. Afterwards, archaeologists excavated these serial bells on the same spot. This was appraised to be the tomb of Zenghouyi. It was220 square meters, 20 metros deep, consisting of 4 tombs. The main coffin was made up of huge internal and external coffins. The man in it died at the age of 45. Those buried alive with the dead were all female, aged from 13 to 25. They were in 21 coffins.   Besides the serial bells, more than 7,000 other historical cultural relics have been unearthed, such as bronze ware, ancient musical instrument, weapons, golden ware, jade ware, painted ware, wooden ware, and bamboo ware. Most of them are unique art treasure and they were deliberately made.   What is especially worth mentioning is the ancient musical instrument, such as serial bells, stone chimes, drums, 25-stringed plucked zither, and bamboo flute. They are totally 8 types, including 124 pieces. The entire musical instrument is placed perfectly among the bronze serial bells. They make the tomb look like an ancient concert hall.   Today the underground concert hall has come back to life. As a major instrument, 64 serial bells are put in the middle room, lined along the north and west wall. It can be concluded that serial bells are Zenhouyi’s favorite, for his body was placed in the west room.   As wee see, these big bells are shaped like round-bottomed baskets; small ones are like warming pots. They are hung in 3 layers from the winding bell shelf that is 13 meters long, 2.7 meters high. The whole bell shelf is supported by 6 human-shape objects. It is as strong as newly cast.   Ok, let me give you a brief introduction about the elegant ancient serial bells. All the bells have been played. They are all carved with inion about musical melody. Each bell can produce 2 pitches. After many years of research, we find that its amplitude approached the international level of today. The combined scale is the 7 notes in C major of today. Its compasses very side, including 5 and a half octaves. The whole sound may be adjusted. Its wooden shelf is quite exquisite. Although buried for 2,400 years, the serial bells are well played. It not only can be used to play with to produce scores with the same melody, but also can produce mixed sounds though harmony and repeat tunes. Chinese musical pieces, such as Intoning Three Times Before Leaving Yang Pass, The Moon On The Spring River, and foreign pieces, such as Christmas Eve, can be played on it, even Beethoven’s Ode to Joy in the Ninth Symphony can be. Foreign tourists are usually attracted by the fascinating music when listening to the Chinese song The Night On The Prairie. When foreign songs cut in, they are shocked by the old civilization of Chu State. As the famous violinist, Menuin praised it, ‘The grand Greek music is accepted by the world. However, the musical instruments in ancient Greece were made of wood, what’s more, not a single instrument is kept till today. Here we are able to enjoy the sound of the instrument of 2,000 years\\\\\\\' history from the tomb of Chu State.   Actually, whoever enjoys the music played on the serial bells will be surprised at the great achievement made by the people of Chu State in the fields of music, culture, smelting, and casting.   According to the history, Chu State was called the state of rites and music at that time. People in Chu State love dancing. They danced in the palace and sang in the room. They knew how to enjoy dancing and singing. We can imagine the following scene. The host of the bomb was seated in his palace and watched the girls dancing. On both his sides sat his followers. They sat on the floor. A table with short legs was placed in front of them. They put one hand on the table that is used to hold arms. This can be proved by the relics in the tomb.   Do you know, in China, a male and a female mandarin ducks are the symbol of love, for they often play together in the water and live together. Can you see the box here? This box was found in the tomb. The box was painted. It was empty in it. But there are some pictures. They describe a very vivid situation; some people are striking bells, beating drums and dancing. This picture is very precious, for we can know how these instruments should be played, especially the serial bells.   I wonder if you have noticed that there is only one mandarin duck on the box. Do you know why? Oh, he is abandoned by his lover. But he found a new company—music. He didn’t heed the other mandarin duck, for what he really loved was music.   Well, I have a question. What is the tourists’favorite?   The music played on the serial bells.


Suzhou, China Overview

Suzhou is an important historical and cultural city, the famous tourist city of China, the first batch of outstanding tourist city. Suzhou is located in the central Yangtze River Delta, east China's largest industrial, financial and trade center in Shanghai, south of Zhejiang, West have Taihu Lake, according to the Yangtze River North. Area total area of 8,488 square kilometers and a population of 5.839 million, of which 2.124 million urban people. Underneath it is Zhangjiagang City, Changshu City, Kunshan City, Taicang City, Wujiang City, Wuzhong District, equivalent City, Pingjiang District. Canglang, Jinchanggou, and the Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou high-tech zones. Suzhou territory mild climate and fertile land, abundant natural resources, since ancient times as the "paradise on earth." Suzhou is an ancient city, founded in 514 BC, which was 2,500 years of history, currently located in the Spring and Autumn Period site, the basic maintained "parallel surface, Pei Ho Street adjacent "double chessboard pattern and the" bridges, water, people, "their ancient style. Heritage territory with 487, including 15 state-level and 101 provincial level. China is the sole preserve the integrity of the water Shing Mun -- portal site is situated south of the ancient city of Suzhou doors scenic sites. Suzhou is the East Shuicheng. Water area cent of the total land area of 42%, lakes, rivers spread, one of China's four major freshwater lakes of Taihu, four-fifths of the water in its territory, Dongshan and Xishan, Guangfu, Shek Wu Yushan, yet scenic lake distribution meantime, the world-famous Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal runs through the South and the North. Suzhou is a garden city. The city's classical gardens of the world's cultural and arts heritage and embodies the Oriental garden of the essence. Is intact classical gardens are more than 60, four Chinese garden, there Zhuozhengyuan Garden, the Lingering Garden 2. Zhuozhengyuan Garden, the Lingering Garden, Central Park show, Master-of-Nets Garden, the summer arts po, Ouyuan, Cuisine, Tuisi Garden nine classical gardens have been listed by UNESCO as a "World Heritage List." Suzhou is the birthplace of Wu Culture. History of literary personalities in large numbers, painting, calligraphy, seal carving and poetry with numerous schools. Pingtan and Kunqu opera, Suzhou, known as the Su-cultural drama "3", and Kunqu opera "human oral and non-material heritage were made." Suzhou Embroidery since, the Arts and Craft, jade, clay sculpture, Song Jin and wood handicrafts such superb feeling; Temple, 200902, bridges and other classical buildings of high historical status. Suzhou Jiangnan Water Town is a model, which is fairly representative of the Zhouzhuang of Kunshan, Kam Kai, heard of the Mudu, Luzhi, Wujiang with Lane. These integrity of the ancient town, a lot to retain the Ming and Qing two generations of historic houses and maintain the original rustic character Township characteristics, Folk Culture and rural scenery, a high cultural value, social value and Humanistic Studies successive architectural artistic value. The ancient city of Suzhou to the protection, development and use of Qilihe trail is to resume the original historical character Mining and collating distribution in various parts of the ancient village. Built the opera, crafts, folklore, gardening, Suzhou Embroidery since, inscriptions, silk and 12 museums. Meanwhile, the rivers to improve the characteristics of open water tourist routes, and developed a number of financial, cultural, Business integration in the neighborhood characteristics. Suzhou to tourism, not only can appreciate the profound cultural Wu, a step to experience the wonderful King the result, but also can flourish.



Confucius (Kongzi or Confucius) (formerly 551-ago 479) were hills, the word Zhong Ni, the late Spring and Autumn yeat।Most people. His ancestors Song aristocracy, about Confucius on the previous world away. Confucius young done, several minor official, but he lives most of the time engaged in education, according to legend, his disciples received as many as 3,000, produce a lot of knowledge and skill of students. End of the Spring and Autumn thinker and educator, founder of the Confucian school, the world has been praised as the "days longitudinal's saints." "Wood Duo days," when the community is the most Bo scholars, and was later to St. Thie - Tzuen (saints among the saints), Jesus Christ has become a model of virtue. . The parents who have children in prayer and Niqiu Hill, found in hills, the word Zhong Ni. Yeat.Most antique corner (this southeastern Shandong Qufu) people. Have "20 Poems", "book", the "Man", "happy" sequence "Book of Changes" and "Spring and Autumn Annals." Confucius thoughts and theories on the future generations have an extremely far-reaching impact.

Academic contribution

Less "poor and cheap", and long served as the "Committee of Justice" (Secretary accounting) and "Norita" (of livestock), and other things. Impermanence school teacher, is said to have asked the ceremony in the old Dan, happy to have left school Nakasone, in the piano division of assessors. Poly followers to teach, to engage in political activities. , 50, both from the State of Lu Zai promoted Sikou and exciting firms thing. Then has visited Song Wei, Chen, Cai, Qi, Chu, and other countries, claiming "If I use, as I Zhouhu East?" To see the end use. Old age is committed to education, collate "Poetry", "book", and other ancient literature, and the deletion of Xiulu historiographer remember "Annals" China has become the first body, the Department for the history books. Legend has 3,000 people disciples, of which more than 70 famous people (spring). His thinking "benevolent" core, the concept of "benevolence" or "the wife." "Do as you would be done, should not be imposed on others", "f Yu heels, and wishing to reach people" argument, promoting "forgiveness", also think that the implementation of the "benevolent", to "Man" to standardize : "Kejifuli-Jen." For Shang dynasty since the demon of religious superstition and take skeptics, that the "unknown hygiene, bad things ghosts," "I do not know life, think the gentleman is. " Pay attention to "learning" and "thinking", the combination of "Learning without thought is useless. thought without learning is perilous "and" the saying goes "perspective. Private initiative to teach culture, and advocate their needs, "without", the "Tireless was very patient," stressed the "gentlemen's wife were studied, villains Road school also is easy to make." Political "name" idea that the concept of "Junjun minister, the father and father-son", it should be his deputy "name" and "not a problem, but unevenness is not suffering from poverty and suffering from anxiety" viewpoint. Since the Western Han Dynasty, as two theories of Confucius more than 1,000 years of feudal society of cultural orthodoxy great impact. Existing "Analects" a book written by a disciple of Confucius and the answer is to study the doctrine of Confucius essential information. Confucius thought, the essence of doctrine, which are mainly seen in "The Analects of Confucius", a total of 20, more than 11,000 characters. "The Analects" is a quotation from Confucius, the Confucius and his disciples on the re-actions in the memory of Confucius, There are some disciples of Confucius record of the words and deeds. The book on the history of China has had a profound and dramatic impact. Its ideological content, and ways of thinking, values have long been integrated into the national blood, precipitation in our lives, turns into the national personality. "The Analects of Confucius" a book focused on the Confucian thinking of the core substance-Hui. "Benevolence" is the center of all the theories, all on "benevolence" and "Music" norms, but is a means, for the realization of "benevolence" that the final moral perfect service. "The Analects of Confucius" as a representative of the Chinese culture, as early as the Han dynasty came on the North Korea and Japan, Japan's "Great-Order" has also designated it as a required course for Japanese students. 1594年,传教士利玛窦将它译为拉丁文后,它又被转译为意、法、德、英、Russia and other characters, the wide dissemination of the Western countries. Confucius thought "benevolent" core, the concept of "benevolence" or "the wife." "Do as you would be done, should not be imposed on others", "f Yu heels, and wishing to reach people" argument, promoting "forgiveness", also think that the implementation of the "benevolent", to "Man" to standardize : "Kejifuli-Jen." For Shang dynasty since the demon of religious superstition and take skeptics, that the "unknown hygiene, bad things ghosts," "I do not know life, think the gentleman is. " Pay attention to "learning" and "thinking", the combination of "Learning without thought is useless. thought without learning is perilous "and" the saying goes "perspective. Private initiative to teach culture, and advocate their needs, "without", the "Tireless was very patient," stressed the "gentlemen's wife were studied, villains Road school also is easy to make." Political "name" idea that the concept of "Junjun minister, the father and father-son", it should be his deputy "name" and "not a problem, but unevenness is not suffering from poverty and suffering from anxiety" viewpoint. Since the Western Han Dynasty, as two theories of Confucius more than 1,000 years of feudal society of cultural orthodoxy great impact. Said to govern the country, Confucius to the hardships of the people and calls for a benevolent hope that the rulers of a benevolent heart to the people, He said "draconian more dangerous than tigers," he also stressed whatever laws and regulations, the rulers must first lead by example, "he is. ordered to do so; If they are correct, they will not. " In interpersonal contacts, Confucius stressed the loyalty and forgiveness. "Loyalty" is a faithful honest attitude right people to carry out their duties attitude when things; "I am afraid," is to look beyond their own boundaries. "Do as you would be done by, bureaucrats," and "gentlemen's Own, adult evil." In communicate, Confucius advocated self-love and lovers. Confucius fate cautious attitude, and he believed that his own forces. He said, "is similar nature, the study is far," and all depend on personal acquired efforts. Of course, "The Analects of Confucius" A have some idea of the history and goes against the trend, as he reconstructed the political tendencies, he grades order too stressed that his introverted personality value orientation, All this is undeniable to the development of Chinese society brought about negative effects, We need to apply modern consciousness subject to amendment. But flaws in the human civilization has just revealed the dawn of the Pre-Qin times, our ancestors have such profound wisdom of life is enough for us to feel proud of these descendants of.

Taoism founder

I (BC 600-BC 500) the Spring and Autumn thinkers, the founder of Taoism. Said that an old Dan, who Like ears, the word Bai Yang, Chu bitter County (Henan this LUYI East) Rural Qu Li Renli, Beginning done, "Shou room at the history of Tibet" (Management bookish historian), Confucius had he asked ceremony after block, "I." I said that a pilot Taishih, or old son Levin. "I," a book whether I made, there has always been controversy. "I" to "Road" to explain the evolution of the universe of things that "sang a lifetime of two, three two students, whose son things," "Road" is "Fumo orders (orders) and the regular nature," which "law, the law of the sky, France, the principles." "Road" to the objective laws of nature and also has the "independence is not changed, but not perilous trip Week" eternal significance. "I" book included a large number of simple dialectical viewpoint, as are all things that have pros and cons. "Anti-persons Road action," and can be transformed by the opposition, "is complex surprising, good for the monster Minute," "bad fortune good fortune leans, Fortunate saying by Fu. " Liked to think that things are "yes" and "no" unity "with and without complementary" and "no" as the basis, "Born in the world of things, there are no born." "Heaven, and damaged more than make up the shortfall, similarly is not, not from the loss of an"; "China's rainy day, with as many as tax on food." "China Light's death, his survival on thick." "Minbuweisi, it is regrettable to die fear?" . Its doctrine of Chinese philosophy to develop a profound impact on development, as well as see "I," a book.

Important Taoist philosopher's thinking laid on the theory I, I, "Virtue," a book next 5,000 words, well-made, and On the book-Canton Road physical meaning of life wisdom justice, a hybrid with an independent self-existence and the natural origin of the universe theory. also made the world's existence and operation principle is "anti-people Road action" ontology thinking, in which the survival of humanity, their learning is to get wisdom, then I also made a large number of political, social and philosophical views, and but the emphasis in yourself and not in a civilized manner. It can be said that he is a case in the wisdom of the Tao philosophy and social theory to deal with the chaotic world situation, and is not intended to create a new meteorological, because those are not the Avenue after I Zhuangzi is the most important Taoist theory pioneer. Taoist philosophy is basically two-Laozhuang it. Zhuangzi's Taoist school different from the old school area is that Zhuangzi more people to handle the relationship with nature, would create the capacity, including intellectual, cognitive ability, physical energy, and so on. Zhuangzi from the same natural Tientaomeng based on the proposition, from the cultivation of the community as a whole to face the attitude of life, Zhuang Zi No. 7 thought. He is from the world view of the theory of knowledge to work on the social philosophy of Saint King's Road theory. Liezi Warring States Period, when people. Some of the existing "Liezi" eight of Eastern by Zhang Zhan book series is generally believed to reflect the Warring States Wei of thinking. "Liezi" from the Taoist idea as well as Taoist thought inactive life has stressed the transformation of the natural world in the active and that the role of people in an Renqiang strength to survive, not worried defying genius is the best state of survival. Wang Bi, who three times. When the study of Han's development has come to an end, has been in political turmoil and unjust situation, physics intellectuals talk to the culture, Wang Bi philosophy with the right I deeply realized, I note the "moral by" a book used by the body weight at issue is not whether there are other interpretations not only the development of the old school purposes : "expensive without" the spirit and principles of this key, "Book of Changes" even changed from the Han Yi been quite a few words as the gasification cosmology and the study of the Book of Changes direction replaced by pure physics thinking of the history of the Chinese Book of Changes to a new situation. Guo Xiang, the Western Jin Dynasty, "Zhuangzi" about the famous, advocating "independence" from the theory is a highly abstract thinking among developed by the theoretical concept of physics - that everything in the universe is Born in all accidental "Connection" state advocates a size of the objects without its relevance with the spirit, equal respect for the life of every human life. Taoist development period for the ancient origin of the traditional hermit, of course, some scholars say I was Qingmiao's defense in a word, Taoism is not the origin of the positive social and political actors, they observe anti seriously ponder the truth about the universe. using high abstract ideology with and without the devotion of the language, describing Religion and personnel changes in the rules, Principle study belong to the level of their expertise. When the pre-Qin two-Laozhuang total intake compiled Taoist thinking of the program. Taoist physical thinking of the immediate impact of the Confucian and Legalist physical thinking, Confucian "Yi" and Hanfeizi for "old solutions" for their theories are built on the basis of the new said. But in the actual social and political influence, I have to science of the earliest examples of Huangdi and after the implementation of the rule has been officially to the pilot, however, after due in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period, Qin, Han Chu social struggle war finally stopped, People have finally discovered balm struggle to recuperate, and the harmful effects of the importance of So the old principles of the political philosophy has been neglected. Strong until the Western Han Dynasty, the emperor began grandiose, the tribe began years again, the atmosphere of the times change again, Then once again undermined until style talk Wei, the Taoist philosophy began its vitality, He Yan, Wang Bi opened its first wind, Wang Bi more succinctly and forcefully Note for the classics, from the in-depth theoretical study and Taoist be elucidated. to the show, Guo Xiang Zhuang The development work of the Notes. Wei, the Taoist thought has not created a distinct traditional reproduction, but Taoism is the Way to Taoism, Changes and Confucianism theory created by the use of the important lesson, especially from the gasification Zhuangzi universe, and even wider and deeper with further development. And the same period of Buddhism spread, there have been broken a long time based on the idea of "no" to express wisdom principle, namely the World "Buddhist lattice justice" period. China Taoist culture of the Chinese culture and the contribution of the Confucian equally important. only in a political and ideological one for a table for one other parcel concealed it. Taoism and the theoretical ability and the profound degree of dialectical, Chinese philosophy is thought to provide all the other traditional source of creativity. As for the China Taoist culture in the arts, painting, literature, sculpture, and other aspects, is the absolute advantage of a dominant position, even if the Chinese art of performance shall be the Taoist arts is not too much to the performance. Of course, the Chinese Taoist philosophy and political activities have also provided improvements in the space, making Chinese intellectuals not to be too strong Confucian-based political ideals and persevering in the pursuit of officialdom with the lives of input and can more easily found Oneself Road, the understanding between the wisdom of access


the Dragon-Boat Festival

Lunar May fifth, China is the traditional festival -- the Dragon Boat Festival (the Dragon-Boat Festival). also called the "Dragon Boat Festival", "Po Festival", "save", "long festival", "Mu Lan Festival", "daughter Festival" "Children Festival." It is the Han nationality, one of the traditional festival. Also called the Dragon Boat Festival-5, the Dragon Boat Festival. In addition, there are many other Tuen Ng said, such as : Kenneth Day Festival, re-5, May Festival, Bath Festival Portland, daughter Festival, the festival days. to December, the poet Festival, Lung, Ai Festival, the Dragon Boat, summer festivals, and so on. Although the names may be different, but generally speaking, people everywhere are celebrating the Spring Festival or the custom with more than differences. Today, the festival of the Chinese people is still a very popular grand festival. The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the annual festival four. May the drug, the drug is on the 5th, also at noon on the 5th of the drug, the drug's three C-terminal. The Dragon Boat Festival is known as the "end of May." May is the hot days of the start, five snakes become active, Creepy Sprites also rampant. These people in particular will give unscrupulous resistance nor the children bring disaster, May be the end of the day for the children to focus on anti-virus disaster, it People again in May festival as a "kids festival" or "doll festival." Guo Dragon Boat Festival, a Chinese traditional 2,000 years of habit, as a vast area, numerous nationalities, some Mongolian, Hui, Tibetan, Miao, Yi, Zhuang, Buyei, North Korea, Dong, Yao, Bai, Tujia, Hani, She, Lahu, water, Naxi, Daur, Sounds, Qiang and Gelaos. Sibo, Pumi, Ewenki, Yugur, the Oroqen minority has over this section, together with a number of stories and legends So not only have many differences from the festival, but the world is not entirely share the same customs. The main contents are : daughter to go back to her parents, as the wall clock cheekbone, and to greet the ghost ship, hiding afternoon, Mr Fu Tie afternoon, flying calamus, the women wash, You all, and Sachet service to keep the offerings Life, race, the contest for striking swing, Tu enough for the children to drink hsiunghuang wine, liquor calamus, five harmful things to eat cake, and no wonder, and seasonal fresh fruit dumplings, in addition to superstitious activities have gradually disappeared, the rest has spread throughout China and the neighboring countries. Some activities, such as race, has been the development of new, breakthrough time, geographical boundaries, become an international sports competitions.


The Dragon Boat Festival eat rice dumplings, this is the Chinese people's traditional practices another. Dumplings, known as the "Kok wheat," and "cones dumpling." Its long history, numerous. According to the records, as early as the Spring and Autumn period, mushroom lobe (water bamboo leaf) packet millet into horn-like, "Kok wheat"; loaded with bamboo sealed to cook rice, saying "cones dumpling." Eastern Han dynasty, to the ash-water immersion millet, because of the alkali in the water with mushroom leaf packets millet into square shapes, cook Base dumpling into Guangdong. Men, the dumplings are officially scheduled for the day of Tuen Ng Festival food. At this time, packets of raw materials in addition to dumplings of glutinous rice, but also add Yizhiren medicine, cooked rice dumplings called "educational challenges." When people Zhou "Yueyang endemic in mind," says : "Popular leaves to wrap the mushroom millet, ... cooking, Hopewell learned on May 5 to entice's summer solstice. a dumpling, a millet. "Six Dynasties period, there Miscellaneous dumpling. Rice doping animal meat, chestnuts, red dates, such as red bean varieties increased. Dumplings also for the gift exchanges. In the Tang Dynasty, the rice dumplings, "Bai Ying jade" and its conical shape there, lozenge. Japan recorded in the literature on "Datang dumplings." Song, there is a "preserves Dumplings", fruit-dumpling. Poet Su Dongpo "at the dumpling see Bayberry Lane firewood." Then there is also the dumplings together in Rendezvous with pavilion, and the wooden cars critter for advertising on Song eat dumplings are very fashionable. Yuan, Ming period, rice dumplings wrapped in leaves mushroom materials from the skin of bamboo leaves to change, and later appeared with reed leaves packet dumplings, Additional information has emerged bean paste, pork, pine nuts Stone, laden with dates, walnuts, etc., the more colorful varieties. His family festival morning to commemorate Qu Yuan eat dumplings, usually the day before put the dumplings wrap, night cook food morning. Packet dumplings are mainly used abound in the river path tender reed leaves, the leaves are useful, collectively leaves. Dumplings in the form of the traditional triangle, generally within FLESH named, called the package glutinous rice dumpling and rice mixed with red bean known as adzuki bean dumpling, Erbium-called jujube fruits of the dumpling; jujube rice dumplings leaked "early", so eat up the jujube rice dumplings, intended to study the children can eat the morning on the imperial examinations. Scholars past imperial examination in the day, morning must eat jujube rice dumplings, since secondary schools, university entrance exams Day morning, Jujube parents will have to eat rice dumplings to the candidates. The pot boiled dumplings certain Yaozhu eggs, even over low heat about conditional some duck eggs, goose eggs, sugar eaten dip in the sweet dumpling, little dip in salt to the eggs "Top pressure." May is said to eat the dumpling pot-boiled eggs in the summer is not the main sores; Put the duck eggs boiled dumplings, with oval on the noon sun drying will be followed by an entire summer without a headache. To this day, each year in early May, the Chinese people everywhere must Baptist sticky rice, wash thoroughly, including the dumplings, its more wide variety of colors and designs. From the toppings, north of the multi-packet jujube, jujube rice dumplings; South will be a , fresh meat, ham, egg yolk and other toppings. Jiaxing, Zhejiang with representatives of the dumplings. Eat dumplings customs for hundreds of years in China is as powerful as ever, but also spread to Korea, Japan and Southeast Asian countries.


Shaolin Temple

Shaolin Temple, "the one in charge of temples," reputation is built in the Northern Wei Wo 20 (Year 1496). Shaolin Temple, including construction and permanent residents near Tallinn, stood castration, the motherland : two holes, and so on and Bodhidharma. Shaolin regular hospital construction in the north bank of the river in Henan less, monasteries ambitious. Qianbidian from the entrance to a total of seven Jinyuanla a total area of 30,000 square meters. The main entrance is a width of three Chandanxieshanding construction, it is situated in the 2-meter-high brick platform, Hill supported around hard-123A and the side wall, the overall level of the allocation in line, very stylish. The door for a Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty wrote that "Shaolin Temple" three big top of a splendid landscape. A Progressive securing Maitreya for niche for a statue of Buddha in, the big-bellied, the Republic of China, known as the "Bare Buddha", "happy Buddha." Back up a shrine Weiduo carvings like God wand in hand, the Shaolin Temple is the center for God. Over the entrance, is the corridor on both sides of steles as forests, the Forest of Steles it said. Hammer spectrum appear in the mountains on the west side of the building monuments, and with a pair of carved wood notes, Shaolin Wushu unfolding in the development and illustrious achievements such. Dian kings, after the Forest of Steles corridor is over, it is a three Chongdanxieshanding celebrated outside the two lords. inside is like four kings, powerful and wealthy. Dian through kings, later carved. Interior enshrine Buddhism Sakyamuni, Amida, pharmacists idol, and the wall behind the screen plastic hanging on the tree, Lohan sides of 18 angels. Carved, with possession Court, which is lying outside the Monks said the establishment. Cliffs corridor is out of the 1590s cast a large iron bell, weighing about 650 kg. The cabinet is to the south-east branch of the monks they practice Zen meditation, opposite the West branch, is responsible for the reception of guests appear Room. After the room went to the abbot rooms, which is personal and abbot of the local governing. Qianlong had Xidu Lo to Shaolin Temple, which places this, and to give a Poem : "Bringing Zhongyue tomorrow. Shaolin places in the night. Heart meditation on six static and Temple According to the 10,000 mountain. Tree antiquity stay scoundrel, the eve of the soul of the land for overcast. Education should be half rock rain, I made the night window hum. "indoor 1980 Japan has donated the copper Bodhidharma like. East of the cantonment is the statue of Maitreya, the walls hung the "Eight Buddhist monks map", "Along with the arrival of a reed map." Bodhidharma Pavilion Room of the abbot, is a series of Dandan Dian architecture, but it is said to be two Zhengzhou may, Robert designate Bodhidharma, the Buddha's arm before for the family. East Peidian Bodhidharma from kiosks located in the west side of the redevelopment in 1983, interior "Southern Buddhism," the state and "Bodhidharma Wall impact stone." Qianbidian also known as Diamond Court, where Diamond Dian (Buddha) of the Buddha, an area of several hundred square meters. is the largest of the inscriptions Dianyu. In addition, the east Qianbishi a white Temple, to the west of Tibetan Temple, are very well-known, it is worth a visit. Shaolin heritage is also very rich. The inscriptions on the preservation of precious stone Beike, such as Wu Zetian author of the "Royal Datang days after landmark system classics" diverse heritage. Shaolin Temple, not far west, is the largest existing domestic Tallinn. These 200902 Shaolin monk history is the Pagoda, for a total of 230 Block I, covers about 21,000 square meters. 200902 for the construction and different era with different architectural styles, they form an elegant, stone carving art, and exquisite Taming mostly related to the ancient Chinese and foreign cultural and authentic forms of information. Tallinn from the northbound carriageway of about 1,000 meters, stood : on arrival. It used to facing three, even five Rufeng back, the beautiful scenery elegant, it is the oldest existing Henan, The maximum value of a wooden structure, to commemorate Bodhidharma and the construction of the Wall. Temple's Dan Zhu, the interior columns, carved stone wall around the estrade reserved for divinities and have exquisite relief. The mosque is a shrine for Bodhidharma from within like. Castrated from civilization, along Hill Road, boarded five Rufeng can to Bodhidharma hole. Inside, Bodhidharma and his disciples the statute 4. Hole, a 1590s construction of the Ming Dynasty stone arches. Bodhidharma legend WALL here in decades, due to strong efforts, his presence was printed in the shape of rocks, left a very legendary "Bodhidharma impact stone." Premier Zhou Enlai with a poem "Wall Chart broken decade," that is derived from this story. Shaolin Temple to the southwest from the direction of Deng alms bowl peak, peak is a Buddhist temple hall, which is two : the motherland. Zen passed two Zhengzhou can to make getting Bodhidharma, the mantle of Brokeback is the true essence, in this nursing his wound. Have Siwenjing cliffs, and legend is Emily may have the hammer. This Siwenjing are geographically close, but the water taste different, "Zhuoxi well", the locals also called "bitter, spicy, sour, sweet Siwenjing." For the human world, a better temperament than to the Buddha, the Buddha of the most notable features is a good accomplishment and a good temper. Ying-Ying Buddhist house, you want me to come when I called, sent to the West Dover, you let me go I floated away, fully shows the mentality of the players. Buddha said, the non-Lime Tree, Taiwan Mirror nor sex is zero, the color.


Shaanxi snack-stone bun

In the beautiful and fertile Shaanxi Qinchuan 800 Lane, a deeply traditional people love the ancient food "cobble bun।" Also known as the Stone Ao cake, sand bun, dry bun, and other pastry. Since its long history, China's food is called the "living fossils." Stone bun can be traced back to the Stone Age. It is our ancestors from eating into the food, using the most primitive methods produced foods. According to the "Book of Rites" record : no room ancestors, Cave flexor winter and summer habitat nest; No fire, but eating "well actually, animal flesh, "live" grass eating and blood drinking "of life. After I do not know how many years, "Sheng", it was discovered that the use of fire. Then, "and repair for the benefit of, to guns, to burn, to hang (cooking), He thought Life." Legend has it that "Shennong, the Valley Fresh, released millet and burning rock and eaten." To the Zhou Dynasty, further to "burn wheat" and "wheat, millet and burned in stone above, the burn is not in cooked." Modern stone bun, perhaps from the ancient "burn wheat," evolved from the. People stone as a heat transfer medium baking food to the period known as the culinary history of the stone cooking times. Some people also believe that the emergence of gravel bun, the Chinese catering industry is "white case," the origin. Stone collected through constant evolution, improving long-lasting. Stone collected the Stone Age is obviously the "stone cooking" legacy. Far in the Tang Dynasty, with the state (this Dali County in Shaanxi) have this investigation, as the Tang Dynasty Tribute, then called the "stone-Ao cake" (see "yuan and county records"). "Leisure - recorded" also an interesting record : "Ao Shi Yue Yan pie cake." Because "with the state is good Yan" (Yan, sound sides, which means rude, and toughness). Every altercation struggles to be at loggerheads when it comes to vote-era lawsuits. Both sides are afraid of losing the lawsuit, the jail starving, "Huai this cake will stop paying up firmly with bread." It is also called "Yan cake." Of the Qing Dynasty, with Qin His Wandering Official Jiangnan, gravel bun also involved in Nanking, and has been the only shelter Yuan wonder praise. Ching Yuan Muzhi (words only son) in his cookery book "Garden Fresh with the orders," Lane called "natural cake", and their use of materials, practices, features detailed descriptions. He said : "The Shaanxi Jingyang Zhang Hawthorn showing the natural home-made cake very well, with refined white flour plus some sugar and fat stirred with pastries, arbitrarily brought the cake looks like, as disk size, 'informal surroundings, thick Hsu two hours' Then some clean small cobblestone stunning cake, hot gravel to baking, 2151, and since then the cake to die, color-yellow, cooked it, bite-U.S. anomaly. or salt can be. " Yuan Muzhi in this record today, and Stone collected the materials, practices, the same basic characteristics. Guanzhong cobble bun is white flour, Add seasoning, oil, salt (sugar), cakes made of embryo; Cut the small cobblestone son, on the bottom of the pot-heating, cake made of stone on the embryo, then covered with top layer of gravel, from baking system. Fried soft, nutritious and easy to carry, durable Storability. Stone is concerned bun rural postpartum women often eat the food, gifts for friends and relatives, entertain guests, travel out of the requisite good food, is the ideal food tourists. In recent years, Xi'an some hotels and restaurants, with its hospitality foreign guests extremely well received. Speaking of Sino-bun stone of the origin, there is a beautiful legends. Legend, the Emperor's granddaughter gaze, long Yun brocade weaving. Since marrying in Hexi Cowherd, the interruption of brocade. Emperor declaring that burned down the right affectionate couples, except for their annual July 7th Meeting at once. Their residences, separated by a Milky Way, can not be passed, then July 7, magpie for the good intentions of the Milky Way, they began to build the "bridge to." However, the long way, the way an ordinary belt to mold the cake bun, the kind-hearted people will make a stone bake the cake, Meeting at the way for them to go, the benefit of their recreation. While these are only legends.


Chinese history tea

In the thousands of years of Chinese history with tea, there were many varieties of tea, especially those "tribute tea", "tea". been the guests of the literati and the beloved Ascot. Now Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties five tea as described below, a rural potable netizens. Tang : According to Lu Yu Tang "tea" and other historical records, Tang tea are 50 species, such as : Zisun tea. Inquiry tea, tea Huoshan Huang, Mongolia top tea, King of tea, tea quantity of tea, tea Hengshan, Jiukeng tea, tea cactus ... Most are steaming tea cake Mission Wang Qing, a small amount of loose tea. Song : It was Song-case "Wonderland Tea" and other records, including Song tea 90 species, such as Ken tea, tea XIE, 5 nectar, tea and tea clouds, flowers dock tea, Longjing tea ... most corporations still steaming green tea-based cake, various guises refurbished Longfengshan Tian Song Kun Cha Cha is the mainstay. Yuan : According to Ma Yuan-landing "The Book" and other records, the Yuan Dynasty tea include more than 40 species, such as : the first tea, the tea bone, Mud film tea, green tea England, spring tea, Baling tea, new tea ... Ming Tea : According to Gu Yuan-Ming Tea "spectrum" records, Ming tea include more than 50 species, such as the Bi Jian tea, thin tea, Bailu tea, green tea, white tea ... Qing dynasty : the Qing Dynasty tea. Green, yellow, black, white and red varieties, it has also developed a new variety -- oolong tea, In these tea with a lot of breathtaking quality of the items, and gradually formed a date still retains the traditional tea. Tea - obituary I have 40 species, such as : the sensory Wuyi, Mount Huangshan Maofeng tea, the West Lake Longjing tea, Phoenix Sprites tea keeps camellias, your cloud-fog tea, Meitan Meijian tea ...